This manual documents telepathy-glib version 0.24.2 . The latest development version of this documentation can be found here: online copy of the telepathy-glib API Reference Manual. The latest version in this stable branch can be found here: online copy of the telepathy-glib 0.24.x API Reference Manual.

General D-Bus support
TpProxy — base class for Telepathy client proxy objects
TpProxy D-Bus core methods — The D-Bus Introspectable, Peer and Properties interfaces
TpProxy Telepathy Properties — The Telepathy Properties interface
D-Bus utilities — some D-Bus utility functions
Manipulating a{sv} mappings — Functions to manipulate mappings from string to variant, as represented in dbus-glib by a GHashTable from string to GValue
GVariant utilities — some GVariant utility functions
Manipulating a{sv} mappings — Functions to manipulate mappings from string to variant, as represented in GVariant by a G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT
TpProxy subclasses and mixins — Providing extra functionality for a TpProxy or subclass, or subclassing it
The Telepathy protocol
Miscellaneous definitions — Definitions useful for working with the Telepathy protocol
TpHandle — type representing handles
Telepathy protocol interface and property names — D-Bus interface and property names from the Telepathy spec
Telepathy protocol enumerations — Enumerated types and bitfields from the Telepathy spec
Telepathy protocol errors — The errors from the Telepathy D-Bus spec, as a GLib error domain
GType factory functions — Macros using caching factory functions to get dbus-glib specialized GTypes
TpChannelIface — interface representing basic channel properties
Client-side proxies
TpConnectionManager — proxy object for a Telepathy connection manager
TpProtocol — proxy for a Telepathy Protocol object
TpConnection — proxy object for a Telepathy connection
TpContact — object representing a contact
TpCapabilities — object representing capabilities
Connection Aliasing interface — client-side wrappers for the Aliasing interface
Connection Avatars interface — client-side wrappers for the Avatars interface
Connection Balance interface — client-side wrappers for the Balance interface
Connection ClientTypes interface — client-side wrappers for the ClientTypes interface
Connection Contacts interface — client-side wrappers for the Contacts interface
Connection ContactInfo interface — client-side wrappers for the ContactInfo interface
Connection ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces
Connection ContactCapabilities and Capabilities interfaces — client-side wrappers for the capabilities interfaces
Connection Location interface — client-side wrappers for the Location interface
Connection Requests interface — client-side wrappers for the Requests interface
Connection SimplePresence interface — client-side wrappers for the SimplePresence interface
Connection Presence interface — client-side wrappers for the Presence interface
Connection Cellular interface — client-side wrappers for the Cellular interface
Connection MailNotification interface — client-side wrappers for the MailNotification interface
Connection PowerSaving interface — client-side wrappers for the PowerSaving interface
Connection Addressing interface — client-side wrappers for the Addressing interface
Connection Renaming interface — client-side wrappers for the Renaming interface
Connection Sidecars interface — client-side wrappers for the Sidecars interface
TpContactSearch — object for a Telepathy contact search channel
TpContactSearchResult — a result of a contact search
TpChannel — proxy object for a Telepathy channel
Group and Conference interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Group and Conference
Room-related interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Room, RoomConfig and Subject
Text channels — client-side wrappers for the Text channel type, and the Chat State and Password interfaces
Media channels — client-side wrappers for the Streamed Media channel type, and the Call State, DTMF and Media Signalling interfaces
File transfer — client-side wrappers for the File Transfer channel type
Tubes channels — client-side wrappers for the Tubes channel type
Tube channels — client-side wrappers for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — client-side wrappers for the Room List channel type
Contact Search channels — client-side wrappers for the Contact Search channel type
Channel Authentication interfaces — client-side wrappers for authentication channels
Channel Call interfaces — client-side wrappers for call channels
Channel Call content interfaces — client-side wrappers for call contents
Channel Call stream interfaces — client-side wrappers for call streams
Channel Call misc interfaces — client-side wrappers for misc call interfaces
Connection and Channel Anonymity interfaces — client-side wrappers for the Anonymity interfaces
Connection and Channel ServicePoint interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ServicePoint interfaces
TpMediaSessionHandler, TpMediaStreamHandler — proxy objects for Telepathy media streaming
TpAccountManager — proxy object for the Telepathy account manager
TpAccount — proxy object for an account in the Telepathy account manager
TpAccountRequest — object for a currently non-existent account in order to create easily without speaking fluent D-Bus
TpChannelDispatcher — proxy object for the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelDispatchOperation — proxy object for a to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelRequest — proxy object for a request to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpClient — proxy object for a client of the ChannelDispatcher
TpAccountChannelRequest — Object used to request a channel from a TpAccount
TpStreamTubeChannel — proxy object for a stream tube channel
TpStreamTubeConnection — a connection on a Stream Tube
TpDBusTubeChannel — proxy object for D-Bus tube channels
TpClientChannelFactoryInterface — an interface for client channel factories
TpBasicProxyFactory — channel factory creating TpChannel objects
TpAutomaticProxyFactory — factory creating higher level proxy objects
TpSimpleClientFactory — a factory for TpContacts and plain subclasses of TpProxy
TpAutomaticClientFactory — Factory for specialized TpChannel subclasses.
TpClientMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface, client side
TpSignalledMessage — a message received using the Telepathy message interface
TpTextChannel — proxy object for a text channel
TpFileTransferChannel — proxy object for a file transfer channel
TpCallChannel — proxy object for a call channel
TpCallContent — proxy object for a call content
TpCallStream — proxy object for a call stream
Misc Call APIs — Misc generated APISs for Call
TpDebugClient — proxy objects for Telepathy debug information
TpDebugMessage — a debug message
TpRoomList — proxy object for a room list channel
TpRoomInfo — a room found by TpRoomList
TpTLSCertificate — proxy object for a server or peer's TLS certificate
TpTLSCertificateRejection — a certificate rejection
Service-side D-Bus interfaces
The TpSvc* interfaces — How to export Telepathy objects
Generic service-side interfaces — GInterfaces for D-Bus objects exporting Telepathy properties and common D-Bus core interfaces
Service-side Channel base interface — GInterface for Telepathy Channel objects
Service-side Channel Group and Conference interfaces — Groups of contacts
Service-side room interfaces — room-related functionality for channels
Contact List channels — service-side interface for the Contact List channel type
Contact Search channels — service-side interface for the Contact Search channel type
Text channels — service-side interfaces for the Text channel type, and the Chat State, Password and SMS interfaces
Media channels — service-side interfaces for the Streamed Media channel type, and the Call State, DTMF and Media Signalling interfaces
File Transfer channels — service-side interface for the File Transfer channel type
File transfer Metadata interface — GInterface to implement metadata file transfer interface
Tubes channels — service-side interface for the Tubes channel type
Tube channels — service-side interface for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — service-side interface for the Room List channel type
Service-side Channel Authentication interfaces — GInterfaces to implement authentication channels
Service-side Securable interface — GInterface to indicate channels' security level
Service-side Channel Call interface — GInterface to implement call channels
Service-side Debug base interface — GInterface for Telepathy Debug objects
Service-side Connection interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Connection objects
Service-side Connection and Channel Anonymity interfaces — GInterfaces to implement the Anonymity interfaces
Service-side Connection and Channel ServicePoint interfaces — GInterfaces to implement the ServicePoint interfaces
Service-side media streaming helper interfaces — media session and media stream
Service-side Connection Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy ConnectionManager objects
Service-side Protocol interface — GInterface for Telepathy Protocol objects
Service-side Account Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy AccountManager objects
Service-side Account interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Account objects
Service-side Channel Dispatcher interface — GInterfaces for Telepathy ChannelDispatcher object
Service-side Channel Dispatch Operation interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelDispatchOperation object
Service-side Channel Request interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelRequest object
Service-side Client interfaces — interfaces used to be an Observer, Approver and Handler
Service-side TLS interfaces — GInterfaces to implement Chan.T.ServerTLSConnection
Service-side implementation
Connection manager life cycle — entry point for telepathy-glib connection managers
TpBaseConnectionManager — base class for TpSvcConnectionManager implementations
TpBaseProtocol — base class for TpSvcProtocol implementations
TpBaseConnection — base class for TpSvcConnection implementations
TpChannelManager — interface for creating and tracking channels
TpBaseContactList — channel manager for ContactList channels
TpContactsMixin — a mixin implementation of the contacts connection interface
TpDBusPropertiesMixin — a mixin implementation of the DBus.Properties interface
TpExportableChannel — interface representing channels with several standard properties
TpBaseChannel — base class for TpExportableChannel implementations
TpPresenceMixin — a mixin implementation of the Presence connection interface
TpPropertiesMixin — a mixin implementation of the Telepathy.Properties interface
TpBaseRoomConfig — implements the RoomConfig interface for chat rooms.
TpGroupMixin — a mixin implementation of the groups interface
TpMessageMixin — a mixin implementation of the text channel type and the Messages interface
TpMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface
TpCMMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface, CM side
TpBasePasswordChannel — a simple X-TELEPATHY-PASSWORD channel
TpSimplePasswordManager — a simple X-TELEPATHY-PASSWORD channel manager
TpBaseClient — base class for Telepathy clients on D-Bus
TpObserveChannelsContext — context of a Observer.ObserveChannels() call
TpAddDispatchOperationContext — context of a Approver.AddDispatchOperation() call
TpHandleChannelsContext — context of a Handler.HandleChannels() call
TpSimpleObserver — a subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Observer
TpSimpleApprover — a subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Approver
TpSimpleHandler — a subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Handler
DTMF dialstring interpreter — Converts a dialstring into a timed sequence of events
TpBaseCallChannel — base class for TpSvcChannelTypeCall implementations
TpBaseMediaCallChannel — base class for TpSvcChannelTypeCall RTP media implementations
TpBaseCallContent — base class for TpSvcCallContent implementations
TpBaseMediaCallContent — base class for TpSvcCallContentInterfaceMedia implementations
TpCallContentMediaDescription — implementation of TpSvcCallContentMediaDescription
TpBaseCallStream — base class for TpSvcCallStream implementations
TpBaseMediaCallStream — base class for TpSvcCallStreamInterfaceMedia implementations
TpCallStreamEndpoint — class for TpSvcCallStreamEndpoint implementations
Service-side handle repositories
TpHandleRepoIface — abstract interface for handle allocation
TpStaticHandleRepo — handle repository implementation with a fixed, static set of handle names
TpDynamicHandleRepo — general handle repository implementation, with dynamic handle allocation and recycling
Version information — Checking the telepathy-glib version
Utilities — Non-Telepathy utility functions
GNIO Utilities — Telepathy/GNIO utility functions
Common debug support — API to activate debugging messages from telepathy-glib
TpDebugSender — object for exposing Telepathy debug interface
TpIntset — a set of unsigned integers
TpHeap — a heap queue of pointers
Obsolete modules
TpChannelFactoryIface — interface for channel allocation/tracking
ANSI codes for debug messages — used to colorize log messages for "clarity"
TpTextMixin — a mixin implementation of the text channel type
Annotation Glossary