
FolksLocalIdDetails — This interface represents the list of "iid"s corresponding to FolksPersonas from backends with write support so that they can be linked.


void                folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GeeSet *local_ids,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_,
                                                         gpointer _user_data_);
void                folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids_finish
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *_res_,
                                                         GError **error);
GeeSet *            folks_local_id_details_get_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self);
void                folks_local_id_details_set_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GeeSet *value);

Object Hierarchy



FolksLocalIdDetails requires GObject.

Known Implementations

FolksLocalIdDetails is implemented by FolksIndividual.


  "local-ids"                GeeSet*               : Read / Write


This is necessary so that personas from the same backend can be linked together even if they have no other linkeable properties set.


folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids ()

void                folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GeeSet *local_ids,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_,
                                                         gpointer _user_data_);

Change the contact's local IDs.

It's preferred to call this rather than setting "local-ids" directly, as this method gives error notification and will only return once the local IDs have been written to the relevant backing store (or the operation's failed).

See also: folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids_finish()

self :

the FolksLocalIdDetails instance

local_ids :

the set of local IDs. [in]

_callback_ :

callback to call when the request is satisfied. [scope async]

_user_data_ :

the data to pass to _callback_ function. [closure]

Since 0.6.2

folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids_finish ()

void                folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids_finish
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *_res_,
                                                         GError **error);

Change the contact's local IDs.

It's preferred to call this rather than setting "local-ids" directly, as this method gives error notification and will only return once the local IDs have been written to the relevant backing store (or the operation's failed).

See also: folks_local_id_details_change_local_ids()

self :

the FolksLocalIdDetails instance

_res_ :

a GAsyncResult

error :

location to store the error occuring, or NULL to ignore. [error-domains FolksPropertyError]

Since 0.6.2

folks_local_id_details_get_local_ids ()

GeeSet *            folks_local_id_details_get_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self);

self :

the FolksLocalIdDetails instance to query

Returns :

the value of the "local-ids" property

folks_local_id_details_set_local_ids ()

void                folks_local_id_details_set_local_ids
                                                        (FolksLocalIdDetails *self,
                                                         GeeSet *value);

self :

the FolksLocalIdDetails instance to modify

value :

the new value of the "local-ids" property


typedef struct _FolksLocalIdDetails FolksLocalIdDetails;

This interface represents the list of "iid"s corresponding to FolksPersonas from backends with write support so that they can be linked.

This is necessary so that personas from the same backend can be linked together even if they have no other linkeable properties set.

Since 0.5.0

Property Details

The "local-ids" property

  "local-ids"                GeeSet*               : Read / Write

The IIDs corresponding to FolksPersonas in a backend that we fully trust.

Since 0.5.1