
Object Hierarchy:

Object hierarchy for Individual


A physical person, aggregated from the various Personas the person might have, such as their different IM addresses or vCard entries.

When choosing the values of single-valued properties (such as Individual.alias and Individual.avatar; but not multi-valued properties such as Individual.groups and Individual.im_addresses) from the Personas in the individual to present as the values of those properties of the individual, it is guaranteed that if the individual contains a persona from the primary persona store (see IndividualAggregator.primary_store), its property values will be chosen above all others. This means that any changes to property values made through folks (which are normally written to the primary store) will always be used by Individuals.

No further guarantees are made about the order of preference used for choosing which property values to use for the Individual, other than that the order may vary between properties, but is guaranteed to be stable for a given property.

Namespace: Folks
Package: folks



Creation methods:

