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Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface Class Reference
[Channel proxies]

#include <TelepathyQt4/Channel>

Inherits Tp::AbstractInterface.

List of all members.

Public Slots


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions


Detailed Description

Proxy class providing a 1:1 mapping of the D-Bus interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactSearch."

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface ( const QString &  busName,
const QString &  objectPath,
QObject *  parent = 0 

Creates a ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface associated with the given object on the session bus.

busName Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath Path to the object on the service.
parent Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface ( const QDBusConnection &  connection,
const QString &  busName,
const QString &  objectPath,
QObject *  parent = 0 

Creates a ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface associated with the given object on the given bus.

connection The bus via which the object can be reached.
busName Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath Path to the object on the service.
parent Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy  ) 

Creates a ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy.

proxy The proxy to use. It will also be the QObject::parent() for this object.
Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface ( const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface mainInterface  )  [explicit]

Creates a ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. Additionally, the created proxy will have the same parent as the given proxy.

mainInterface The proxy to use.
Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface ( const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface mainInterface,
QObject *  parent 

Creates a ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. However, a different parent object can be specified.

mainInterface The proxy to use.
parent Passed to the parent class constructor.

Member Function Documentation

static const char* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::staticInterfaceName (  )  [inline, static]

Returns the name of the interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactSearch", which this class represents.

The D-Bus interface name.
TELEPATHY_QT4_DEPRECATED uint Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::SearchState (  )  const [inline]

Getter for the remote object property "SearchState".

Don't use this: it blocks the main loop. Use the asynchronous requestPropertySearchState() instead.

The value of the property, or a default-constructed value if the property is not readable.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::requestPropertySearchState (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property "SearchState" of type uint.

The current state of this search channel object. Change notification is via SearchStateChanged.

A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
TELEPATHY_QT4_DEPRECATED uint Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Limit (  )  const [inline]

Getter for the remote object property "Limit".

Don't use this: it blocks the main loop. Use the asynchronous requestPropertyLimit() instead.

The value of the property, or a default-constructed value if the property is not readable.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::requestPropertyLimit (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property "Limit" of type uint.

If supported by the protocol, the maximum number of results that should be returned, where 0 represents no limit. If the protocol does not support limiting results, this should be 0.

For example, if the terms passed to <tp:member-ref>Search</tp:member-ref> match Antonius, Bridget and Charles and this property is 2, the search service SHOULD only return Antonius and Bridget.

This property cannot change during the lifetime of the channel. This property SHOULD be in the Allowed_Properties of a <tp:type>Requestable_Channel_Class</tp:type> if and only if the protocol supports specifying a limit; implementations SHOULD use 0 as the default if possible, or a protocol-specific sensible default otherwise.

A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
TELEPATHY_QT4_DEPRECATED QStringList Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::AvailableSearchKeys (  )  const [inline]

Getter for the remote object property "AvailableSearchKeys".

Don't use this: it blocks the main loop. Use the asynchronous requestPropertyAvailableSearchKeys() instead.

The value of the property, or a default-constructed value if the property is not readable.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::requestPropertyAvailableSearchKeys (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property "AvailableSearchKeys" of type QStringList.

The set of search keys supported by this channel. Example values include [""] (for protocols where several address fields are implicitly searched) or ["x-n-given", "x-n-family", "nickname", "email"] (for XMPP XEP-0055, without extensibility via Data Forms). This property cannot change during the lifetime of a channel. It can be in the NewChannels signal for round-trip reduction.

A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
TELEPATHY_QT4_DEPRECATED QString Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Server (  )  const [inline]

Getter for the remote object property "Server".

Don't use this: it blocks the main loop. Use the asynchronous requestPropertyServer() instead.

The value of the property, or a default-constructed value if the property is not readable.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::requestPropertyServer (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property "Server" of type QString.

For protocols which support searching for contacts on multiple servers with different DNS names (like XMPP), the DNS name of the server being searched by this channel, e.g. "characters.shakespeare.lit". Otherwise, the empty string. XEP 0055 defines a mechanism for XMPP clients to search services of their choice for contacts, such as users.jabber.org (the "Jabber User Directory"). This property cannot change during the lifetime of the channel. This property SHOULD be in the Allowed_Properties of a Requestable_Channel_Class if and only if the protocol supports querying multiple different servers; implementations SHOULD use a sensible default if possible if this property is not specified in a channel request. This allows a client to perform searches on a protocol it knows nothing about without requiring the user to guess a valid server's hostname.

A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
Tp::PendingVariantMap* Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::requestAllProperties (  )  const [inline]

Request all of the DBus properties on the interface.

A pending variant map which will emit finished when the properties have been retrieved.
QDBusPendingReply Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Search ( const Tp::ContactSearchMap terms  )  [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method "Search" on the remote object.

Send a request to start a search for contacts on this connection. This may only be called while the SearchState is Not_Started; a valid search request will cause the SearchStateChanged signal to be emitted with the state In_Progress.

terms A dictionary mapping search key names to the desired values
QDBusPendingReply Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::More (  )  [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method "More" on the remote object.

Request that a search in <tp:member-ref>SearchState</tp:member-ref> More_Available move back to state In_Progress and continue listing up to <tp:member-ref>Limit</tp:member-ref> more results.

QDBusPendingReply Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Stop (  )  [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method "Stop" on the remote object.

Stop the current search. This may not be called while the <tp:member-ref>SearchState</tp:member-ref> is Not_Started. If called while the SearchState is In_Progress, <tp:member-ref>SearchStateChanged</tp:member-ref> will be emitted, with the state Failed and the error org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Errors.Cancelled.

Calling this method on a search in state Completed or Failed succeeds, but has no effect.


Specifying Stop to succeed when the search has finished means that clients who call Stop just before receiving <tp:member-ref>SearchStateChanged</tp:member-ref> don't have to handle a useless error. </tp:rationale>

Depending on the protocol, the connection manager may not be able to prevent the server from sending further results after this method returns; if this is the case, it MUST ignore any further results.

void Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::SearchStateChanged ( uint  state,
const QString &  error,
const QVariantMap &  details 
) [signal]

Represents the signal "SearchStateChanged" on the remote object.

Emitted when the <tp:member-ref>SearchState</tp:member-ref> property changes. The implementation MUST NOT make transitions other than the following:

  • Not_Started → In_Progress
  • In_Progress → More_Available
  • More_Available → In_Progress
  • In_Progress → Completed
  • In_Progress → Failed
state The new search state
error If the new state is Failed, the name of a D-Bus error describing what went wrong. Otherwise, the empty string.

Additional information about the state transition, which may include the following well-known keys:

debug-message (s)
Debugging information on the change, corresponding to the message part of a D-Bus error message, which SHOULD NOT be displayed to users under normal circumstances


This argument allows for future extensions. For instance, if moving to state Failed because the server rejected one of our search terms, we could define a key that indicates which terms were invalid. </tp:rationale>

void Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::SearchResultReceived ( const Tp::ContactSearchResultMap result  )  [signal]

Represents the signal "SearchResultReceived" on the remote object.

Emitted when a some search results are received from the server. This signal can be fired arbitrarily many times so clients MUST NOT assume they'll get only one signal.

result A mapping from contact identifier to an array of fields representing information about this contact.
void Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::invalidate ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy,
const QString &  error,
const QString &  message 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from Tp::AbstractInterface.

Property Documentation

uint Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::SearchState [read]

Represents property "SearchState" on the remote object.

The current state of this search channel object. Change notification is via SearchStateChanged.

uint Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Limit [read]

Represents property "Limit" on the remote object.

If supported by the protocol, the maximum number of results that should be returned, where 0 represents no limit. If the protocol does not support limiting results, this should be 0.

For example, if the terms passed to <tp:member-ref>Search</tp:member-ref> match Antonius, Bridget and Charles and this property is 2, the search service SHOULD only return Antonius and Bridget.

This property cannot change during the lifetime of the channel. This property SHOULD be in the Allowed_Properties of a <tp:type>Requestable_Channel_Class</tp:type> if and only if the protocol supports specifying a limit; implementations SHOULD use 0 as the default if possible, or a protocol-specific sensible default otherwise.

QStringList Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::AvailableSearchKeys [read]

Represents property "AvailableSearchKeys" on the remote object.

The set of search keys supported by this channel. Example values include [""] (for protocols where several address fields are implicitly searched) or ["x-n-given", "x-n-family", "nickname", "email"] (for XMPP XEP-0055, without extensibility via Data Forms). This property cannot change during the lifetime of a channel. It can be in the NewChannels signal for round-trip reduction.

QString Tp::Client::ChannelTypeContactSearchInterface::Server [read]

Represents property "Server" on the remote object.

For protocols which support searching for contacts on multiple servers with different DNS names (like XMPP), the DNS name of the server being searched by this channel, e.g. "characters.shakespeare.lit". Otherwise, the empty string. XEP 0055 defines a mechanism for XMPP clients to search services of their choice for contacts, such as users.jabber.org (the "Jabber User Directory"). This property cannot change during the lifetime of the channel. This property SHOULD be in the Allowed_Properties of a Requestable_Channel_Class if and only if the protocol supports querying multiple different servers; implementations SHOULD use a sensible default if possible if this property is not specified in a channel request. This allows a client to perform searches on a protocol it knows nothing about without requiring the user to guess a valid server's hostname.

Copyright © 2008-2010 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.4.4