Generic Types

Interface Index (Compact) | Summary | Types

Generic Types

Unix_Timestamp Simple Type u
Unix_Timestamp64 Simple Type x
DBus_Bus_Name Simple Type s
DBus_Well_Known_Name Simple Type s
DBus_Unique_Name Simple Type s
DBus_Interface Simple Type s
DBus_Error_Name Simple Type s
DBus_Signature Simple Type s
DBus_Member Simple Type s
DBus_Qualified_Member Simple Type s
User_Action_Timestamp Simple Type x
Language_Tag Simple Type s
Qualified_Property_Value_Map Mapping a{sv}
String_Variant_Map Mapping a{sv}
String_String_Map Mapping a{ss}
Object_Immutable_Properties_Map Mapping a{oa{sv}}
Socket_Address_IP Struct (su)
Socket_Address_IPv4 Struct (su)
Socket_Address_IPv6 Struct (su)
Socket_Netmask_IPv4 Struct (sy)
Socket_Netmask_IPv6 Struct (sy)

Generic Types

Simple Type (Permalink)

Unix_Timestamp — u

An unsigned 32-bit integer representing time as the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
Simple Type (Permalink)

Unix_Timestamp64 — x

An signed 64-bit integer representing time as the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z); negative for times before the epoch
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Bus_Name — s

A string representing a D-Bus bus name - either a well-known name like "im.telepathy.v1.MissionControl" or a unique name like ":1.123"
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Well_Known_Name — s

A string representing a D-Bus well-known name like "im.telepathy.v1.MissionControl".
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Unique_Name — s

A string representing a D-Bus unique name, such as ":1.123"
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Interface — s

An ASCII string representing a D-Bus interface - two or more elements separated by dots, where each element is a non-empty string of ASCII letters, digits and underscores, not starting with a digit. The maximum total length is 255 characters. For example, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer".
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Error_Name — s

An ASCII string representing a D-Bus error. This is syntactically the same as a DBus_Interface, but the meaning is different.
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Signature — s

A string representing a D-Bus signature (the 'g' type isn't used because of poor interoperability, particularly with dbus-glib)
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Member — s

An ASCII string representing a D-Bus method, signal or property name - a non-empty string of ASCII letters, digits and underscores, not starting with a digit, with a maximum length of 255 characters. For example, "Ping".
Simple Type (Permalink)

DBus_Qualified_Member — s

A string representing the full name of a D-Bus method, signal or property, consisting of a DBus_Interface, followed by a dot, followed by a DBus_Member. For example, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping".
Simple Type (Permalink)

User_Action_Timestamp — x

The time at which an user action occurred. This type has the 2 following special values:

0: the action doesn't involve any user action. Clients SHOULD avoid stealing focus when presenting the channel.

MAX_INT64: clients SHOULD behave as though the user action happened at the current time, e.g. a client MAY request that its window gains focus.


This can be used by clients that can't know the X server time like command line applications for example.

For all the other values it corresponds to the time of the user action. Clients SHOULD use this for focus-stealing prevention, if applicable. Note that the time is dependant on the local environment and so is not necessarily a wall-clock time. For example in an X environment it's expected to be the X timestamp of events. This corresponds to the _NET_WM_USER_TIME property in EWMH.

Simple Type (Permalink)

Language_Tag — s

A language tag as defined in IETF BCP 47, such as "en_US".
Mapping (Permalink)

Qualified_Property_Value_Map — a{sv}

A mapping from strings representing D-Bus properties (by their namespaced names) to their values.
  • Key — s (DBus_Qualified_Member)
  • A D-Bus interface name, followed by a dot and a D-Bus property name.
  • Value — v
  • The value of the property.
Mapping (Permalink)

String_Variant_Map — a{sv}

A mapping from strings to variants representing extra key-value pairs.
  • Key — s
  • Value — v
Mapping (Permalink)

String_String_Map — a{ss}

A mapping from strings to strings representing extra key-value pairs.
  • Key — s
  • Value — s
Mapping (Permalink)

Object_Immutable_Properties_Map — a{oa{sv}}

Added in 0.19.12.
A mapping from object path to the immutable properties of the object.
  • Path — o
  • The object path of an object
  • Immutable_Properties — a{sv} (Qualified_Property_Value_Map)
  • The immutable properties of the object
Struct (Permalink)

Socket_Address_IP — (su)

An IP address and port.
Struct (Permalink)

Socket_Address_IPv4 — (su)

An IPv4 address and port.
  • Address — s
  • A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g. "".
  • Port — u
  • The TCP or UDP port number.
Struct (Permalink)

Socket_Address_IPv6 — (su)

An IPv6 address and port.
  • Address — s
  • An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373 section 2.2, e.g. "2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171".
  • Port — u
  • The TCP or UDP port number.
Struct (Permalink)

Socket_Netmask_IPv4 — (sy)

An IPv4 network or subnet.
  • Address — s
  • A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g. "".
  • Prefix_Length — y
  • The number of leading bits of the address that must match, for this netmask to be considered to match an address.
Struct (Permalink)

Socket_Netmask_IPv6 — (sy)

An IPv6 network or subnet.
  • Address — s
  • An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373 section 2.2, e.g. "2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171".
  • Prefix_Length — y
  • The number of leading bits of the address that must match, for this netmask to be considered to match an address.