Implementing the Handler

Tube clients are Telepathy Handlers.

Table 15-1Properties the Handler Requires
Property Value
Client.Interfaces [ "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler" ]
Client.Handler.HandlerChannelFilter See Below.
Client.Handler.BypassApproval False
Client.Handler.Capabilities [] (Empty List)
Client.Handler.HandledChannels See Below.

15.1.1. HandlerChannelFilter

The Channel Filter is used to inform the Channel Dispatcher what sort of channels you are interested in handling and is in-depth in Section 4.1.1 ― Implementing a Telepathy Client.

In general, for a Tube client, it will have three or four properties for the filter:

Property Description Example Value
Channel.ChannelType The type of Channel you're interested in. This is either going to be a D-Bus Tube or a Stream Tube. org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.DBusTube or org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamTube
Channel.TargetHandleType Whether you're interested in a one-to-one Tube or a MUC Tube. TARGET_HANDLE_CONTACT or TARGET_HANDLE_ROOM
Channel.Requested Whether you're interested in incoming or outgoing channels. False
Channel.Type.DBusTube.ServiceName or Channel.Type.StreamTube.Service A name for the service your Tube is offering. com.example.ExampleApplication