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#include <TelepathyQt/_gen/svc-channel.h>
Inherits Tp::AbstractAdaptor.
Public Slots | |
Tp::CaptchaInfoList | GetCaptchas (const QDBusMessage &dbusMessage, uint &numberRequired, QString &language) |
QByteArray | GetCaptchaData (uint ID, const QString &mimeType, const QDBusMessage &dbusMessage) |
void | AnswerCaptchas (const Tp::CaptchaAnswers &answers, const QDBusMessage &dbusMessage) |
void | CancelCaptcha (uint reason, const QString &debugMessage, const QDBusMessage &dbusMessage) |
Public Member Functions | |
bool | CanRetryCaptcha () const |
uint | CaptchaStatus () const |
QString | CaptchaError () const |
QVariantMap | CaptchaErrorDetails () const |
![]() | |
AbstractAdaptor (const QDBusConnection &connection, QObject *adaptee, QObject *parent) | |
~AbstractAdaptor () | |
QDBusConnection | dbusConnection () const |
QObject * | adaptee () const |
Adaptor class providing a 1:1 mapping of the D-Bus interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.CaptchaAuthentication1".
bool Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::CanRetryCaptcha | ( | ) | const |
Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property CanRetryCaptcha
of type bool
Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named 'canRetryCaptcha' with type bool.
If true, GetCaptchas() can be expected to return new captcha information when in the Local_Pending state. If false, GetCaptchas() will return NotAvailable on subsequent calls.
Refreshing the captcha isn't required to work, although some protocols and implementations allow it. This is usually done in case a given captcha is unintelligible.
. uint Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::CaptchaStatus | ( | ) | const |
Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property CaptchaStatus
of type uint
Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named 'captchaStatus' with type uint.
The current status of this channel.
Because only the Handler should call methods on this interface, the Handler MAY reduce round-trips by not fetching the initial value of this property, and instead assume that is initially Local_Pending.
This assumption normally avoids the need to call GetAll(), since the values of CaptchaError and CaptchaErrorDetails are also implied by this assumption, and the only other property is CanRetryCaptcha , which is immutable.
. QString Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::CaptchaError | ( | ) | const |
Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property CaptchaError
of type QString
Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named 'captchaError' with type QString.
The reason for the CaptchaStatus , or an empty string if the state is neither Try_Again nor Failed.
Typical values: "", Cancelled, AuthenticationFailed, CaptchaNotSupported
In particular, an ordinary authentication failure (as would
be produced for an incorrect answer) SHOULD be represented by
If this interface appears on a ChannelTypeServerAuthenticationInterface channel, and connection to the server fails with an authentication failure, this error code SHOULD be copied into the ConnectionInterface::ConnectionError() signal.
. QVariantMap Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::CaptchaErrorDetails | ( | ) | const |
Return the value of the exported D-Bus object property CaptchaErrorDetails
of type QVariantMap
Adaptees should export this property as a Qt property named 'captchaErrorDetails' with type QVariantMap.
If CaptchaError is non-empty, any additional information about the last disconnection; otherwise, the empty map. The keys and values are the same as for the second argument of ConnectionInterface::ConnectionError() .
If this interface appears on a ChannelTypeServerAuthenticationInterface channel, and connection to the server fails with an authentication failure, these details SHOULD be copied into the ConnectionInterface::ConnectionError() signal.
slot |
Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method GetCaptchas
on this object.
Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature: void getCaptchas(const Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::GetCaptchasContextPtr &context);
Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError accordingly) on the received context object once the method has finished processing.
Gets information regarding each of the captcha methods available and which and how many need to be successfully answered
To call this method successfully, the state must be Local_Pending or Try_Again. If it is Local_Pending, it remains Local_Pending. If called more than once while in Local_Pending state, or if the state is Try_Again, this method fetches a new set of captcha challenges, if possible, and the state returns to Local_Pending.
For instance, you could call GetCaptchas again from Local_Pending state if the user indicates that they can't understand the initially-offered captcha.
This is a method, not a property, so that it can be used to fetch more than one set of captcha challenges, and so that change notification is not required. Only the Handler should call this method and calling GetAll would not reduce round-trips, so the usual reasons to prefer a property do not apply here.
numberRequired | Output parameter |
The number of captcha methods required to be answered in order to successfully complete this captcha challenge (most frequently 1, but XMPP allows servers to demand that more than one captcha is answered).
language | Output parameter |
The language of each Label in Captcha_Info if available, for instance en_US, or "" if unknown.
Information about each of the available captcha methods.
slot |
Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method GetCaptchaData
on this object.
Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature: void getCaptchaData(uint ID, const QString& mimeType, const Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::GetCaptchaDataContextPtr &context);
Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError accordingly) on the received context object once the method has finished processing.
Fetch and return the captcha data. In protocols where captchas are downloaded out-of-band (for instance via HTTP), the connection manager is expected to do so.
Returns an empty array if the type was "qa"
If audio-based and image-based captchas are both available, we don't want to waste time downloading the audio until/unless the user asks to hear it. The extra D-Bus round-trips are not a problem, since they are expected to be quick compared with the time taken for the user to solve the captcha.
ID | The ID of the captcha of which to retrieve data. |
mimeType | MIME type picked by the Handler, chosen from the list of MIME types received in GetCaptchas. XEP-0158 allows the same captcha to be made available in multiple formats, for instance the same spoken question as audio/x-wav, application/ogg and audio/speex. |
Captcha data as requested.
slot |
Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method AnswerCaptchas
on this object.
Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature: void answerCaptchas(const Tp::CaptchaAnswers& answers, const Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::AnswerCaptchasContextPtr &context);
Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError accordingly) on the received context object once the method has finished processing.
Answer as many captchas as desired and/or required.
Callable in state Local_Pending only. State changes to Remote_Pending.
answers | The mapping of captcha IDs to answer strings. |
slot |
Begins a call to the exported D-Bus method CancelCaptcha
on this object.
Adaptees should export this method as a Qt slot with the following signature: void cancelCaptcha(uint reason, const QString& debugMessage, const Tp::Service::ChannelInterfaceCaptchaAuthenticationAdaptor::CancelCaptchaContextPtr &context);
Implementations should call MethodInvocationContext::setFinished (or setFinishedWithError accordingly) on the received context object once the method has finished processing.
Cancel. State changes to Failed with error NotAvailable or Cancelled if it isn't already Failed. All you can do now is to close the channel.
reason | Reason for cancelling. This MAY be used to choose an error response to the remote server, and SHOULD also be reflected in the CaptchaError. |
debugMessage | A textual description of the reason for cancelling, supplied by the Handler. This message SHOULD NOT be sent to the remote server, but SHOULD be copied into the 'debug-message' field of the CaptchaErrorDetails and ConnectionError. |
Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation | Telepathy-Qt 0.9.7 |