Interface Account.Interface.Avatar

Interface Index (Compact) | Summary | Description | Signals | Properties | Types


AvatarChanged ()


Avatar (ays) ( Avatar) Read/Write


Avatar Struct (ays)
Added in 0.17.6.
Objects implementing this interface must also implement:


This interface extends the core Account interface to provide a user-settable avatar image.


The avatar could have been a property on the core Account interface, but was moved to a separate interface because it is likely to be large. This means that clients can safely use GetAll to get properties on the core Account interface without flooding the session bus with large images.



AvatarChanged ()

Emitted when the Avatar property changes.
The avatar itself is deliberately not included in this signal, to reduce bus traffic in the (likely common) case where no running application cares about the user's own avatar.


Accessed using the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface.

Avatar — (ays) (Avatar)

The avatar to set on this account for display to other contacts, represented as a structure containing the bytes of the avatar, and the MIME type as a string; may be set to an empty byte-array and an empty string to indicate no avatar. When the account becomes connected, the account manager SHOULD set this avatar using SetAvatar if appropriate.


Struct (Permalink)

Avatar — (ays)

A struct containing avatar data marked with its MIME type.

May be set to an empty byte-array and an empty string, indicating no avatar.

  • Avatar_Data — ay
  • MIME_Type — s