Interface Call1.Content.Interface.AudioControl1

Interface Index (Compact) | Summary | Description | Methods | Properties | Types


ReportInputVolume (i: Volume) nothing
ReportOutputVolume (i: Volume) nothing


RequestedInputVolume i (Audio_Control_Volume) Read only
RequestedOutputVolume i (Audio_Control_Volume) Read only


Audio_Control_Volume Simple Type i
Added in 0.25.2. (as stable API)
Objects implementing this interface must also implement:


This interface allows the connection manager to be kept informed of, and control, the input and output volumes of an audio stream. While generally not needed, if the connection manager needs to handle stream volumes directly (typically when using Call_Content_Packetization_Type_Raw), this interface may be necessary.

If this interface is present, the handler should call ReportInputVolume and ReportOutputVolume whenever the input and output volume change, both when the user manually modifies the volume and when the volumes are adjusted in response to RequestedInputVolume and RequestedOutputVolume changing.

The maximum volume as used in this interface represent the unamplified hardware volume (0 dB). No software amplification should be used to boost the signal to a higher level when this Interface is in use



ReportInputVolume (i: Volume) → nothing


Report to the CM that the Content input volume has been changed by the client.

It is the client's responsibility to change the input volume used for the content. However, the client MUST call this whenever it changes input volume for the content.


ReportOutputVolume (i: Volume) → nothing


Report to the CM that the content output volume has been changed by the client.

It is the client's responsibility to change the output volume used for the content. However, the client MUST call this whenever it changes output volume for the content.


Accessed using the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface.

RequestedInputVolume — i (Audio_Control_Volume)

Read only
When this property changes, the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal is emitted with the new value.
The input volume as requested by the Connection Manager. Initially and on any changes the client should change its input volume to match the requested volume.

RequestedOutputVolume — i (Audio_Control_Volume)

Read only
When this property changes, the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal is emitted with the new value.
The input volume as requested by the Connection Manager. Initially and on any changes the client should change its input volume to match the requested volume.


Simple Type (Permalink)

Audio_Control_Volume — i

A volume value either reported to or requested by the Connection Manager. This value should either be -1 for an unknown value or in the range of 0-255, with 0 being the minimal volume and 255 being the highest unamplified volume the input or output is capable of (known as 0 dB)