
TpBaseProtocol — base class for TpSvcProtocol implementations


#include <telepathy-glib/base-protocol.h>

const gchar *       tp_base_protocol_get_name           (TpBaseProtocol *self);
GHashTable *        tp_base_protocol_get_immutable_properties
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self);
const TpCMParamSpec * tp_base_protocol_get_parameters   (TpBaseProtocol *self);
TpBaseConnection *  tp_base_protocol_new_connection     (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);

const TpCMParamSpec * (*TpBaseProtocolGetParametersFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self);
TpBaseConnection *  (*TpBaseProtocolNewConnectionFunc)  (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             (*TpBaseProtocolNormalizeContactFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         const gchar *contact,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             (*TpBaseProtocolIdentifyAccountFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);
GStrv               (*TpBaseProtocolGetInterfacesFunc)  (TpBaseProtocol *self);
void                (*TpBaseProtocolGetConnectionDetailsFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GStrv *connection_interfaces,
                                                         GType **channel_manager_types,
                                                         gchar **icon_name,
                                                         gchar **english_name,
                                                         gchar **vcard_field);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

TpBaseProtocol implements TpSvcDBusProperties and TpSvcProtocol.


  "immutable-properties"     GHashTable_gchararray+GValue_*  : Read
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only


Base class for Telepathy Protocol objects.



typedef struct _TpBaseProtocol TpBaseProtocol;

An object providing static details of the implementation of one real-time communications protocol.

Since 0.11.11

tp_base_protocol_get_name ()

const gchar *       tp_base_protocol_get_name           (TpBaseProtocol *self);

self :

a Protocol

Returns :

the value of "name". [transfer none]

Since 0.11.11

tp_base_protocol_get_immutable_properties ()

GHashTable *        tp_base_protocol_get_immutable_properties
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self);

Return a basic set of immutable properties for this Protocol object, by using tp_dbus_properties_mixin_make_properties_hash().

Additional keys and values can be inserted into the returned hash table; if this is done, the inserted keys and values will be freed when the hash table is destroyed. The keys must be allocated with g_strdup() or equivalent, and the values must be slice-allocated (for instance with tp_g_value_slice_new_string() or a similar function).

Note that in particular, tp_asv_set_string() and similar functions should not be used with this hash table.

self :

a Protocol

Returns :

a hash table mapping (gchar *) fully-qualified property names to GValues, which must be freed by the caller (at which point its contents will also be freed).

Since 0.11.11

tp_base_protocol_get_parameters ()

const TpCMParamSpec * tp_base_protocol_get_parameters   (TpBaseProtocol *self);

Returns the parameters supported by this protocol, as an array of structs which must remain valid at least as long as self exists (it will typically be a global static array).

self :

a Protocol object

Returns :

a description of the parameters supported by this protocol. [transfer none][array zero-terminated=1]

Since 0.11.11

tp_base_protocol_new_connection ()

TpBaseConnection *  tp_base_protocol_new_connection     (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);

Create a new connection using the TpBaseProtocolClass.get_parameters and TpBaseProtocolClass.new_connection implementations provided by a subclass. This is used to implement the RequestConnection() D-Bus method.

If the parameters in asv do not fit the result of get_parameters (unknown parameters are given, types are inappropriate, required parameters are not given, or a TpCMParamSpec.filter fails), then this method raises an error and new_connection is not called.

Otherwise, new_connection is called. Its asv argument is a copy of the asv given to this method, with default values for missing parameters filled in where available, and parameters' types converted to the GType specified by TpCMParamSpec.gtype.

self :

a Protocol object

asv :

the parameters provided via D-Bus. [transfer none][element-type utf8 GObject.Value]

error :

used to return an error if NULL is returned

Returns :

a new connection, or NULL on error

Since 0.11.11


typedef struct {
  GObjectClass parent_class;
  TpDBusPropertiesMixinClass dbus_properties_class;

  gboolean is_stub;
  const TpCMParamSpec *(*get_parameters) (TpBaseProtocol *self);
  TpBaseConnection *(*new_connection) (TpBaseProtocol *self,
      GHashTable *asv,
      GError **error);

  gchar *(*normalize_contact) (TpBaseProtocol *self,
      const gchar *contact,
      GError **error);
  gchar *(*identify_account) (TpBaseProtocol *self,
      GHashTable *asv,
      GError **error);

  GStrv (*get_interfaces) (TpBaseProtocol *self);

  void (*get_connection_details) (TpBaseProtocol *self,
      GStrv *connection_interfaces,
      GType **channel_manager_types,
      gchar **icon_name,
      gchar **english_name,
      gchar **vcard_field);
} TpBaseProtocolClass;

The class of a TpBaseProtocol.

GObjectClass parent_class;

the parent class

TpDBusPropertiesMixinClass dbus_properties_class;

a D-Bus properties mixin

gboolean is_stub;

if TRUE, this protocol will not be advertised on D-Bus (for internal use by TpBaseConnection)

get_parameters ()

a callback used to implement tp_base_protocol_get_parameters(), which all subclasses must provide; see the documentation of that method for details

new_connection ()

a callback used to implement tp_base_protocol_new_connection(), which all subclasses must provide; see the documentation of that method for details

normalize_contact ()

a callback used to implement the NormalizeContact D-Bus method; it must either return a newly allocated string that is the normalized version of contact, or raise an error via error and return NULL. If not implemented, TP_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED will be raised instead.

identify_account ()

a callback used to implement the IdentifyAccount D-Bus method; it takes as input a map from strings to GValues, and must either return a newly allocated string that represents the "identity" of the parameters in asv (usually the "account" parameter), or NULL with an error raised via error

get_interfaces ()

a callback used to implement the Interfaces D-Bus property; it must return a newly allocated GStrv containing D-Bus interface names

get_connection_details ()

a callback used to implement the Protocol D-Bus properties that represent details of the connections provided by this protocol

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolGetParametersFunc ()

const TpCMParamSpec * (*TpBaseProtocolGetParametersFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self);

Signature of a virtual method to get the allowed parameters for connections to a protocol.

Returns the parameters supported by this protocol, as an array of structs which must remain valid at least as long as self exists (it will typically be a global static array).

self :

a protocol

Returns :

a description of the parameters supported by this protocol. [transfer none][array zero-terminated=1]

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolNewConnectionFunc ()

TpBaseConnection *  (*TpBaseProtocolNewConnectionFunc)  (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);

Signature of a virtual method to create a new connection to this protocol. This is used to implement the RequestConnection D-Bus method.

Implementations of TpBaseProtocolClass.new_connection may assume that the parameters in asv conform to the specifications given by TpBaseProtocolClass.get_parameters.

self :

a protocol

asv :

the parameters provided via D-Bus. [transfer none][element-type utf8 GObject.Value]

error :

used to return an error if NULL is returned

Returns :

a new connection, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolNormalizeContactFunc ()

gchar *             (*TpBaseProtocolNormalizeContactFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         const gchar *contact,
                                                         GError **error);

Signature of a virtual method to perform best-effort offline normalization of a contact's identifier. It must either return a newly allocated string that is the normalized form of contact, or raise an error and return NULL.

self :

a protocol

contact :

a contact's identifier

error :

used to return an error if NULL is returned

Returns :

a normalized identifier, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolIdentifyAccountFunc ()

gchar *             (*TpBaseProtocolIdentifyAccountFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *asv,
                                                         GError **error);

Signature of a virtual method to choose a unique name for an account whose connection parameters are asv. This will typically return a copy of the 'account' parameter from asv, but may do something more complex (for instance, on IRC it could combine the nickname and the IRC network).

Implementations of TpBaseProtocolClass.identify_account may assume that the parameters in asv conform to the specifications given by TpBaseProtocolClass.get_parameters.

self :

a protocol

asv :

parameters that might be passed to the RequestConnection D-Bus method

error :

used to return an error if NULL is returned

Returns :

a unique name for the account, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolGetInterfacesFunc ()

GStrv               (*TpBaseProtocolGetInterfacesFunc)  (TpBaseProtocol *self);

Signature of a virtual method to get the D-Bus interfaces implemented by self, in addition to the Protocol interface.

self :

a protocol

Returns :

a NULL-terminated array of D-Bus interface names. [transfer full]

Since 0.11.11

TpBaseProtocolGetConnectionDetailsFunc ()

void                (*TpBaseProtocolGetConnectionDetailsFunc)
                                                        (TpBaseProtocol *self,
                                                         GStrv *connection_interfaces,
                                                         GType **channel_manager_types,
                                                         gchar **icon_name,
                                                         gchar **english_name,
                                                         gchar **vcard_field);

Signature of a virtual method to get the D-Bus interfaces implemented by self, in addition to the Protocol interface.

self :

a protocol

connection_interfaces :

used to return a NULL-terminated array of interfaces which might be implemented on connections to this protocol. [out][transfer full]

channel_manager_types :

used to return a G_TYPE_INVALID-terminated array of types that implement TpChannelManager, which must include all channel managers that might be present on connections to this protocol; the channel managers should all implement TpChannelManagerIface.type_foreach_channel_class. The array will be freed with g_free() by the caller. [out][transfer full][array zero-terminated=1]

icon_name :

used to return the name of an icon for this protocol, such as "im-icq", or an empty string. [out][transfer full]

english_name :

used to return a human-readable but non-localized name for this protocol, or an empty string. [out][transfer full]

vcard_field :

used to return the name of the vCard field typically used with this protocol, or an empty string. [out][transfer full]

Since 0.11.11

Property Details

The "immutable-properties" property

  "immutable-properties"     GHashTable_gchararray+GValue_*  : Read

The D-Bus properties to be announced in the ConnectionManager interface's Protocols property, as a map from to GValue.

A protocol's immutable properties are constant for its lifetime on the bus, so this property should never change. All of the D-Bus properties mentioned here should also be exposed through the D-Bus properties interface.

The TpBaseProtocol base class implements this property to be correct for the basic set of properties. It can be reimplemented by subclasses to have more immutable properties; if so, the subclass should use tp_base_protocol_get_immutable_properties(), then augment the result using tp_dbus_properties_mixin_fill_properties_hash().

Since 0.11.11

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The Protocol from telepathy-spec, such as 'jabber' or 'local-xmpp'.

Default value: NULL

See Also

TpBaseConnectionManager, TpSvcProtocol