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Types generated from the specification representing bit flag constants and combinations of them (bitfields).
QFlags< ConnMgrParamFlag > Tp::ConnMgrParamFlags |
Type representing combinations of ConnMgrParamFlag values.
QFlags< ConnectionAliasFlag > Tp::ConnectionAliasFlags |
Type representing combinations of ConnectionAliasFlag values.
QFlags< AnonymityMode > Tp::AnonymityModeFlags |
Type representing combinations of AnonymityMode values.
Flags for the various types of anonymity modes. These modes are solely to inform the CM of the desired anonymous settings. It is up to the CM to determine whether the anonymity modes should be handled within the CM itself, or whether the network that a CM might be talking to should be enforcing anonymity. CMs MAY support only a subset of these modes, and specific connections MAY support none at all.
Type representing combinations of ConnectionCapabilityFlag values.
Type representing combinations of ContactBlockingCapability values.
QFlags< ContactInfoFlag > Tp::ContactInfoFlags |
Type representing combinations of ContactInfoFlag values.
Flags defining the behaviour of contact information on this protocol. Some protocols provide no information on contacts without an explicit request; others always push information to the connection manager as and when it changes.
Type representing combinations of ContactInfoFieldFlag values.
Flags describing the behaviour of a vCard field.
QFlags< LocationFeature > Tp::LocationFeatures |
Type representing combinations of LocationFeature values.
Flags describing the Location features which may be supported on any given connection.
Type representing combinations of MailNotificationFlag values.
Flags representing capabilities provided by a connection manager. Those values can be used as bitfield. Some flags depend on, or conflict with, each other. Connections SHOULD implement as many of these features as the underlying protocol allows, preferring to implement Supports_Unread_Mails instead of Emits_Mails_Received if both are possible.
QFlags< CallFlag > Tp::CallFlags |
Type representing combinations of CallFlag values.
A set of flags representing additional information than is available in CallState. Many of these flags only make sense in a particular (or may explain why a call is in a specific state).
QFlags< CallMemberFlag > Tp::CallMemberFlags |
Type representing combinations of CallMemberFlag values.
A set of flags representing the status of a remote contact in a call.
It is protocol- and client-specific whether a particular contact will ever have a particular flag set on them, and Telepathy clients SHOULD NOT assume that a flag will ever be set.
180 Ringing in SIP, and its equivalent in XMPP, are optional informational messages, and implementations are not required to send them. The same applies to the messages used to indicate hold state.
QFlags< MediaStreamPending > Tp::MediaStreamPendingSend |
Type representing combinations of MediaStreamPending values.
Type representing combinations of ChannelMediaCapability values.
The channel-type-specific capability flags used for Channel.Type.StreamedMedia in the Connection.Interface.Capabilities interface. See the InitialAudio property for details of the mechanisms that will replace this.
Type representing combinations of ChannelTextMessageFlag values.
QFlags< CaptchaFlag > Tp::CaptchaFlags |
Type representing combinations of CaptchaFlag values.
Extra flags to include with Captcha information
QFlags< ChannelCallState > Tp::ChannelCallStateFlags |
Type representing combinations of ChannelCallState values.
A set of flags representing call states.
QFlags< ChannelGroupFlag > Tp::ChannelGroupFlags |
Type representing combinations of ChannelGroupFlag values.
Type representing combinations of MessagePartSupportFlag values.
Flags indicating the level of support for message parts on this channel. They are designed such that setting more flags always implies that the channel has more capabilities.
If no flags are set, this indicates that messages may contain a single message part whose content-type is any of the types from SupportedContentTypes, possibly with some alternatives.
There is no flag indicating support for alternatives. This is because the SendMessage implementation can always accept messages containing alternatives, even if the underlying protocol does not, by deleting all alternatives except the first (most preferred) that is supported.
See SupportedContentTypes for some examples.
QFlags< MessageSendingFlag > Tp::MessageSendingFlags |
Type representing combinations of MessageSendingFlag values.
Flags altering the way a message is sent. The "most usual" action should always be to have these flags unset. Some indication of which flags are supported is provided by the DeliveryReportingSupport property.
Type representing combinations of DeliveryReportingSupportFlag values.
Flags indicating the level of support for delivery reporting on this channel, as found on the DeliveryReportingSupport property. Any future flags added to this set will conform to the convention that the presence of an extra flag implies that more operations will succeed. Note that CMs may always provide more reports than are requested in the Message_Sending_Flags passed to SendMessage. If senders want delivery reports, they should ask for them. If they don't want delivery reports, they can just ignore them, so there's no need to have capability discovery for what will happen if a delivery report isn't requested.
QFlags< ChannelPasswordFlag > Tp::ChannelPasswordFlags |
Type representing combinations of ChannelPasswordFlag values.
QFlags< PropertyFlag > Tp::PropertyFlags |
Type representing combinations of PropertyFlag values.
Type representing combinations of StorageRestrictionFlag values.
Flags indicating restrictions imposed on an Account by its storage method.
Type representing combinations of RTCPXRStatisticsFlag values.
enum Tp::ConnMgrParamFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Enumerator | |
ConnMgrParamFlagRequired | This parameter is required for connecting to the server. |
ConnMgrParamFlagRegister | This parameter is required for registering an account on the server. |
ConnMgrParamFlagHasDefault | This parameter has a default value, which is returned in GetParameters; not providing this parameter is equivalent to providing the default. |
ConnMgrParamFlagSecret |
This parameter should be considered private or secret; for instance, clients should store it in a "password safe" like gnome-keyring or kwallet, omit it from debug logs, and use a text input widget that hides the value of the parameter. (Clients that support older connection managers may also treat any parameter whose name contains "password" as though it had this flag.) |
ConnMgrParamFlagDBusProperty |
This parameter is also a D-Bus property on the resulting
ConnectionInterface ; a
parameter named When a new value for a parameter with this flag is passed to
AccountInterface::UpdateParameters() ,
the account manager will attempt to update its value on any running
connections. Similarly, if the parameter also has the
This allows runtime-configurable options to be stored and maintained by the AccountManagerInterface , without needing to invent a separate account preference for “properties that should be set on the connection as soon as it is created”. It was originally invented to manage ConnectionInterfaceCellularInterface preferences. |
_ConnMgrParamFlagPadding |
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::AnonymityMode |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::ContactInfoFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
Enumerator | |
ContactInfoFieldFlagParametersExact |
If present, exactly the parameters indicated must be set on this field; in the case of an empty list of parameters, this implies that parameters may not be used. If absent, and the list of allowed parameters is non-empty, any (possibly empty) subset of that list may be used. If absent, and the list of allowed parameters is empty, any parameters may be used. |
ContactInfoFieldFlagOverwrittenByNickname |
Indicates that this field will be overwritten when the user's alias is changed with ConnectionInterfaceAliasingInterface::SetAliases() or when the Account's AccountInterface::Nickname is updated. Clients that allow the editing of the Alias and the ContactInfo in the same location should hide fields with this flag. If a client allowed the user to edit both the nickname and the ContactInfo field at the same time, the user could set them to two different values even though they map to the same property. This would result in surprising behavior where the second value would win over the first. In addition to hiding this field when editing ContactInfo together with the user's nickname, it is recommended that clients call SetContactInfo() before setting the user's nickname. This ensures that if the user changes the nickname, the correct value will get set even if the stale nickname is mistakenly sent along with SetContactInfo() . If used, this flag typically appears on either the 'nickname' or 'fn' field. |
_ContactInfoFieldFlagPadding |
enum Tp::LocationFeature |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Enumerator | |
MailNotificationFlagSupportsUnreadMailCount | This Connection provides the number of unread e-mails (or e-mail threads) in the main folder of your e-mail account, as the UnreadMailCount property. The connection manager will update this value by emitting the UnreadMailsChanged signal. |
MailNotificationFlagSupportsUnreadMails | This Connection provides a detailed list of unread e-mails, as the UnreadMails property. If this flag is set, Supports_Unread_Mail_Count MUST be set, and Emits_Mails_Received MUST NOT be set. The Connection will update the list by emitting the UnreadMailsChanged signals. |
MailNotificationFlagEmitsMailsReceived | This Connection emits the MailsReceived signal, which provides details about newly arrived e-mails but does not maintain their read/unread status afterwards. This flag MUST NOT be combined with Supports_Unread_Mails. |
MailNotificationFlagSupportsRequestInboxURL | This Connection can provide a URL (with optional POST data) to open the the inbox of the e-mail account in a web-based client, via the RequestInboxURL method. |
MailNotificationFlagSupportsRequestMailURL |
This Connection can provide a URL (with optional POST data) to open a specific mail in a web-based client, via the RequestMailURL() method. This feature is not useful unless either Emits_Mails_Received or Supports_Unread_Mails is set. If this flag is not set, clients SHOULD fall back to using RequestInboxURL() if available. |
MailNotificationFlagThreadBased |
Each Google Talk notifies users about new mail in terms of unread threads, rather than unread e-mails. |
_MailNotificationFlagPadding |
enum Tp::CallFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::CallMemberFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::CaptchaFlag |
enum Tp::ChannelCallState |
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::ChannelGroupFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Enumerator | |
ChannelGroupFlagCanAdd | The AddMembers method can be used to add or invite members who are not already in the local pending list (which is always valid). |
ChannelGroupFlagCanRemove | The RemoveMembers method can be used to remove channel members (removing those on the pending local list is always valid). |
ChannelGroupFlagCanRescind | The RemoveMembers method can be used on people on the remote pending list. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageAdd | A message may be sent to the server when calling AddMembers on contacts who are not currently pending members. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageRemove | A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on contacts who are currently channel members. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageAccept | A message may be sent to the server when calling AddMembers on contacts who are locally pending. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageReject | A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on contacts who are locally pending. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageRescind | A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on contacts who are remote pending. |
ChannelGroupFlagChannelSpecificHandles |
The members of this group have handles which are specific to this channel, and are not valid as general-purpose handles on the connection. Depending on the channel, it may be possible to check the HandleOwners property or call GetHandleOwners() to find the owners of these handles, which should be done if you wish to (e.g.) subscribe to the contact's presence. Connection managers must ensure that any given handle is not simultaneously a general-purpose handle and a channel-specific handle. |
ChannelGroupFlagOnlyOneGroup | Placing a contact in multiple groups of this type is not allowed and will raise NotAvailable (on services where contacts may only be in one user-defined group, user-defined groups will have this flag). |
ChannelGroupFlagHandleOwnersNotAvailable | In rooms with channel specific handles (ie Channel_Specific_Handles flag is set), this flag indicates that no handle owners are available, apart from the owner of the SelfHandle. This used to be an important optimization to avoid repeated GetHandleOwners calls, before we introduced the HandleOwners property and HandleOwnersChanged signal. |
ChannelGroupFlagProperties | This flag indicates that all the properties introduced in specification 0.17.6 are fully supported. |
ChannelGroupFlagMembersChangedDetailed | Indicates that MembersChangedDetailed will be emitted for changes to this group's members in addition to MembersChanged. Clients can then connect to the former and ignore emission of the latter. This flag's state MUST NOT change over the lifetime of a channel. If it were allowed to change, client bindings would have to always connect to MembersChanged just in case the flag ever went away (and generally be unnecessarily complicated), which would mostly negate the point of having this flag in the first place. |
ChannelGroupFlagMessageDepart | A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on the SelfHandle. This would be set for XMPP Multi-User Chat or IRC channels, but not for a typical implementation of streamed media calls. |
_ChannelGroupFlagPadding |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
Flag type generated from the specification.
enum Tp::PropertyFlag |
Flag type generated from the specification.
Enumerator | |
StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetParameters | The account's Parameters property can't be changed by calling UpdateParameters. |
StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetEnabled | The account can't be enabled/disabled by setting the Enabled property. |
StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetPresence | The account's presence can't be changed by setting the RequestedPresence and AutomaticPresence properties. |
StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetService | The account's Service property cannot be changed. |
_StorageRestrictionFlagPadding |
Flag type generated from the specification.
TelepathyQt 0.9.8 |
Generated by
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