GType factory functions

GType factory functions — Macros using caching factory functions to get dbus-glib specialized GTypes


#include <telepathy-glib/gtypes.h>

GValue *            tp_dbus_specialized_value_slice_new (GType type);
#define             TP_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH_LIST
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY_LIST
#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_STRING_MAP

#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PARAM_SPEC
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PARAM_SPEC_LIST

#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CHANNEL_INFO

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_ALIAS_MAP
#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ALIAS_PAIR
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_ALIAS_PAIR_LIST

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_AVATAR_TOKEN_MAP





#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS


#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_STATUS_SPEC_MAP
#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_STATUS_SPEC

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_LOCATION

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_INFO_MAP
#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_SPEC
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_FIELD_SPECS

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_HANDLE_OWNER_MAP

#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_MESSAGE_PART
#define             TP_HASH_TYPE_CHAT_STATE_MAP

#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_TUBE_INFO
#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_TUBE_INFO_LIST


#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_SPEC


#define             TP_ARRAY_TYPE_ROOM_INFO_LIST
#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ROOM_INFO

#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT

enum                TpChannelContactSearchState;

#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_AVATAR


#define             TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DEBUG_MESSAGE



dbus-glib's built-in factory functions for specialized GTypes need to do a fair amount of parsing on their arguments, so these macros are provided to avoid that. Each macro expands to a call to a function which caches the GType, so it only ever has to call into dbus-glib once.

tp_dbus_specialized_value_slice_new() is also provided.


tp_dbus_specialized_value_slice_new ()

GValue *            tp_dbus_specialized_value_slice_new (GType type);

type :

A D-Bus specialized type (i.e. probably a specialized GValueArray representing a D-Bus struct)

Returns :

a slice-allocated GValue containing an empty value of the given type.


#define TP_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY (tp_type_dbus_array_of_y ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GArray of G_TYPE_UCHAR, i.e. the same thing as DBUS_TYPE_G_UCHAR_ARRAY

This is the type used in dbus-glib to represent a byte array, signature 'ay'. (Note that the GByteArray type is not used with dbus-glib.)

Since 0.11.1


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_o ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH.

Since 0.7.34


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_ay ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY, i.e. a GPtrArray of GArray of guchar.

This is the type used in dbus-glib to represent an array of byte arrays, signature 'aay'. (Note that the GByteArray type is not used with dbus-glib.)

Since 0.11.14


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_STRING_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_ss ())

A mapping from strings to strings representing extra key-value pairs.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ss}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Key): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type s, named Value): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_STRING_STRING_MAP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bss_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_STRING_MAP.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_VARIANT_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

A mapping from strings to variants representing extra key-value pairs.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Key): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_STRING_VARIANT_MAP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_STRING_VARIANT_MAP.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_QUALIFIED_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

A mapping from strings representing D-Bus properties (by their namespaced names) to their values.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Qualified_Member, named Key): A D-Bus interface name, followed by a dot and a D-Bus property name.

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): The value of the property.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_QUALIFIED_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_QUALIFIED_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAP.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IP (tp_type_dbus_struct_sq ())

An IP address and port.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sq).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Address): Either a dotted-quad IPv4 address literal as for <tp:type>Socket_Address_IPv4</tp:type>, or an RFC2373 IPv6 address as for <tp:type>Socket_Address_IPv6</tp:type>.

Member 1 (D-Bus type q, named Port): The TCP or UDP port number.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_sq ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IP.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IPV4 (tp_type_dbus_struct_sq ())

An IPv4 address and port.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sq).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Address): A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g. &quot;;.

Member 1 (D-Bus type q, named Port): The TCP or UDP port number.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IPV6 (tp_type_dbus_struct_sq ())

An IPv6 address and port.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sq).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Address): An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373 section 2.2, e.g. &quot;2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171&quot;.

Member 1 (D-Bus type q, named Port): The TCP or UDP port number.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_NETMASK_IPV4 (tp_type_dbus_struct_sy ())

An IPv4 network or subnet.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sy).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Address): A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g. &quot;;.

Member 1 (D-Bus type y, named Prefix_Length): The number of leading bits of the address that must match, for this netmask to be considered to match an address.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SOCKET_NETMASK_IPV6 (tp_type_dbus_struct_sy ())

An IPv6 network or subnet.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sy).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Address): An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373 section 2.2, e.g. &quot;2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171&quot;.

Member 1 (D-Bus type y, named Prefix_Length): The number of leading bits of the address that must match, for this netmask to be considered to match an address.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_OBJECT_IMMUTABLE_PROPERTIES_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_oa_7bsv_7d ())

A mapping from object path to the immutable properties of the object.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{oa{sv}}.

Keys (D-Bus type o, named Path): The object path of an object

Values (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Qualified_Property_Value_Map, named Immutable_Properties): The immutable properties of the object


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_OBJECT_IMMUTABLE_PROPERTIES_MAP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7boa_7bsv_7d_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_OBJECT_IMMUTABLE_PROPERTIES_MAP.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PARAM_SPEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_susv ())

A struct representing an allowed parameter, as returned by GetParameters on the ConnectionManager interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (susv).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Name): A string parameter name

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, type Conn_Mgr_Param_Flags, named Flags): A bitwise OR of the parameter flags

Member 2 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Signature, named Signature): A string containing the D-Bus type signature for this parameter

Member 3 (D-Bus type v, named Default_Value): The default value (if the Has_Default flag is not present, there is no default and this takes some dummy value, which SHOULD be of the appropriate D-Bus type)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PARAM_SPEC_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_susv ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PARAM_SPEC.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_PROTOCOL_PROPERTIES_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sa_7bsv_7d ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>A map from protocol identifiers supported by a connection manager to the immutable properties of the corresponding <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy">Protocol</tp:dbus-ref> objects.</p>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sa{sv}}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, type Protocol, named Protocol): A protocol name

Values (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Qualified_Property_Value_Map, named Properties): The immutable properties of the corresponding Protocol object


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CHANNEL_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_osuu ())

A struct representing a channel, as returned by ListChannels on the Connection interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (osuu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type o, named Channel): The object path of the channel, which is on the same bus name as the connection

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Interface, named Channel_Type): The channel's type

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Handle_Type, named Handle_Type): The type of the handle that the channel communicates with, or Handle_Type_None if there is no associated handle

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Handle, named Handle): The handle that the channel communicates with, or 0 if there is no associated handle


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CHANNEL_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_osuu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CHANNEL_INFO.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_ALIAS_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_us ())

A dictionary whose keys are contact handles and whose values are aliases.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{us}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type s, named Alias): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ALIAS_PAIR (tp_type_dbus_struct_us ())

A pair (contact handle, alias) as seen in the <tp:member-ref> AliasesChanged </tp:member-ref> signal.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (us).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Alias): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_ALIAS_PAIR_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_us ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ALIAS_PAIR.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_AVATAR_TOKEN_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_us ())

A dictionary whose keys are contact handles and whose values are avatar tokens.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{us}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type s, type Avatar_Token, named Token): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CURRENCY_AMOUNT (tp_type_dbus_struct_ius ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p> An amount of money in a specified currency. For example, 3.21 British pounds would conventionally be represented by ( <var> Amount </var> = <tt> 321 </tt> , <var> Scale </var> = <tt> 2 </tt> , <var> Currency </var> = <tt> &quot;GBP&quot; </tt> ), but could be represented by ( <var> Amount </var> = <tt> 3210 </tt> , <var> Scale </var> = <tt> 3 </tt> , <var> Currency </var> = <tt> &quot;GBP&quot; </tt> ) in a service that records balance in units of 0.001 pounds. </p>

<p> As a special case, if <var> Amount </var> = <tt> 0 </tt> , <var> Scale </var> = <tt> 2**32 - 1 </tt> (i.e. the largest possible 32-bit unsigned integer) and <var> Currency </var> = <tt> &quot;&quot; </tt> , this indicates an unknown amount. </p>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ius).

Member 0 (D-Bus type i, named Amount): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The amount, expressed as a fixed-point number with decimal scale defined by the <var>Scale</var> field; for instance, an <var>Amount</var> value of <tt>1234</tt> with <var>Scale</var> of <tt>2</tt> represents 12.34 in the currency unit given by the <var>Currency</var> field.</p>

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, named Scale): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The decimal scale for the fixed point value of the <var>Amount</var> field, defining the number of rightmost decimal digits from the integer value which form the fractional part of the resulting currency value.</p> <p>As well as defining the interpretation of <var>Amount</var>, user interfaces may use this value to determine the precision with which to display the amount.</p>

Member 2 (D-Bus type s, named Currency): The currency code represented by this amount, which SHOULD be an international currency code such as <tt>&quot;EUR&quot;</tt>, <tt>&quot;USD&quot;</tt>, or <tt>&quot;JPY&quot;</tt> if possible. An empty string can be used to indicate that the currency is not known.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITIES_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_ua_28a_7bsv_7das_29 ())

A mapping from contact handle to their capabilities.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ua(a{sv}as)}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Key): A contact handle.

Values (D-Bus type a(a{sv}as), type Requestable_Channel_Class[], named Value): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The contact's capabilities. These should be represented in the same way as in <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Requests">RequestableChannelClasses</tp:dbus-ref>, except that they may have more fixed properties or fewer allowed properties, to represent contacts who do not have all the capabilities of the connection.</p> <p>In particular, requestable channel classes for channels with target handle type Contact MUST list <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel">TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref> among their fixed properties when they appear here, and clients MAY assume that this will be the case.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>This matches the initial implementations - service-side in telepathy-gabble, and client-side in telepathy-qt4 - and means that clients can use exactly the same code to interpret RequestableChannelClasses and contact capabilities.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>Channel classes with target handle type Handle_Type_Contact indicate that a request that matches the channel class, and also either has the contact's handle as <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel">TargetHandle</tp:dbus-ref> or the contact's identifier as <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel">TargetID</tp:dbus-ref>, can be expected to succeed. Connection managers SHOULD NOT include the TargetHandle or TargetID as a fixed property in contact capabilities.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>This makes one channel class sufficient to describe requests via TargetHandle or TargetID, and is necessary in order to allow clients to interpret RequestableChannelClasses and contact capabilities with the same code.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>Channel classes with target handle type Handle_Type_Room or Handle_Type_None indicate that if a channel matching the channel class is created, then inviting the contact to that channel can be expected to succeed.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>To support room-based XMPP protocols like <a href="">Muji</a> and MUC Tubes, it's necessary to be able to discover who can be invited to a given room channel; most XMPP contacts won't support being invited into a Muji conference call, at least in the short to medium term.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>No interpretation is defined for channel classes with any other target handle type, or for channel classes that do not fix a target handle type, in this version of the Telepathy specification.</p>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITIES_MAP_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bua_28a_7bsv_7das_29_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITIES_MAP.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES (tp_type_dbus_struct_saa_7bsv_7das ())

A structure representing the capabilities of a single client.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (saa{sv}as).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Well_Known_Name, named Well_Known_Name): For implementations of the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy">Client</tp:dbus-ref> interface, the well-known bus name name of the client; for any other process, any other reversed domain name that uniquely identifies it.

Member 1 (D-Bus type aa{sv}, type String_Variant_Map[], named Channel_Classes): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> An array of channel classes that can be handled by this client. This will usually be a copy of the client's <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler">HandlerChannelFilter</tp:dbus-ref> property.

Member 2 (D-Bus type as, type Handler_Capability_Token[], named Capabilities): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> An array of client capabilities supported by this client, to be used by the connection manager to determine what capabilities to advertise. This will usually be a copy of the client's <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler">Capabilities</tp:dbus-ref> property.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_saa_7bsv_7das ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_CHANGE (tp_type_dbus_struct_usuuuu ())

A struct (contact handle, channel type, old generic flags, new generic flags, old type-specific flags, new type-specific flags) representing a change to one of a contact's capabilities, as seen in the <tp:member-ref> CapabilitiesChanged </tp:member-ref> signal on the Capabilities interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usuuuu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Interface, named Channel_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Capability_Flags, named Old_Generic_Flags): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Capability_Flags, named New_Generic_Flags): (Undocumented)

Member 4 (D-Bus type u, named Old_Type_Specific_Flags): (Undocumented)

Member 5 (D-Bus type u, named New_Type_Specific_Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CAPABILITY_CHANGE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usuuuu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_CHANGE.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_PAIR (tp_type_dbus_struct_su ())

A pair (channel type, type-specific flags) as passed to <tp:member-ref> AdvertiseCapabilities </tp:member-ref> on the Capabilities interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (su).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Interface, named Channel_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, named Type_Specific_Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CAPABILITY_PAIR_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_su ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CAPABILITY_PAIR.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITY (tp_type_dbus_struct_usuu ())

A struct (contact handle, channel type, generic flags, type-specific flags) representing a capability posessed by a contact, as returned by <tp:member-ref> GetCapabilities </tp:member-ref> on the Capabilities interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usuu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Interface, named Channel_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Capability_Flags, named Generic_Flags): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, named Type_Specific_Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITY_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usuu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CONTACT_CAPABILITY.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTES_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_ua_7bsv_7d ())

Mapping returned by <tp:member-ref>GetContactAttributes</tp:member-ref>, representing a collection of Contacts and their requested attributes.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ua{sv}}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): A contact

Values (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Single_Contact_Attributes_Map, named Attributes): Attributes of that contact


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_SINGLE_CONTACT_ATTRIBUTES_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

Some of the attributes of a single contact.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, type Contact_Attribute, named Attribute): The name of the attribute

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): The value of the attribute


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Mapping representing a class of channels that can be requested from a connection manager, can be handled by a user interface, are supported by a contact, etc.</p> <p>Classes of channel are identified by the fixed values of a subset of their properties.</p> <p>Channel classes SHOULD always include the keys <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType</tp:dbus-ref> and <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref>. </p>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Qualified_Member, named Key): A D-Bus interface name, followed by a dot and a D-Bus property name.

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): The value of the property.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_CHANNEL_CLASS.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CHANNEL_DETAILS (tp_type_dbus_struct_oa_7bsv_7d ())

Enough details of a channel that clients can work out how to dispatch or handle it.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (oa{sv}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type o, named Channel): The object path of the channel.

Member 1 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Qualified_Property_Value_Map, named Properties): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Properties of the channel.</p> <p>Connection managers MUST NOT include properties in this mapping if their values can change. Clients MUST ignore properties that appear in this mapping if their values can change.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>If properties that could change were included, the following race condition would be likely to exist in some cases:</p> <ul> <li>NewChannels or Get(&quot;Channels&quot;) includes a property P with value V1</li> <li>Client creates a proxy object for the channel</li> <li>The value of P changes to V2</li> <li>Client connects to PChanged signal</li> <li>Client should call Get(&quot;P&quot;) or GetAll here, to avoid the race, but client's author has forgotten to do so</li> <li>Proxy object thinks P == V1, but actually P == V2</li> </ul> <p>We've taken the opportunity to make the API encourage the client author to get it right. Where possible, we intend that properties whose value will be used in channel dispatching or other &quot;early&quot; processing will be defined so that they are immutable (can never change).</p> </tp:rationale> <p>Each dictionary MUST contain the keys <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType</tp:dbus-ref>, <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref>, <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetHandle</tp:dbus-ref>, <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetID</tp:dbus-ref> and <tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Requested</tp:dbus-ref>. </p> <tp:rationale> <p>We expect these to be crucial to the channel-dispatching process.</p> </tp:rationale>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CHANNEL_DETAILS_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_oa_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CHANNEL_DETAILS.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_REQUESTABLE_CHANNEL_CLASS (tp_type_dbus_struct_a_7bsv_7das ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p> Structure representing a class of channels that can be requested, identified by a set of properties that identify that class of channel. </p>

<tp:rationale> <p> This will often just be the channel type and the handle type, but can include other properties of the channel - for instance, encrypted channels might require properties that unencrypted channels do not, like an encryption key. </p> </tp:rationale>

<p> In some cases, these classes of channel may overlap, in the sense that one class fixes all the properties that another class does, plus some more properties. </p>

<tp:rationale> <p> For older clients to still be able to understand how to request channels in the presence of a hypothetical &quot;encryption&quot; interface, we'd need to represent it like this: </p>

<ul> <li> class 1: ChannelType = Text, TargetHandleType = CONTACT </li> <li> class 2: Channel.ChannelType = Text, Channel.TargetHandleType = CONTACT, Encryption.Encrypted = TRUE </li> </ul> </tp:rationale>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (a{sv}as).

Member 0 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Channel_Class, named Fixed_Properties): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The property values that identify this requestable channel class. These properties MUST be included in requests for a channel of this class, and MUST take these values.</p> <p>Clients that do not understand the semantics of all the Fixed_Properties MUST NOT request channels of this class, since they would be unable to avoid making an incorrect request.</p> <p>This implies that connection managers wishing to make channels available to old or minimal clients SHOULD have a channel class with the minimum number of Fixed_Properties, and MAY additionally have channel classes with extra Fixed_Properties.</p> <p>Interface designers SHOULD avoid introducing fixed properties whose types are not serializable in a <code>.manager</code> file.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>Connection managers with a fixed property that is not serializable cannot have a complete <code>.manager</code> file.</p> </tp:rationale>

Member 1 (D-Bus type as, type DBus_Qualified_Member[], named Allowed_Properties): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Properties that MAY be set when requesting a channel of this channel type and handle type.</p> <p>This array MUST NOT include properties that are in the Fixed_Properties mapping.</p> <p>Properties in this array may either be required or optional, according to their documented semantics.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>For instance, if TargetHandleType takes a value that is not Handle_Type_None, one or the other of TargetHandle and TargetID is required. Clients are expected to understand the documented relationship between the properties, so we do not have separate arrays of required and optional properties.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>If this array contains the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.FUTURE">Bundle</tp:dbus-ref> property, then this class of channel can be combined with other channels with that property in a request, or added to an existing bundle. If not, this signifies that the connection manager is unable to mark channels of this class as part of a bundle - this means that to the remote contact they are likely to be indistinguishable from channels requested separately.</p>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_REQUESTABLE_CHANNEL_CLASS_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_a_7bsv_7das ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_REQUESTABLE_CHANNEL_CLASS.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_SIMPLE_CONTACT_PRESENCES (tp_type_dbus_hash_u_28uss_29 ())

Mapping returned by <tp:member-ref>GetPresences</tp:member-ref> and signalled by <tp:member-ref>PresencesChanged</tp:member-ref>, indicating the presence of a number of contacts.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{u(uss)}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): A contact

Values (D-Bus type (uss), type Simple_Presence, named Presence): The contact's presence


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_SIMPLE_STATUS_SPEC_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_s_28ubb_29 ())

A mapping describing possible statuses.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{s(ubb)}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Identifier): The string identifier of this status.

Values (D-Bus type (ubb), type Simple_Status_Spec, named Spec): Details of this status.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SIMPLE_PRESENCE (tp_type_dbus_struct_uss ())

A struct representing the presence of a contact.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uss).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Presence_Type, named Type): The presence type, e.g. Connection_Presence_Type_Away.

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Status): The string identifier of the status, e.g. &quot;brb&quot;, as defined in the <tp:member-ref>Statuses</tp:member-ref> property.

Member 2 (D-Bus type s, named Status_Message): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The user-defined status message, e.g. &quot;Back soon!&quot;.</p> <p>Clients SHOULD set the status message for the local user to the empty string, unless the user has actually provided a specific message (i.e. one that conveys more information than the Status).</p> <p>User interfaces SHOULD regard an empty status message as unset, and MAY replace it with a localized string corresponding to the Status or Type.</p> <tp:rationale> Use case: Daf sets his status in Empathy by choosing the Welsh translation of &quot;Available&quot; from a menu. It is more informative for his English-speaking colleagues to see the English translation of &quot;Available&quot; (as localized by their own clients) than to see &quot;Ar Gael&quot; (which they don't understand anyway). </tp:rationale>


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SIMPLE_STATUS_SPEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_ubb ())

A struct containing information about a status.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ubb).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Presence_Type, named Type): The type of a presence. This SHOULD NOT be used as a way to set statuses that the client does not recognise (as explained in <tp:member-ref>SetPresence</tp:member-ref>), but MAY be used to check that the client's assumptions about a particular status name match the connection manager's.

Member 1 (D-Bus type b, named May_Set_On_Self): If true, the user can set this status on themselves using <tp:member-ref>SetPresence</tp:member-ref>.

Member 2 (D-Bus type b, named Can_Have_Message): If true, a non-empty message can be set for this status. Otherwise, the empty string is the only acceptable message. <tp:rationale> On IRC you can be Away with a status message, but if you are available you cannot set a status message. </tp:rationale>


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_RICH_PRESENCE_ACCESS_CONTROL (tp_type_dbus_struct_uv ())

An access control mode for extended presence items like geolocation. This type isn't actually used by the SimplePresence interface, but it's included here so it can be referenced by rich presence interfaces such as <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface"> Location </tp:dbus-ref> .

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uv).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Rich_Presence_Access_Control_Type, named Type): The type of access control to apply.

Member 1 (D-Bus type v, named Detail): Any additional information required by the Type. The required type and semantics are defined for each <tp:type>Rich_Presence_Access_Control_Type</tp:type>.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_PRESENCES (tp_type_dbus_hash_u_28ua_7bsa_7bsv_7d_7d_29 ())

Mapping returned by <tp:member-ref>GetPresence</tp:member-ref> and signalled by <tp:member-ref>PresenceUpdate</tp:member-ref>, where the keys are contacts and the values represent their presences.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{u(ua{sa{sv}})}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type (ua{sa{sv}}), type Last_Activity_And_Statuses, named Presence): (Undocumented)


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_MULTIPLE_STATUS_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sa_7bsv_7d ())

Mapping used in <tp:type>Last_Activity_And_Statuses</tp:type> and passed to <tp:member-ref>SetStatus</tp:member-ref>, representing a collection of statuses. Use of this mapping with more than one member is deprecated.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sa{sv}}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Status): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type a{sv}, type String_Variant_Map, named Parameters): (Undocumented)


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_STATUS_SPEC_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_s_28ubba_7bss_7d_29 ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{s(ubba{ss})}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Identifier): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type (ubba{ss}), type Status_Spec, named Spec): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_LAST_ACTIVITY_AND_STATUSES (tp_type_dbus_struct_ua_7bsa_7bsv_7d_7d ())

Structure representing a contact's presence, containing a last-activity time (deprecated) and a Multiple_Status_Map.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ua{sa{sv}}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Unix_Timestamp, named Last_Activity): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type a{sa{sv}}, type Multiple_Status_Map, named Statuses): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_STATUS_SPEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_ubba_7bss_7d ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ubba{ss}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Connection_Presence_Type, named Type): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type b, named May_Set_On_Self): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type b, named Exclusive): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type a{ss}, type String_String_Map, named Parameter_Types): (Undocumented)


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_LOCATION (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

A user's location, represented as an extensible mapping.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Key): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Civic addresses are represented by the following well-known keys (all of which have string values), which should be kept in sync with those used in XEP-0080 and in the Geoclue project:</p> <ul> <li>countrycode - s: an ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 (two-letter) country code, e.g. &quot;us&quot;, &quot;gb&quot;, &quot;fr&quot;</li> <li>country - s: a country name in unspecified locale, e.g. &quot;USA&quot;</li> <li>region - s: an administrative region of the nation, such as a state or province</li> <li>locality - s: a locality within the administrative region, such as a town or city</li> <li>area - s: a named area such as a campus or neighborhood</li> <li>postalcode - s: a code used for postal delivery</li> <li>street - s: a thoroughfare within the locality, or a crossing of two thoroughfares</li> </ul> <p>The following address keys are defined in XEP-0080 but not by Geoclue, and are also allowed:</p> <ul> <li>building - s: a specific building on a street or in an area</li> <li>floor - s: a particular floor in a building</li> <li>room - s: a particular room in a building</li> <li>text - s: any more specific information, e.g. &quot;Northwest corner of the lobby&quot;</li> <li>description - s: A natural-language name for or description of the location, e.g. &quot;Bill's house&quot;</li> <li>uri - s: a URI representing the location or pointing to more information about it</li> </ul> <p>Since the previous strings have data intended to be read by users, the language used should be stated using:</p> <ul> <li>language - s: a specific language or locale of location information in a format compatible to RFC 4646. Note that UTF-8 is the only allowed encoding, e.g. &quot;en&quot; or &quot;fr-CA&quot;.</li> </ul> <p>Positions are represented by the following well-known keys:</p> <ul> <li>lat - d: latitude in decimal degrees north, -90 to +90, relative to the WGS-84 datum <tp:rationale> This is from XEP-0080; the XEP allows use of a different datum, but recommends this one. We enforce sanity by requiring a consistent datum: a minimal compliant implementation of this specification in terms of XEP-0080 would simply ignore the &lt;lat&gt; and &lt;lon&gt; elements if &lt;datum&gt; exists and has a value other than WGS-84, while an advanced implementation might correct for the different datum. </tp:rationale> </li> <li>lon - d: Longitude in decimal degrees east, -180 to +180, relative to the WGS-84 datum <tp:rationale> Same rationale as 'lat' </tp:rationale> </li> <li>alt - d: altitude in metres above sea level (negative if below sea level) <tp:rationale> This is from XEP-0080 </tp:rationale> </li> <!-- Potentially to be reinstated later: <li>accuracy-level - i (<tp:type>Location_Accuracy_Level</tp:type>): an indication of accuracy, which SHOULD be omitted if it would be Location_Accuracy_Level_None or Location_Accuracy_Level_Detailed <tp:rationale> This is a struct field in GeoClue; the name is new in this specification, and was chosen in an attempt to avoid clashing with any future XEP-0080 terminology. </tp:rationale> </li> --> <li>accuracy - d: horizontal position error in metres if known <tp:rationale> This is from XEP-0080 </tp:rationale> </li> </ul> <p>Velocities are represented by the following well-known keys:</p> <ul> <li>speed - d: speed in metres per second <tp:rationale> This is from XEP-0080 </tp:rationale> </li> <li>bearing - d: direction of movement in decimal degrees, where North is 0 and East is 90 <tp:rationale> This is from XEP-0080, and is equivalent to the struct field called &quot;direction&quot; in GeoClue </tp:rationale> </li> </ul> <p>Other well-known keys:</p> <ul> <li>timestamp - x (<tp:type>Unix_Timestamp64</tp:type>): the time that the contact was at this location, in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (i.e. the beginning of 1970 in UTC) <tp:rationale> XEP-0080 uses an ISO 8601 string for this, but a number of seconds since the epoch is probably easier to work with. </tp:rationale> </li> </ul>

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): The value corresponding to the well-known key.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_LOCATIONS (tp_type_dbus_hash_ua_7bsv_7d ())

A map from contacts to their locations.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ua{sv}}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): A contact

Values (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Location, named Location): The contact's location, which MAY be empty to indicate that the contact's location is unknown


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_INFO_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_ua_28sasas_29 ())

A dictionary whose keys are contact handles and whose values are contact information..

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ua(sasas)}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type a(sasas), type Contact_Info_Field[], named Contact_Info): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CONTACT_INFO_FIELD (tp_type_dbus_struct_sasas ())

The name of the field; this is the lowercased name of a vCard field. For example, a field representing a contact's address would be named &quot;adr&quot;.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sasas).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Field_Name): The name of the field; this is the lowercased name of a vCard field. For example, a field representing a contact's address would be named &quot;adr&quot;.

Member 1 (D-Bus type as, named Parameters): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>A list of vCard type parameters applicable to this field, with their values. The type parameter names, and any values that are case-insensitive in vCard, MUST be in lower case. For example, a contact's preferred home address would have parameters 'type=home' and 'type=pref'.</p> <tp:rationale> The type parameter 'type' is likely to be the most common, but there can be others, such as 'language=en'. </tp:rationale> <p>Characters which are required to be escaped in vCard type parameters should not be escaped in this list. For instance, a field &quot;X-FOO;SEMICOLON=\;:bar&quot; in a vCard would become ('x-foo', ['semicolon=;'], ['bar']) in this interface.</p> <tp:rationale> This avoids Telepathy UIs having to understand the escaping and unescaping rules for vCards. The type parameter name is not allowed (by RFC 2425) to contain an '=' character, so no ambiguity is introduced. </tp:rationale>

Member 2 (D-Bus type as, named Field_Value): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>For unstructured vCard fields (such as 'fn', a formatted name field), a single-element array containing the field's value.</p> <p>For structured fields (such as 'adr', an address field), an array corresponding to the semicolon-separated elements of the field (with empty strings for empty elements).</p> <p>A vCard field with multiple comma-separated values, such as 'nickname', should be represented by several <tp:type>Contact_Info_Field</tp:type>s.</p> <p>Characters which are required to be escaped in vCard values, such as semi-colons and newlines, should not be escaped in this list (e.g. if a value contains a newline, the data passed over D-Bus should contain a literal newline character).</p> <tp:rationale> An earlier draft of this interface split structured vCard fields into multiple Telepathy-level fields; for example, 'n' became 'family-name', 'given-name', etc. But under this representation, omitting empty components leads to difficulty identifying where one name ends and another begins. Consider the fields ['given-name', 'honorific-suffixes', 'family-name', 'honorific-prefixes']: does this represent two 'n' fields, or one with incorrect component ordering? </tp:rationale>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_CONTACT_INFO_FIELD_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_sasas ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_CONTACT_INFO_FIELD.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_SPEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_sasuu ())

A struct describing a vCard field, with parameters, that may be passed to <tp:member-ref> SetContactInfo </tp:member-ref> on this Connection.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sasuu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, type VCard_Field, named Name): A vCard field name, such as 'tel'.

Member 1 (D-Bus type as, type VCard_Type_Parameter[], named Parameters): The set of vCard type parameters which may be set on this field. If this list is empty and the Contact_Info_Field_Flag_Parameters_Exact flag is not set, any vCard type parameters may be used.

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Info_Field_Flags, named Flags): Flags describing the behaviour of this field.

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, named Max): Maximum number of instances of this field which may be set. MAXUINT32 is used to indicate that there is no limit.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_FIELD_SPECS (tp_type_dbus_array_sasuu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_FIELD_SPEC.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_LOCAL_PENDING_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_uuus ())

A structure representing a contact whose attempt to join a group is to be confirmed by the local user using <tp:member-ref> AddMembers </tp:member-ref> .

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uuus).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named To_Be_Added): The contact to be added to the group

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Actor): The contact requesting or causing the change

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Channel_Group_Change_Reason, named Reason): The reason for the change

Member 3 (D-Bus type s, named Message): A human-readable message from the Actor, or an empty string if there is no message


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_LOCAL_PENDING_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uuus ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_LOCAL_PENDING_INFO.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_HANDLE_OWNER_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uu ())

A map from channel-specific handles to their owners.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uu}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Channel_Specific_Handle): A nonzero channel-specific handle

Values (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Global_Handle): The global handle that owns the corresponding channel-specific handle, or 0 if this could not be determined


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_HANDLE_IDENTIFIER_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_us ())

A map from handles to the corresponding normalized string identifier.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{us}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): A nonzero handle

Values (D-Bus type s, named Identifier): The same string that would be returned by <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection">InspectHandles</tp:dbus-ref> for this handle.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CHANNEL_ORIGINATOR_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uo ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> A mapping from members of a conference to the original 1-1 channel with that contact, if any. See <tp:member-ref>OriginalChannels</tp:member-ref> for details.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uo}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Channel_Specific_Handle): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> A channel-specific handle for a participant in this conference.

Values (D-Bus type o, named Original_Channel): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> The object path of <tp:member-ref>Channels</tp:member-ref> representing the original 1-1 channel with <var>Channel_Specific_Handle</var>.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PENDING_TEXT_MESSAGE (tp_type_dbus_struct_uuuuus ())

A struct (message ID, timestamp in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC, sender's handle, message type, flags, text) representing a pending text message, as returned by <tp:member-ref> ListPendingMessages </tp:member-ref> . The arguments of the <tp:member-ref> Received </tp:member-ref> signal also match this struct's signature.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uuuuus).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Message_ID, named Identifier): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, type Unix_Timestamp, named Unix_Timestamp): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Sender): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Channel_Text_Message_Type, named Message_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 4 (D-Bus type u, type Channel_Text_Message_Flags, named Flags): (Undocumented)

Member 5 (D-Bus type s, named Text): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PENDING_TEXT_MESSAGE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uuuuus ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PENDING_TEXT_MESSAGE.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_MESSAGE_PART (tp_type_dbus_hash_sv ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Part of a message's content. In practice, this mapping never appears in isolation: incoming messages are represented by a list of <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> mappings in the <tp:member-ref>MessageReceived</tp:member-ref> signal, and outgoing messages are passed to <tp:member-ref>SendMessage</tp:member-ref> as a list of these mappings.</p> <p>The first part of the message contains &quot;headers&quot;, which refer to the entire message. The second and subsequent parts contain the message's content, including plain text, formatted text and/or attached files. Well-known keys for the header and body parts are defined by the <tp:type>Message_Header_Key</tp:type> and <tp:type>Message_Body_Key</tp:type> types, respectively. It is an error for a connection manager to put keys referring to the message as a whole in the second or subsequent Message_Part, or keys intended for body parts in the first Message_Part; clients MUST recover from this error by ignoring these mis-placed keys.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>Instead of representing messages as aa{sv} where the first dictionary is special (a dictionary of headers), we could have used a signature like (a{sv}aa{sv}) to separate out the headers and the body parts.</p> <p>However, this would make access to the messages more awkward. In Python, the syntax for access to a header field would remain <code>message[0]['message-type']</code>, but access to a body field in the second body part would change from <code>message[2]['content'] to message[1][1]['content']</code>. In GLib, the message would change from being a <code>GPtrArray(GHashTable)</code> to being a <code>GValueArray(GHashTable, GPtrArray(GHashTable))</code> which is rather inconvenient to dereference.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>In any group of parts with the same non-empty value for the <tt>alternative</tt> key (which represent alternative versions of the same content), more faithful versions of the intended message MUST come before less faithful versions (note that this order is the opposite of MIME <tt>multipart/alternative</tt> parts). Clients SHOULD display the first alternative that they understand.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>Specifying the preference order means that if the underlying protocol doesn't support alternatives, the CM can safely delete everything apart from the first supported alternative when sending messages.</p> <p>The order is the reverse of MIME because MIME's rationale for placing the &quot;plainest&quot; part first (legibility in pre-MIME UAs) does not apply to us, and placing the most preferred part first simplifies display (a client can iterate the message in order, display the first alternative that it understands, and skip displaying all subsequent parts with the same &quot;alternative&quot; key).</p> </tp:rationale> <p>Clients SHOULD present all parts that are not redundant alternatives in the order they appear in this array, possibly excluding parts that are referenced by another displayed part. It is implementation-specific how the parts are presented to the user.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>This allows CMs to assume that all parts are actually shown to the user, even if they are not explicitly referenced - we do not yet recommend formatted text, and there is no way for plain text to reference an attachment since it has no concept of markup or references. This also forces clients to do something sensible with messages that consist entirely of &quot;attachments&quot;, with no &quot;body&quot; at all.</p> <p>For instance, when displaying the above example, a client that understands the HTML part should display the JPEG image once, between the two lines &quot;Here is a photo of my cat:&quot; and &quot;Isn't it cute?&quot;; it may additionally present the image in some way for a second time, after &quot;Isn't it cute?&quot;, or may choose not to.</p> <p>A client that does not understand HTML, displaying the same message, should display the plain-text part, followed by the JPEG image.</p> </tp:rationale> <h4>Example messages</h4> <p>A rich-text message, with an embedded image, might be represented as:</p> <pre> [ { 'message-token': '9de9546a-3400-4419-a505-3ea270cb834c', 'message-sender': 42, 'message-sent': 1210067943, 'message-received': 1210067947, 'message-type': 0, # = Channel_Text_Message_Type_Normal 'pending-message-id': 437, }, { 'alternative': 'main', 'content-type': 'text/html', 'content': 'Here is a photo of my cat:&lt;br /&gt;' + '&lt;img src=&quot;cid:catphoto&quot; alt=&quot;lol!&quot; /&gt;' + '&lt;br /&gt;Isn't it cute?', }, { 'alternative': 'main', 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content': 'Here is a photo of my cat:\n[IMG: lol!]\nIsn't it cute?', }, { 'identifier': 'catphoto', 'content-type': 'image/jpeg', 'size': 101000, 'needs-retrieval': True, }, ]</pre> <p>telepathy-ring, Nokia's GSM connection manager, represents vCards sent via SMS as:</p> <pre> [ { 'message-token': '9de9546a-3400-4419-a505-3ea270cb834c', 'message-sender': 42, 'message-sent': 1210067943, 'message-received': 1210067947, 'message-type': 0, # = Channel_Text_Message_Type_Normal 'pending-message-id': 437, }, { 'content-type': 'text/x-vcard', 'content': [ 0x66, 0x69, 0x71, ...], # vCard data as an array of bytes }, ]</pre> <h3>Delivery reports</h3> <div> <p>Delivery reports are also represented as messages with the <tt>message-type</tt> header mapping to <tp:type>Channel_Text_Message_Type</tp:type> Delivery_Report. Delivery reports SHOULD contain the <tt>message-sender</tt> header, mapping to the intended recipient of the original message, if possible; other headers specific to delivery reports are defined by the <tp:type>Delivery_Report_Header_Key</tp:type> type. The second and subsequent parts, if present, are a human-readable report from the IM service.</p> <p>For backwards- and forwards-compatibility, whenever a delivery error report is signalled—that is, with <tt>delivery-status</tt> mapping to <tp:type>Delivery_Status</tp:type> Temporarily_Failed or Permanently_Failed—<tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text">SendError</tp:dbus-ref> SHOULD also be emitted; whenever <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text">SendError</tp:dbus-ref> is emitted, a delivery report MUST also be signalled. Delivery report messages on this interface MUST be represented in emissions of <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text">Received</tp:dbus-ref> as messages with the Non_Text_Content <tp:type>Channel_Text_Message_Flags</tp:type>; clients which understand this interface SHOULD ignore the SendError signal in favour of listening for delivery reports, as mentioned in the introduction.</p> <p>The result of attempting to send delivery reports using <tp:member-ref>SendMessage</tp:member-ref> is currently undefined.</p> <h4>Example delivery reports</h4> <dl> <dt>A minimal delivery report indicating permanent failure of the sent message whose token was <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code> for an unknown reason</dt> <dd><pre> [{ # header 'message-sender': 123, 'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report, 'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Permanently_Failed, 'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4', } # no body ]</pre></dd> <dt>A delivery report where the failed message is echoed back to the sender rather than being referenced by ID, and the failure reason is that this protocol cannot send messages to offline contacts such as the contact with handle 123</dt> <dd><pre> [{ # header 'message-sender': 123, 'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report, 'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Temporarily_Failed, 'delivery-error': Channel_Text_Send_Error_Offline, 'delivery-echo': [{ # header of original message 'message-sender': 1, 'message-sent': 1210067943, }, { # body of original message 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content': 'Hello, world!', }] ], # no body ]</pre></dd> <dt>A maximally complex delivery report: the server reports a bilingual human-readable failure message because the user sent a message &quot;Hello, world!&quot; with token <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code> to a contact with handle 123, but that handle represents a contact who does not actually exist</dt> <dd><pre> [{ # header 'message-sender': 123, 'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report, 'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Permanently_Failed, 'delivery-error': Channel_Text_Send_Error_Invalid_Contact, 'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4', 'delivery-echo': [{ # header of original message 'message-sender': 1, 'message-sent': 1210067943, }, { # body of original message 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'content': 'Hello, world!', }] ], }, { # message from server (alternative in English) 'alternative': '404', 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'lang': 'en', 'content': 'I have no contact with that name', }, { # message from server (alternative in German) 'alternative': '404'. 'content-type': 'text/plain', 'lang': 'de', 'content', 'Ich habe keinen Kontakt mit diesem Namen', } ]</pre></dd> <dt>A minimal delivery report indicating successful delivery of the sent message whose token was <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code></dt> <dd><pre> [{ # header 'message-sender': 123, 'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report, 'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Delivered, 'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4', } # no body ]</pre></dd> </dl> </div>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sv}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Key): A key, which SHOULD be one of the well-known keys specified by <tp:type>Message_Header_Key</tp:type>, <tp:type>Message_Body_Key</tp:type> or <tp:type>Delivery_Report_Header_Key</tp:type> if possible.

Values (D-Bus type v, named Value): The value corresponding to the given key, which SHOULD be one of the specified types for well-known keys.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MESSAGE_PART_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_of_a_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_HASH_TYPE_MESSAGE_PART.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_MESSAGE_PART_CONTENT_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uv ())

A mapping from message part indexes to their content, as returned by <tp:member-ref>GetPendingMessageContent</tp:member-ref>.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uv}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Message_Part_Index, named Part): Indexes into the array of <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type>s that represents a message. The &quot;headers&quot; part (which is not a valid argument to GetPendingMessageContent) is considered to be part 0, so the valid part numbers start at 1 (for the second message part).

Values (D-Bus type v, named Content): The message part's content. The variant MUST contain either type 's' or 'ay' (UTF-8 text string, or byte array), following the same rules as for the value of the 'content' key in the <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> mappings.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CHAT_STATE_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uu ())

A map from contacts to their chat states.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uu}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): A contact

Values (D-Bus type u, type Channel_Chat_State, named State): The contact's chat state


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_SUPPORTED_SOCKET_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uau ())

The supported socket address and access-control types for tubes. See GetAvailableStreamTubeTypes.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uau}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Socket_Address_Type, named Address_Type): (Undocumented)

Values (D-Bus type au, type Socket_Access_Control[], named Access_Control): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_TUBE_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_uuusa_7bsv_7du ())

A struct (tube ID, initiator handle, tube type, service name, parameters, state) representing a tube, as returned by ListTubes on the Tubes channel type.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uuusa{sv}u).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Tube_ID, named Identifier): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Initiator): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Tube_Type, named Type): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type s, named Service): (Undocumented)

Member 4 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type String_Variant_Map, named Parameters): (Undocumented)

Member 5 (D-Bus type u, type Tube_State, named State): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_TUBE_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uuusa_7bsv_7du ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_TUBE_INFO.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_MEMBER (tp_type_dbus_struct_us ())

Represents a participant in a multi-user D-Bus tube, as returned by <tp:member-ref> GetDBusNames </tp:member-ref> and seen in the <tp:member-ref> DBusNamesChanged </tp:member-ref> signal.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (us).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): The handle of a participant in this D-Bus tube.

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Unique_Name, named Unique_Name): That participant's unique name.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_MEMBER_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_us ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_MEMBER.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE_PARTICIPANTS (tp_type_dbus_hash_us ())

Represents the participants in a multi-user D-Bus tube, as used by the <tp:member-ref>DBusNames</tp:member-ref> property and the <tp:member-ref>DBusNamesChanged</tp:member-ref> signal.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{us}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Handle): The handle of a participant in this D-Bus tube.

Values (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Unique_Name, named Unique_Name): That participant's unique name.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_SPEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_ussu ())

A struct (property ID, property name, D-Bus signature, flags) representing a property, as returned by ListProperties on the Properties interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ussu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, named Property_ID): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Name): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Signature, named Signature): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Property_Flags, named Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PROPERTY_SPEC_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_ussu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_SPEC.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHANGE (tp_type_dbus_struct_uu ())

A struct (property ID, flags) representing a change to a property's flags, as seen in the PropertyFlagsChanged signal on the Properties interface.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, named Property_ID): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, named New_Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHANGE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHANGE.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUE (tp_type_dbus_struct_uv ())

A struct (property ID, value) representing a property's value, as seen in the PropertiesChanged signal on the Properties interface, returned by the GetProperties method and passed to the SetProperties method.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uv).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Property_ID, named Identifier): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type v, named Value): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uv ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUE.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MEDIA_SESSION_HANDLER_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_os ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_SESSION_HANDLER_INFO.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_SESSION_HANDLER_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_os ())

A struct representing a active session handler.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (os).

Member 0 (D-Bus type o, named Session_Handler): The object path of the session handler, which is on the same bus name as the channel.

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type Media_Session_Type, named Media_Session_Type): The media session's type


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CANDIDATE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_sa_28usuussduss_29 ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CANDIDATE.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CODEC_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usuuua_7bss_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CODEC.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_TRANSPORT_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usuussduss ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_TRANSPORT.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CANDIDATE (tp_type_dbus_struct_sa_28usuussduss_29 ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (sa(usuussduss)).

Member 0 (D-Bus type s, named Name): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type a(usuussduss), type Media_Stream_Handler_Transport[], named Transports): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_CODEC (tp_type_dbus_struct_usuuua_7bss_7d ())

Information about a codec supported by a client or a peer's client.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usuuua{ss}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, named Codec_ID): The codec's payload identifier, as per RFC 3551 (static or dynamic)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Name): The codec's name

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Type, named Media_Type): Type of stream this codec supports

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, named Clock_Rate): Sampling frequency in Hertz

Member 4 (D-Bus type u, named Number_Of_Channels): Number of supported channels

Member 5 (D-Bus type a{ss}, type String_String_Map, named Parameters): Codec-specific optional parameters


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_HANDLER_TRANSPORT (tp_type_dbus_struct_usuussduss ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usuussduss).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, named Component_Number): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named IP_Address): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, named Port): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Base_Proto, named Protocol): (Undocumented)

Member 4 (D-Bus type s, named Subtype): (Undocumented)

Member 5 (D-Bus type s, named Profile): (Undocumented)

Member 6 (D-Bus type d, named Preference_Value): (Undocumented)

Member 7 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Transport_Type, named Transport_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 8 (D-Bus type s, named Username): (Undocumented)

Member 9 (D-Bus type s, named Password): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_uuuuuu ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (uuuuuu).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Stream_ID, named Identifier): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Type, named Type): (Undocumented)

Member 3 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_State, named State): (Undocumented)

Member 4 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Direction, named Direction): (Undocumented)

Member 5 (D-Bus type u, type Media_Stream_Pending_Send, named Pending_Send_Flags): (Undocumented)


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_uuuuuu ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_MEDIA_STREAM_INFO.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CHANNEL_CALL_STATE_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_uu ())

A map from contacts to call states.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{uu}.

Keys (D-Bus type u, type Contact_Handle, named Contact): A contact involved in this call.

Values (D-Bus type u, type Channel_Call_State_Flags, named State): State flags for the given contact.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_ROOM_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usa_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ROOM_INFO.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_ROOM_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct_usa_7bsv_7d ())


This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usa{sv}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Room_Handle, named Handle): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Interface, named Channel_Type): (Undocumented)

Member 2 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type String_Variant_Map, named Info): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT (tp_type_dbus_struct_us ())

A service point.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (us).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type Service_Point_Type, named Service_Point_Type): The service type.

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Service): String representation of the service point. The representation is service specific; it may be a 'service' Uniform Resource Name as specified by <a href="">RFC 5031</a>, or may be in some other form. Empty, unused or unknown value is represented by &quot;&quot;.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_INFO_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array__28us_29as ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_INFO.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_INFO (tp_type_dbus_struct__28us_29as ())

The service point.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature ((us)as).

Member 0 (D-Bus type (us), type Service_Point, named Service_Point): The service point.

Member 1 (D-Bus type as, named Service_IDs): A list of IDs that are mapped to this service. This is provided as a convenience for the UIs, but the preferred method for requesting channel to a service is by setting the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.ServicePoint">InitialServicePoint</tp:dbus-ref> property in a channel request.

enum TpChannelContactSearchState

typedef enum {
} TpChannelContactSearchState;

Bitfield/set of flags generated from the Telepathy specification.


The search has not started


The search is in progress


The search has paused, but more results can be retrieved by calling More.


The search has been completed


The search has failed



1 higher than the highest valid value of TpChannelContactSearchState.


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_SEARCH_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_ss ())

A map from search keys to search terms.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{ss}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, type Contact_Search_Key, named Key): The search key to match against

Values (D-Bus type s, named Term): The term or terms to be searched for in the search key; depending on the protocol and the server implementation, this may be matched by exact or approximate equality, substring matching, word matching or any other matching algorithm


#define TP_HASH_TYPE_CONTACT_SEARCH_RESULT_MAP (tp_type_dbus_hash_sa_28sasas_29 ())

A map from contact identifier to search result, emitted in the <tp:member-ref>SearchResultReceived</tp:member-ref> signal.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GHashTable appropriate for representing a D-Bus dictionary of signature a{sa(sasas)}.

Keys (D-Bus type s, named Contact_Identifier): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> The identifier of a contact matching the search terms. <tp:rationale> This is an identifier rather than a handle in case we make handles immortal; see <a href="">fd.o23155</a> and <a href="">fd.o13347 comment 5</a>. </tp:rationale>

Values (D-Bus type a(sasas), type Contact_Info_Field[], named Info): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>An array of fields representing information about this contact, in the same format used in the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface">ContactInfo</tp:dbus-ref> interface. It is possible that a separate call to <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.ContactInfo">RequestContactInfo</tp:dbus-ref> would return more information than this signal provides.</p>


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_AVATAR (tp_type_dbus_struct_ays ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p> A struct containing avatar data marked with its MIME type. </p>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (ays).

Member 0 (D-Bus type ay, named Avatar_Data): (Undocumented)

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named MIME_Type): (Undocumented)


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DISPATCH_OPERATION_DETAILS (tp_type_dbus_struct_oa_7bsv_7d ())

Details of a channel dispatch operation.

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (oa{sv}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type o, named Channel_Dispatch_Operation): The object path of the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy">ChannelDispatchOperation</tp:dbus-ref>.

Member 1 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type Qualified_Property_Value_Map, named Properties): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Properties of the channel dispatch operation.</p> <p>Connection managers MUST NOT include properties in this mapping if their values can change. Clients MUST ignore properties that appear in this mapping if their values can change.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>The rationale is the same as for <tp:type-ref>Channel_Details</tp:type-ref>.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>Each dictionary MUST contain at least the following keys:</p> <ul> <li><tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatchOperation.Interfaces</tp:dbus-ref></li> <li><tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatchOperation.Connection</tp:dbus-ref></li> <li><tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatchOperation.Account</tp:dbus-ref></li> <li><tp:dbus-ref>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatchOperation.PossibleHandlers</tp:dbus-ref></li> </ul>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_DISPATCH_OPERATION_DETAILS_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_oa_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DISPATCH_OPERATION_DETAILS.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DEBUG_MESSAGE (tp_type_dbus_struct_dsus ())

A struct representing a debug message, as returned by <tp:member-ref> GetMessages </tp:member-ref> .

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (dsus).

Member 0 (D-Bus type d, named Timestamp): Timestamp of the debug message. This is a double to allow more accuracy in the time the message was logged.

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, named Domain): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Domain of the debug message. This is used to identify the source of debug messages. For example, debug messages from a connection manager could have this Domain struct member be the name of the connection manager, and logs from any helper library could have the name of the helper library.</p> <p>The domain could also contain a category as to where the log message originated separated by a forward-slash. For example, if a debug message was output in a connection manager called &quot;dummy&quot;, in the file-transfer code, this Domain struct member might be <tt>dummy/file-transfer</tt>.</p>

Member 2 (D-Bus type u, type Debug_Level, named Level): Level of the debug message. This states the severity of the debug message.

Member 3 (D-Bus type s, named Message): The text of the debug message.


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_dsus ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_DEBUG_MESSAGE.


#define TP_STRUCT_TYPE_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REJECTION (tp_type_dbus_struct_usa_7bsv_7d ())

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p> Struct representing one reason why a TLS certificate was rejected. </p> <p> Since there can be multiple things wrong with a TLS certificate, arrays of this type are used to represent lists of reasons for rejection. In that case, the most important reason SHOULD be placed first in the list. </p>

This macro expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GValueArray appropriate for representing a D-Bus struct with signature (usa{sv}).

Member 0 (D-Bus type u, type TLS_Certificate_Reject_Reason, named Reason): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The value of the TLS_Certificate_Reject_Reason enumeration for this certificate rejection. <tp:rationale> Clients that do not understand the <code>Error</code> member, which may be implementation-specific, can use this property to classify rejection reasons into common categories. </tp:rationale> </p>

Member 1 (D-Bus type s, type DBus_Error_Name, named Error): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>The DBus error name for this certificate rejection.</p> <p>This MAY correspond to the value of the <code>Reason</code> member, or MAY be a more specific D-Bus error name, perhaps implementation-specific.</p>

Member 2 (D-Bus type a{sv}, type String_Variant_Map, named Details): <tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Additional information about why the certificate was rejected. This MAY also include one or more of the following well-known keys:</p> <p> <dl> <dt>user-requested (b)</dt> <dd>True if the error was due to an user-requested rejection of the certificate; False if there was an unrecoverable error in the verification process.</dd> <dt>expected-hostname (s)</dt> <dd>If the rejection reason is Hostname_Mismatch, the hostname that the server certificate was expected to have.</dd> <dt>certificate-hostname (s)</dt> <dd>If the rejection reason is Hostname_Mismatch, the hostname of the certificate that was presented. <tp:rationale> <p>For instance, if you try to connect to but are presented with a TLS certificate issued to, the error details for Hostname_Mismatch MAY include:</p> <pre> { 'expected-hostname': '', 'certificate-hostname': '', } </pre> </tp:rationale> </dd> <dt>debug-message (s)</dt> <dd>Debugging information on the error, corresponding to the message part of a D-Bus error message, which SHOULD NOT be displayed to users under normal circumstances</dd> </dl> </p>


#define TP_ARRAY_TYPE_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REJECTION_LIST (tp_type_dbus_array_usa_7bsv_7d ())

Expands to a call to a function that returns the GType of a GPtrArray of TP_STRUCT_TYPE_TLS_CERTIFICATE_REJECTION.