
FolksUtils — Utility functions to simplify common patterns in Folks client code.


#define             FOLKS_TYPE_UTILS
FolksUtils *        folks_utils_new                     (void);
gboolean            folks_utils_multi_map_str_str_equal (GeeMultiMap *a,
                                                         GeeMultiMap *b);
gboolean            folks_utils_multi_map_str_afd_equal (GeeMultiMap *a,
                                                         GeeMultiMap *b);
gboolean            folks_utils_set_afd_equal           (GeeSet *a,
                                                         GeeSet *b);
struct              FolksUtils;

Object Hierarchy





#define FOLKS_TYPE_UTILS (folks_utils_get_type ())

The type for FolksUtils.

folks_utils_new ()

FolksUtils *        folks_utils_new                     (void);

folks_utils_multi_map_str_str_equal ()

gboolean            folks_utils_multi_map_str_str_equal (GeeMultiMap *a,
                                                         GeeMultiMap *b);

Check whether two multi-maps of strings to strings are equal. This performs a deep check for equality, checking whether both maps are of the same size, and that each key maps to the same set of values in both maps.

a :

a multi-map to compare. [in]

b :

another multi-map to compare. [in]

Returns :

`true` if the multi-maps are equal, `false` otherwise

Since 0.6.0

folks_utils_multi_map_str_afd_equal ()

gboolean            folks_utils_multi_map_str_afd_equal (GeeMultiMap *a,
                                                         GeeMultiMap *b);

Check whether two multi-maps of strings to AbstractFieldDetails are equal.

This performs a deep check for equality, checking whether both maps are of the same size, and that each key maps to the same set of values in both maps.

a :

a multi-map to compare. [in]

b :

another multi-map to compare. [in]

Returns :

`true` if the multi-maps are equal, `false` otherwise

Since 0.6.0

folks_utils_set_afd_equal ()

gboolean            folks_utils_set_afd_equal           (GeeSet *a,
                                                         GeeSet *b);

Check whether a set of strings to AbstractFieldDetails are equal.

This performs a deep check for equality, checking whether both sets are of the same size, and that each key maps to the same set of values in both maps.

a :

a set to compare. [in]

b :

another set to compare. [in]

Returns :

`true` if the sets are equal, `false` otherwise

Since 0.6.0

struct FolksUtils

struct FolksUtils;

Utility functions to simplify common patterns in Folks client code.

Since 0.6.0