
TpChannelDispatcher — proxy object for the Telepathy channel dispatcher


Types and Values

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── TpProxy
        ╰── TpChannelDispatcher


#include <telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib.h>


The TpChannelDispatcher object can be used to communicate with any implementation of the Telepathy ChannelDispatcher service to request new channels.


tp_cli_channel_dispatcher_interface_messages1_call_send_message ()

TpProxyPendingCall *
                               (TpChannelDispatcher *proxy,
                                gint timeout_ms,
                                const gchar *in_Account,
                                const gchar *in_Target_ID,
                                const GPtrArray *in_Message,
                                guint in_Flags,
                                tp_cli_channel_dispatcher_interface_messages1_callback_for_send_message callback,
                                gpointer user_data,
                                GDestroyNotify destroy,
                                GObject *weak_object);

Start a SendMessage method call.

<tp:docstring xmlns=""> <p>Submit a message to the server for sending, like the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Channel.Type">Text.SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref> method.</p> <p>If the <var>Account</var> is connected and a Text channel to the <var>Target_ID</var> already exists, this method is equivalent to sending the same message via that channel.</p> <p>Otherwise, this method creates a channel (connecting the Account if appropriate), sends the desired message, and closes the channel as if via <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Channel.Close</tp:dbus-ref>, without acknowledging any messages received on that channel during that time.</p> <p>If any messages are received on that channel before it is closed, a correct connection manager implementation will reopen the channel when it is closed, resulting in those &quot;rescued&quot; messages being processed by the system's normal <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Client">Handler</tp:dbus-ref> for text channels. In particular, this deals with the situation where a successful or failed delivery report is received before the channel is closed.</p> <tp:rationale> <p>Expecting a trivial client (perhaps a send-only IRC bot, or a simple SMS-sending API) to go through all those steps to send a message seems somewhat unreasonable. Having this as a method in the ChannelDispatcher lets it take some short-cuts if required, and centralizes the implementation to reduce the risk of mistakes that cause message loss.</p> </tp:rationale> <p>The ChannelDispatcher SHOULD support this method for any connection manager that would accept channel requests of this form:</p> <pre> { …<tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Channel.ChannelType</tp:dbus-ref>: …<tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Channel.Type.Text</tp:dbus-ref>, …<tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Channel.TargetEntityType</tp:dbus-ref>: <tp:value-ref type="Entity_Type">Contact</tp:value-ref>, …<tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Channel.TargetID</tp:dbus-ref>: <var>Target_ID</var> }</pre> <p>However, if the connection manager provides additional APIs (such as a way to open &quot;send-only&quot; channels), the ChannelDispatcher MAY use those: it is not required to use those exact request parameters.</p> <p>This method may raise any error that would be raised by the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Connection.Interface">Requests.EnsureChannel</tp:dbus-ref> or <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Channel.Type">Text.SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref> methods, or signalled by the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.ChannelRequest">Failed</tp:dbus-ref> signal.</p>



the TpProxy



the timeout in milliseconds, or -1 to use the default



Used to pass an 'in' argument: The <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1">Account</tp:dbus-ref> through which to communicate.



Used to pass an 'in' argument: The contact to send the message to.



Used to pass an 'in' argument: The parts of the message, the same as for <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Channel.Type">Text.SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref>.



Used to pass an 'in' argument: Flags influencing how to send the message, the same as for <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Channel.Type">Text.SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref>.



called when the method call succeeds or fails; may be NULL to make a "fire and forget" call with no reply tracking



user-supplied data passed to the callback; must be NULL if callback is NULL



called with the user_data as argument, after the call has succeeded, failed or been cancelled; must be NULL if callback is NULL



If not NULL, a GObject which will be weakly referenced; if it is destroyed, this call will automatically be cancelled. Must be NULL if callback is NULL



a TpProxyPendingCall representing the call in progress. It is borrowed from the object, and will become invalid when the callback is called, the call is cancelled or the TpProxy becomes invalid.

tp_cli_channel_dispatcher_interface_messages1_callback_for_send_message ()

                               (TpChannelDispatcher *proxy,
                                const gchar *out_Token,
                                const GError *error,
                                gpointer user_data,
                                GObject *weak_object);

Signature of the callback called when a SendMessage method call succeeds or fails.



the proxy on which the call was made



Used to return an 'out' argument if error is NULL: An opaque token equivalent to the one returned by <tp:dbus-ref namespace="imt1.Channel.Type">Text.SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref>.



NULL on success, or an error on failure



user-supplied data



user-supplied object


Types and Values

struct TpChannelDispatcher

struct TpChannelDispatcher;

The Channel Dispatcher's main D-Bus API is used to request channels, which is done by calling tp_cli_channel_dispatcher_call_create_channel() or tp_cli_channel_dispatcher_call_ensure_channel() as appropriate.

The Telepathy Channel Dispatcher is also responsible for responding to new channels and launching client processes to handle them. However, clients that can work with incoming channels do not have to call methods on the channel dispatcher: instead, they must register with the channel dispatcher passively, by taking a bus name starting with TP_CLIENT_BUS_NAME_BASE and implementing the TpSvcClient interface. See the Telepathy D-Bus Interface Specification for details.

This proxy is usable but incomplete: convenience methods will be added in a later version of telepathy-glib.

Since 0.7.32

struct TpChannelDispatcherClass

struct TpChannelDispatcherClass {

The class of a TpChannelDispatcher.

See Also

TpChannelDispatchOperation, TpChannelRequest