public enum ChangeReason
The reason a group member has changed its membership in the group.
These closely follow the
Channel_Group_Change_Reason interface in the Telepathy specification.
Enum values:
- NONE - No reason was provided
for this change.
- OFFLINE - The change is due
to a member going offline.
- KICKED - The change is due
to a kick operation.
- BUSY - The change is due to a
busy indication.
- INVITED - The change is due
to an invitation.
- BANNED - The change is due
to a kick+ban operation.
- ERROR - The change is due to
an error occurring.
change is because the requested member does not exist.
- NO_ANSWER - The change is
because the requested contact did not respond.
- RENAMED - The change is
because a member's unique identifier changed.
The change is because there was no permission to contact the requested member.
- SEPARATED - If members
are removed with this reason code, the change is because the group has split into unconnected parts which can only communicate within
themselves (e.g. netsplits on IRC use this reason code).