
McpAccountStorage — Account Storage object, implemented by plugins


#include <mission-control-plugins/mission-control-plugins.h>

struct              McpAccountStorage;
gint                mcp_account_storage_priority        (const McpAccountStorage *storage);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_get             (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set             (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value);
gchar *             mcp_account_storage_create          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *manager,
                                                         const gchar *protocol,
                                                         const gchar *identification,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_delete          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);
void                mcp_account_storage_ready           (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_commit          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_commit_one      (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account);
GList *             mcp_account_storage_list            (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);
void                mcp_account_storage_get_identifier  (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         GValue *identifier);
GHashTable *        mcp_account_storage_get_additional_info
                                                        (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);
TpStorageRestrictionFlags mcp_account_storage_get_restrictions
                                                        (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);
const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_name            (const McpAccountStorage *storage);
const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_description     (const McpAccountStorage *storage);
const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_provider        (const McpAccountStorage *storage);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_owns            (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set_attribute   (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *attribute,
                                                         GVariant *value,
                                                         McpAttributeFlags flags);
gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set_parameter   (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *parameter,
                                                         GVariant *value,
                                                         McpParameterFlags flags);
void                mcp_account_storage_emit_created    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);
void                mcp_account_storage_emit_altered_one
                                                        (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);
void                mcp_account_storage_emit_deleted    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);
void                mcp_account_storage_emit_toggled    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         gboolean enabled);
void                mcp_account_storage_emit_reconnect  (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);


Plugins may implement McpAccountStorage in order to provide account parameter storage backends to the AccountManager object.

To do so, the plugin must implement a GObject subclass that implements McpAccountStorage, then return an instance of that subclass from mcp_plugin_ref_nth_object().

Many methods take "the unique name of an account" as an argument. In this plugin, that means the unique "tail" of the account's object path, for instance "gabble/jabber/chris_40example_2ecom". The account's full object path is obtained by prepending TP_ACCOUNT_OBJECT_PATH_BASE.

A complete implementation of this interface with all methods would look something like this:

Example 1. 

G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (FooPlugin, foo_plugin,
/* ... */
static void
account_storage_iface_init (McpAccountStorageIface *iface)
  iface->priority = 0;
  iface->name = "foo";
  iface->desc = "The FOO storage backend";
  iface->provider = "im.telepathy.v1.MissionControl6.FooStorage";

  iface->get = foo_plugin_get;
  iface->set = foo_plugin_get;
  iface->delete = foo_plugin_delete;
  iface->commit = foo_plugin_commit;
  iface->commit_one = foo_plugin_commit_one;
  iface->list = foo_plugin_list;
  iface->ready = foo_plugin_ready;
  iface->get_identifier = foo_plugin_get_identifier;
  iface->get_additional_info = foo_plugin_get_additional_info;
  iface->get_restrictions = foo_plugin_get_restrictions;
  iface->create = foo_plugin_create;
  iface->owns = foo_plugin_owns;
  iface->set_attribute = foo_plugin_set_attribute;
  iface->set_parameter = foo_plugin_set_parameter;

A single object can implement more than one interface; It is currently unlikely that you would find it useful to implement anything other than an account storage plugin in an account storage object, though.










struct McpAccountStorage

struct McpAccountStorage {

#define MCP_TYPE_ACCOUNT_STORAGE (mcp_account_storage_get_type ())




GType mcp_account_storage_get_type (void);

/* Virtual method implementation signatures */
typedef gboolean (*McpAccountStorageGetFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am,
    const gchar *account,
    const gchar *key);
typedef gboolean (*McpAccountStorageSetFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am,
    const gchar *account,
    const gchar *key,
    const gchar *val);
typedef gchar * (*McpAccountStorageCreate) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am,
    const gchar *manager,
    const gchar *protocol,
    const gchar *identification,
    GError **error);
typedef gboolean (*McpAccountStorageDeleteFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am,
    const gchar *account,
    const gchar *key);
typedef GList * (*McpAccountStorageListFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am);
typedef gboolean (*McpAccountStorageCommitFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am);
typedef gboolean (*McpAccountStorageCommitOneFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am,
    const gchar *account);
typedef void (*McpAccountStorageReadyFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const McpAccountManager *am);
typedef void (*McpAccountStorageGetIdentifierFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const gchar *account,
    GValue *identifier);
typedef GHashTable * (*McpAccountStorageGetAdditionalInfoFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const gchar *account);
typedef TpStorageRestrictionFlags (*McpAccountStorageGetRestrictionsFunc) (
    const McpAccountStorage *storage,
    const gchar *account);

struct _McpAccountStorageIface
  GTypeInterface parent;

  gint priority;
  const gchar *name;
  const gchar *desc;
  const gchar *provider;

  McpAccountStorageSetFunc set;
  McpAccountStorageGetFunc get;
  McpAccountStorageDeleteFunc delete;
  McpAccountStorageCommitFunc commit;
  McpAccountStorageListFunc list;
  McpAccountStorageReadyFunc ready;
  McpAccountStorageCommitOneFunc commit_one;
  McpAccountStorageGetIdentifierFunc get_identifier;
  McpAccountStorageGetAdditionalInfoFunc get_additional_info;
  McpAccountStorageGetRestrictionsFunc get_restrictions;
  McpAccountStorageCreate create;

  /* Since 5.15.0 */
  gboolean (*owns) (McpAccountStorage *storage,
      McpAccountManager *am,
      const gchar *account);
  gboolean (*set_attribute) (McpAccountStorage *storage,
      McpAccountManager *am,
      const gchar *account,
      const gchar *attribute,
      GVariant *val,
      McpAttributeFlags flags);
  gboolean (*set_parameter) (McpAccountStorage *storage,
      McpAccountManager *am,
      const gchar *account,
      const gchar *parameter,
      GVariant *val,
      McpParameterFlags flags);

An object implementing the account storage plugin interface.

mcp_account_storage_priority ()

gint                mcp_account_storage_priority        (const McpAccountStorage *storage);

Gets the priority for this plugin.

Priorities currently run from MCP_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_PLUGIN_PRIO_DEFAULT (the default storage plugin priority) upwards. More-positive numbers are higher priority.

Plugins at a higher priority then MCP_ACCOUNT_STORAGE_PLUGIN_PRIO_KEYRING used to have the opportunity to "steal" passwords from the gnome keyring. It is no longer significant.

Plugins at a lower priority than the default plugin will never be asked to store any details, although they may still be asked to list them at startup time, and may asynchronously notify MC of accounts via the signals above.

When loading accounts at startup, plugins are consulted in order from lowest to highest, so that higher priority plugins may overrule settings from lower priority plugins.

Loading all the accounts is only done at startup, before the dbus name is claimed, and is therefore the only time plugins are allowed to indulge in blocking calls (indeed, they are expected to carry out this operation, and ONLY this operation, synchronously).

When values are being set, the plugins are invoked from highest priority to lowest, with the first plugin that claims a setting being assigned ownership, and all lower priority plugins being asked to delete the setting in question.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

Returns :

the priority of this plugin

mcp_account_storage_get ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_get             (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);

Get a value from the plugin's in-memory cache. Before emitting this signal, the plugin must call either mcp_account_manager_set_attribute(), mcp_account_manager_set_parameter(), or mcp_account_manager_set_value() and (if appropriate) mcp_account_manager_parameter_make_secret() before returning from this method call.

Note that mcp_account_manager_set_parameter() does not use the "param-" prefix, even if called from this function.

If key is NULL the plugin should iterate through all attributes and parameters, and push each of them into am, as if this method had been called once for each attribute or parameter. It must then return TRUE if any attributes or parameters were found, or FALSE if it was not responsible for account.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name of the account

key :

the setting whose value we wish to fetch: either an attribute like "DisplayName", or "param-" plus a parameter like "account"

Returns :

TRUE if storage is responsible for account

mcp_account_storage_set ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set             (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         const gchar *value);

The plugin is expected to either quickly and synchronously update its internal cache of values with value, or to decline to store the setting.

The plugin is not expected to write to its long term storage at this point. It can expect Mission Control to call either mcp_account_storage_commit() or mcp_account_storage_commit_one() after a short delay.

Plugins that implement mcp_storage_set_attribute() and mcp_account_storage_set_parameter() can just return FALSE here. There is a default implementation, which just returns FALSE.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name of the account

key :

the non-NULL setting whose value we wish to store: either an attribute like "DisplayName", or "param-" plus a parameter like "account"

value :

a value to associate with key, escaped as if for a GKeyFile

Returns :

TRUE if the attribute was claimed, FALSE otherwise

mcp_account_storage_create ()

gchar *             mcp_account_storage_create          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *manager,
                                                         const gchar *protocol,
                                                         const gchar *identification,
                                                         GError **error);

Inform the plugin that a new account is being created. manager, protocol and identification are given to help determining the account's unique name, but does not need to be stored on the account yet, mcp_account_storage_set() and mcp_account_storage_commit() will be called later.

It is recommended to use mcp_account_manager_get_unique_name() to create the unique name, but it's not mandatory. One could base the unique name on an internal storage identifier, prefixed with the provider's name (e.g. goa__1234).

"created" signal should not be emitted for this account, not even when mcp_account_storage_commit() will be called.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an object which can be used to call back into the account manager

manager :

the name of the manager

protocol :

the name of the protocol

identification :

a normalized form of the account name, or "account" if nothing is suitable (e.g. for telepathy-salut)

error :

a GError to fill

Returns :

the newly allocated account name, which should be freed once the caller is done with it, or NULL if that couldn't be done. [transfer full]

mcp_account_storage_delete ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_delete          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);

The plugin is expected to remove the setting for key from its internal cache and to remember that its state has changed, so that it can delete said setting from its long term storage if its long term storage method makes this necessary.

If key is NULL, the plugin should forget all its settings for account,and remember to delete the entire account from its storage later.

The plugin is not expected to update its long term storage at this point.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name of the account

key :

the setting whose value we wish to store - either an attribute like "DisplayName", or "param-" plus a parameter like "account" - or NULL to delete the entire account. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE if the setting or settings are not the plugin's cache after this operation, FALSE otherwise. This is very unlikely to ever be FALSE, as a plugin is always expected to be able to manipulate its own cache.

mcp_account_storage_ready ()

void                mcp_account_storage_ready           (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);

Informs the plugin that it is now permitted to create new accounts, ie it can now fire its "created", "altered-one", "toggled" and "deleted" signals.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

mcp_account_storage_commit ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_commit          (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);

The plugin is expected to write its cache to long term storage, deleting, adding or updating entries in said storage as needed.

This call is expected to return promptly, but the plugin is not required to have finished its commit operation when it returns, merely to have started the operation.

If the commit_one method is implemented, it will be called preferentially if only one account is to be committed. If the commit_one method is implemented but commit is not, commit_one will be called with account_name = NULL to commit all accounts.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

Returns :

TRUE if the commit process was started (but not necessarily completed) successfully; FALSE if there was a problem that was immediately obvious.

mcp_account_storage_commit_one ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_commit_one      (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account);

The same as mcp_account_storage_commit(), but only commit the given account. This is optional to implement; the default implementation is to call commit.

If both mcp_account_storage_commit_one() and mcp_account_storage_commit() are implemented, Mission Control will never pass account = NULL to this method.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique suffix of an account's object path, or NULL if all accounts are to be committed and mcp_account_storage_commit() is unimplemented. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE if the commit process was started (but not necessarily completed) successfully; FALSE if there was a problem that was immediately obvious.

mcp_account_storage_list ()

GList *             mcp_account_storage_list            (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const McpAccountManager *am);

Load details of every account stored by this plugin into an in-memory cache so that it can respond to requests promptly.

This method is called only at initialisation time, before the dbus name has been claimed, and is the only one permitted to block.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

Returns :

a list of account names that the plugin has settings for. The account names should be freed with g_free(), and the list with g_list_free(), when the caller is done with them. [element-type utf8][transfer full]

mcp_account_storage_get_identifier ()

void                mcp_account_storage_get_identifier  (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         GValue *identifier);

Get the storage-specific identifier for this account. The type is variant, hence the GValue.

This method will only be called for the storage plugin that "owns" the account.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the account

identifier :

a zero-filled GValue whose type can be sent over D-Bus by dbus-glib, to hold the identifier. [out caller-allocates]

mcp_account_storage_get_additional_info ()

GHashTable *        mcp_account_storage_get_additional_info
                                                        (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);

Return additional storage-specific information about this account, which is made available on D-Bus but not otherwise interpreted by Mission Control.

This method will only be called for the storage plugin that "owns" the account.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the account

Returns :

additional storage-specific information. [transfer container][element-type utf8 GObject.Value]

mcp_account_storage_get_restrictions ()

TpStorageRestrictionFlags mcp_account_storage_get_restrictions
                                                        (const McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);

This method will only be called for the storage plugin that "owns" the account.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the account

Returns :

a bitmask of TpStorageRestrictionFlags with the restrictions to account storage.

mcp_account_storage_name ()

const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_name            (const McpAccountStorage *storage);

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

Returns :

the plugin's name (for logging etc)

mcp_account_storage_description ()

const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_description     (const McpAccountStorage *storage);

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

Returns :

the plugin's description (for logging etc)

mcp_account_storage_provider ()

const gchar *       mcp_account_storage_provider        (const McpAccountStorage *storage);

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

Returns :

a D-Bus namespaced name for this plugin, or "" if none was provided in McpAccountStorageIface.provider.

mcp_account_storage_owns ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_owns            (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account);

Check whether account is stored in storage. The highest-priority plugin for which this function returns TRUE is considered to be responsible for account.

There is a default implementation, which calls mcp_account_storage_get() for the well-known key "manager".

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name (object-path tail) of an account

Returns :

TRUE if account is stored in storage

Since 5.15.0

mcp_account_storage_set_attribute ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set_attribute   (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *attribute,
                                                         GVariant *value,
                                                         McpAttributeFlags flags);

Store an attribute.

The plugin is expected to either quickly and synchronously update its internal cache of values with value, or to decline to store the attribute.

The plugin is not expected to write to its long term storage at this point.

There is a default implementation, which just returns FALSE. Mission Control will call mcp_account_storage_set() instead, using a keyfile-escaped version of value.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name of the account

attribute :

the name of an attribute, e.g. "DisplayName"

value :

a value to associate with attribute

flags :

flags influencing how the attribute is to be stored

Returns :

TRUE if the attribute was claimed, FALSE otherwise

Since 5.15.0

mcp_account_storage_set_parameter ()

gboolean            mcp_account_storage_set_parameter   (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         McpAccountManager *am,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *parameter,
                                                         GVariant *value,
                                                         McpParameterFlags flags);

Store a parameter.

The plugin is expected to either quickly and synchronously update its internal cache of values with value, or to decline to store the parameter.

The plugin is not expected to write to its long term storage at this point.

There is a default implementation, which just returns FALSE. Mission Control will call mcp_account_storage_set() instead, using "param-" + parameter as key and a keyfile-escaped version of value as value.

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

am :

an McpAccountManager instance

account :

the unique name of the account

parameter :

the name of a parameter, e.g. "account" (note that there is no "param-" prefix here)

value :

a value to associate with parameter

flags :

flags influencing how the parameter is to be stored

Returns :

TRUE if the parameter was claimed, FALSE otherwise

Since 5.15.0

mcp_account_storage_emit_created ()

void                mcp_account_storage_emit_created    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);

mcp_account_storage_emit_altered_one ()

void                mcp_account_storage_emit_altered_one
                                                        (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         const gchar *key);

Emits the "altered-one" signal

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the altered account

key :

the key of the altered property: either an attribute name like "DisplayName", or "param-" plus a parameter name like "account"

mcp_account_storage_emit_deleted ()

void                mcp_account_storage_emit_deleted    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);

Emits the "deleted" signal

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the deleted account

mcp_account_storage_emit_toggled ()

void                mcp_account_storage_emit_toggled    (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account,
                                                         gboolean enabled);

Emits ::toggled signal

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the account

enabled :

TRUE if the account is now enabled

mcp_account_storage_emit_reconnect ()

void                mcp_account_storage_emit_reconnect  (McpAccountStorage *storage,
                                                         const gchar *account);

Emits ::reconnect signal

storage :

an McpAccountStorage instance

account :

the unique name of the account to reconnect


typedef struct _McpAccountStorageIface McpAccountStorageIface;

The interface vtable for an account storage plugin.