
McpDispatchOperation — Dispatch operation object, implemented by Mission Control


#include <mission-control-plugins/mission-control-plugins.h>

gboolean            mcp_dispatch_operation_find_channel_by_type
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory,
                                                         guint start_from,
                                                         TpHandleType handle_type,
                                                         GQuark channel_type,
                                                         guint *ret_index,
                                                         gchar **ret_dup_path,
                                                         GHashTable **ret_ref_immutable_properties,
                                                         TpChannel **ret_ref_channel);
TpConnection *      mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_connection
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory);
TpChannel *         mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory,
                                                         guint n);
const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_account_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);
const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_connection_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);
const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_protocol (McpDispatchOperation *self);
const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_cm_name  (McpDispatchOperation *self);
guint               mcp_dispatch_operation_get_n_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);
const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_nth_channel_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         guint n);
GHashTable *        mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel_properties
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         guint n);
McpDispatchOperationDelay * mcp_dispatch_operation_start_delay
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);
void                mcp_dispatch_operation_end_delay    (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         McpDispatchOperationDelay *delay);
void                mcp_dispatch_operation_close_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         gboolean wait_for_observers);
void                mcp_dispatch_operation_destroy_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         gboolean wait_for_observers);

Object Hierarchy



McpDispatchOperation requires GObject.


This object represents a Telepathy ChannelDispatchOperation object, as used by Approvers. A ChannelDispatchOperation represents a bundle of one or more Telepathy Channels being dispatched to user interfaces or other clients.

The virtual method mcd_dispatch_operation_policy_check() receives an object provided by Mission Control that implements this interface. It can be used to inspect the channels, delay dispatching of the bundle until the plugin is ready to continue, or close the channels in various ways.

Only Mission Control should implement this interface.


mcp_dispatch_operation_find_channel_by_type ()

gboolean            mcp_dispatch_operation_find_channel_by_type
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory,
                                                         guint start_from,
                                                         TpHandleType handle_type,
                                                         GQuark channel_type,
                                                         guint *ret_index,
                                                         gchar **ret_dup_path,
                                                         GHashTable **ret_ref_immutable_properties,
                                                         TpChannel **ret_ref_channel);

Attempt to find a channel matching the given handle type and channel type in the bundle. This is an easy way to test whether the bundle contains any channels of interest to a particular plugin.

self :

a dispatch operation

client_factory :

used to construct ret_ref_channel. In high-level language bindings using gobject-introspection, this must not be NULL. In C, this may be NULL, but only if ret_ref_channel is also NULL.

start_from :

index at which to start searching, usually 0

handle_type :

the handle type to match

channel_type :

the channel type to match

ret_index :

if not NULL, used to return the index of the first matching channel, suitable for use with mcp_dispatch_operation_get_nth_channel_path() etc.

ret_dup_path :

if not NULL, used to return the object path of the first matching channel, which must be freed with g_free()

ret_ref_immutable_properties :

if not NULL, used to return a reference to immutable properties, as if via mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel_properties(), which must be released with g_hash_table_unref()

ret_ref_channel :

if not NULL, used to return a TpChannel, which is not guaranteed to be ready immediately, and must be released with g_object_unref()

Returns :

TRUE if a matching channel was found, or FALSE (without touching ret_index, ret_dup_path, ret_ref_immutable_properties or ret_ref_channel) if not

mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_connection ()

TpConnection *      mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_connection
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory);

Return a TpConnection object. It is not guaranteed to be prepared; use tp_proxy_prepare_async().

self :

a dispatch operation

client_factory :

the client factory to use to construct the TpConnection

Returns :

a reference to a TpConnection, which must be released with g_object_unref() by the caller

mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel ()

TpChannel *         mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         TpClientFactory *client_factory,
                                                         guint n);

Return a TpChannel object. It is not guaranteed to be prepared; use tp_proxy_prepare_async().

self :

a dispatch operation

n :

index of the channel to inspect

Returns :

a reference to a TpChannel, which must be released with g_object_unref() by the caller, or NULL if n is too large

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_account_path ()

const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_account_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

the D-Bus object path of the Account with which the channels are associated. The string is owned by self and must not be freed; it is only valid as long as a reference to self is held.

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_connection_path ()

const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_connection_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

the D-Bus object path of the Connection with which the channels are associated. The string is owned by self and must not be freed; it is only valid as long as a reference to self is held.

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_protocol ()

const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_protocol (McpDispatchOperation *self);

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

the Telepathy identifier for the protocol, such as 'jabber' or 'icq' (the Protocol type in telepathy-spec). The string is owned by self and must not be freed; it is only valid as long as a reference to self is held.

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_cm_name ()

const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_cm_name  (McpDispatchOperation *self);

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

the short name of the Telepathy connection manager, such as 'gabble' or 'haze' (the Connection_Manager_Name type in telepathy-spec). The string is owned by self and must not be freed; it is only valid as long as a reference to self is held.

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_n_channels ()

guint               mcp_dispatch_operation_get_n_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

the number of channels in this dispatch operation.

mcp_dispatch_operation_get_nth_channel_path ()

const gchar *       mcp_dispatch_operation_get_nth_channel_path
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         guint n);

self :

a dispatch operation

n :

index of the channel to inspect

Returns :

the D-Bus object path of the n'th channel (starting from 0), or NULL if n is greater than or equal to mcp_dispatch_operation_get_n_channels(). The string is owned by self and must not be freed; it is only valid as long as a reference to self is held.

mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel_properties ()

GHashTable *        mcp_dispatch_operation_ref_nth_channel_properties
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         guint n);

Return the immutable properties of the n'th channel (starting from 0), or NULL if n is greater than or equal to mcp_dispatch_operation_get_n_channels().

The keys of the hash table are strings and the values are in GValue structures, using the same representation as dbus-glib, tp_asv_get_string() etc. Do not add or remove entries in this hash table.

self :

a dispatch operation

n :

index of the channel to inspect

Returns :

a reference to a hash table, which must be released with g_hash_table_unref() by the caller

mcp_dispatch_operation_start_delay ()

McpDispatchOperationDelay * mcp_dispatch_operation_start_delay
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self);

Start to delay the dispatch operation, for instance while waiting for an asynchronous operation to finish. The returned token must be passed to mcp_dispatch_operation_end_delay() exactly once, at which point dispatching will continue and the token becomes invalid.

This is similar to an Observer delaying the return from ObserveChannels, except that there is no time limit - a dispatch operation policy plugin can delay the dispatch operation indefinitely.

self :

a dispatch operation

Returns :

a token which can be used to end the delay

mcp_dispatch_operation_end_delay ()

void                mcp_dispatch_operation_end_delay    (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         McpDispatchOperationDelay *delay);

Stop delaying the dispatch operation, allowing dispatching to proceed.

self :

a dispatch operation

delay :

a token obtained by calling mcp_dispatch_operation_start_delay() on self previously

mcp_dispatch_operation_close_channels ()

void                mcp_dispatch_operation_close_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         gboolean wait_for_observers);

Close all channels in this bundle by using the Close D-Bus method.

Plugins that terminate an audio or audio/video call should use tp_call_channel_hangup_async() instead.

self :

a dispatch operation

wait_for_observers :

if FALSE, close the channels immediately; if TRUE (usually recommended), wait for Observers to reply first

mcp_dispatch_operation_destroy_channels ()

void                mcp_dispatch_operation_destroy_channels
                                                        (McpDispatchOperation *self,
                                                         gboolean wait_for_observers);

Close all channels in this bundle destructively, by using the Destroy D-Bus method if implemented, or the Close D-Bus method if not.

Plugins that terminate an audio or audio/video call should use tp_call_channel_hangup_async() instead.

self :

a dispatch operation

wait_for_observers :

if FALSE, close the channels immediately; if TRUE (usually recommended), wait for Observers to reply first


typedef struct _McpDispatchOperationDelay McpDispatchOperationDelay;


typedef struct _McpDispatchOperationIface McpDispatchOperationIface;


typedef struct _McpDispatchOperation McpDispatchOperation;

See Also
