This manual documents telepathy-glib version 0.99.11 . The latest development version of this documentation can be found here: online copy of the telepathy-glib API Reference Manual.

General D-Bus support
TpProxy — base class for Telepathy client proxy objects
D-Bus utilities — some D-Bus utility functions
Manipulating a{sv} mappingsFunctions to manipulate mappings from string to variant, as represented in dbus-glib by a GHashTable from string to GValue
slice-allocated GValues — GValue utility functions
GVariant utilities — some GVariant utility functions
Manipulating a{sv} mappingsFunctions to manipulate mappings from string to variant, as represented in GVariant by a G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT
TpProxy subclasses and mixinsProviding extra functionality for a TpProxy or subclass, or subclassing it
GValueArray utilitiesFunctions to manipulate GValueArray as used in dbus-glib, despite its deprecation in GLib
The Telepathy protocol
TpHandle — type representing handles
Telepathy protocol enumerations — Enumerated types and bitfields from the Telepathy spec
Telepathy protocol errors — The errors from the Telepathy D-Bus spec, as a GLib error domain
Client-side proxies
TpConnectionManager — proxy object for a Telepathy connection manager
TpProtocol — proxy for a Telepathy Protocol object
TpConnection — proxy object for a Telepathy connection
TpContact — object representing a contact
TpCapabilities — object representing capabilities
TpContactSearch — object for a Telepathy contact search channel
TpContactSearchResult — a result of a contact search
TpChannel — proxy object for a Telepathy channel
TpAccountManager — proxy object for the Telepathy account manager
TpAccount — proxy object for an account in the Telepathy account manager
TpAccountRequest — object for a currently non-existent account in order to create easily without speaking fluent D-Bus
TpChannelDispatcher — proxy object for the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelDispatchOperation — proxy object for a to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelRequest — proxy object for a request to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpClient — proxy object for a client of the ChannelDispatcher
TpAccountChannelRequestObject used to request a channel from a TpAccount
TpStreamTubeChannel — proxy object for a stream tube channel
TpStreamTubeConnection — a connection on a Stream Tube
TpDBusTubeChannel — proxy object for D-Bus tube channels
TpClientFactorya factory for TpContacts and plain subclasses of TpProxy
TpAutomaticClientFactoryFactory for specialized TpChannel subclasses.
TpClientMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface, client side
TpSignalledMessage — a message received using the Telepathy message interface
TpTextChannel — proxy object for a text channel
TpFileTransferChannel — proxy object for a file transfer channel
TpCallChannel — proxy object for a call channel
TpCallContent — proxy object for a call content
TpCallStream — proxy object for a call stream
TpDebugClient — proxy objects for Telepathy debug information
TpDebugMessage — a debug message
TpRoomList — proxy object for a room list channel
TpRoomInfoa room found by TpRoomList
TpTLSCertificate — proxy object for a server or peer's TLS certificate
TpTLSCertificateRejection — a certificate rejection
TpLogger — proxy object on the logger
Service-side implementation
Connection manager life cycle — entry point for telepathy-glib connection managers
TpBaseConnectionManagerbase class for TpSvcConnectionManager implementations
TpBaseProtocolbase class for TpSvcProtocol implementations
TpBaseConnection — base class for core Connection D-Bus interfaces implementation
TpChannelManager — interface for creating and tracking channels
TpChannelManagerRequest — TODO
TpBaseContactList — base class for ContactList Connection interface
TpDBusPropertiesMixin — a mixin implementation of the DBus.Properties interface
TpBaseChannel — base class for all channel implementations
TpPresenceMixinInterfacean interface that can be implemented on TpBaseConnection subclasses to add support for presence.
TpBaseRoomConfig — implements the RoomConfig interface for chat rooms.
TpGroupMixin — a mixin implementation of the groups interface
TpMessageMixin — a mixin implementation of the text channel type
TpMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface
TpCMMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface, CM side
TpBasePasswordChannel — a simple X-TELEPATHY-PASSWORD channel
TpSimplePasswordManager — a simple X-TELEPATHY-PASSWORD channel manager
TpBaseClient — base class for Telepathy clients on D-Bus
TpChannelFilter — a filter matching certain channels
TpObserveChannelContext — context of a Observer.ObserveChannels() call
TpAddDispatchOperationContext — context of a Approver.AddDispatchOperation() call
TpHandleChannelContext — context of a Handler.HandleChannels() call
TpSimpleObservera subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Observer
TpSimpleApprovera subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Approver
TpSimpleHandlera subclass of TpBaseClient implementing a simple Handler
DTMF dialstring interpreter — Converts a dialstring into a timed sequence of events
TpBaseCallChannelbase class for TpSvcChannelTypeCall1 implementations
TpBaseMediaCallChannelbase class for TpSvcChannelTypeCall RTP media implementations
TpBaseCallContentbase class for TpSvcCall1Content implementations
TpBaseMediaCallContentbase class for TpSvcCall1ContentInterfaceMedia implementations
TpCallContentMediaDescriptionimplementation of TpSvcCallContentMediaDescription
TpBaseCallStreambase class for TpSvcCall1Stream implementations
TpBaseMediaCallStreambase class for TpSvcCall1StreamInterfaceMedia implementations
TpCallStreamEndpointclass for TpSvcCall1StreamEndpoint implementations
Service-side handle repositories
TpHandleRepoIface — abstract interface for handle allocation
TpStaticHandleRepo — handle repository implementation with a fixed, static set of handle names
TpDynamicHandleRepo — general handle repository implementation, with dynamic handle allocation and recycling
Version information — Checking the telepathy-glib version
Utilities — Non-Telepathy utility functions
GNIO Utilities — Telepathy/GNIO utility functions
Common debug support — API to activate debugging messages from telepathy-glib
TpDebugSender — object for exposing Telepathy debug interface
TpIntset — a set of unsigned integers
TpHeap — a heap queue of pointers
Low-level generated code - common
GType factory functions — Macros using caching factory functions to get dbus-glib specialized GTypes
Telepathy protocol interface and property names — D-Bus interface and property names from the Telepathy spec
Low-level generated code - client-side
Channel interface — client-side wrappers for Channel core functionality
Group and Conference interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Group and Conference
Room-related interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Room, RoomConfig and Subject
Text channels — client-side wrappers for the Text channel type, and the Chat State and Password interfaces
Media channels — client-side wrappers for the Streamed Media channel type, and the Call State, DTMF and Media Signalling interfaces
File transfer — client-side wrappers for the File Transfer channel type
Tube channels — client-side wrappers for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — client-side wrappers for the Room List channel type
Contact Search channels — client-side wrappers for the Contact Search channel type
Channel Authentication interfaces — client-side wrappers for authentication channels
Channel Call interfaces — client-side wrappers for call channels
Channel Call content interfaces — client-side wrappers for call contents
Channel Call stream interfaces — client-side wrappers for call streams
Channel Call misc interfaces — client-side wrappers for misc call interfaces
Connection interface — client-side wrappers for Connection core functionality
Connection Aliasing interface — client-side wrappers for the Aliasing interface
Connection Avatars interface — client-side wrappers for the Avatars interface
Connection Balance interface — client-side wrappers for the Balance interface
Connection ClientTypes interface — client-side wrappers for the ClientTypes interface
Connection ContactInfo interface — client-side wrappers for the ContactInfo interface
Connection ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces
Connection ContactCapabilities and Capabilities interfaces — client-side wrappers for the capabilities interfaces
Connection Location interface — client-side wrappers for the Location interface
Connection Requests interface — client-side wrappers for the Requests interface
Connection Presence interface — client-side wrappers for the Presence interface
Connection Cellular interface — client-side wrappers for the Cellular interface
Connection MailNotification interface — client-side wrappers for the MailNotification interface
Connection PowerSaving interface — client-side wrappers for the PowerSaving interface
Connection Addressing interface — client-side wrappers for the Addressing interface
Connection Renaming interface — client-side wrappers for the Renaming interface
Connection Sidecars interface — client-side wrappers for the Sidecars interface
Protocol-specific Connection interfaces — client-side wrappers for IRCCommand1
TpProxy D-Bus core methods — The D-Bus Introspectable, Peer and Properties interfaces
AccountManager interface — client-side wrappers for AccountManager functionality
ChannelDispatcher interface — client-side wrappers for ChannelDispatcher core functionality
Client interface — client-side wrappers for Client functionality
ConnectionManager interface — client-side wrappers for ConnectionManager core functionality
Connection and Channel Anonymity interfaces — client-side wrappers for the Anonymity interfaces
Connection and Channel ServicePoint interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ServicePoint interfaces
Low-level generated code - service-side
The TpSvc* interfaces — How to export Telepathy objects
TpSvcInterface — glue to export `TpSvc` interfaces on D-Bus
Service-side Channel base interface — GInterface for Telepathy Channel objects
Service-side Channel Group and Conference interfaces — Groups of contacts
Service-side room interfaces — room-related functionality for channels
Contact Search channels — service-side interface for the Contact Search channel type
Text channels — service-side interfaces for the Text channel type, and the Chat State, Password and SMS interfaces
File Transfer channels — service-side interface for the File Transfer channel type
File transfer Metadata interface — GInterface to implement metadata file transfer interface
Tube channels — service-side interface for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — service-side interface for the Room List channel type
Service-side Channel Authentication interfaces — GInterfaces to implement authentication channels
Service-side Securable interface — GInterface to indicate channels' security level
Service-side Channel Call interface — GInterface to implement call channels
Generic service-side interfaces — GInterfaces for D-Bus objects exporting Telepathy properties and common D-Bus core interfaces
Service-side Connection interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Connection objects
Service-side Debug base interface — GInterface for Telepathy Debug objects
Service-side Connection and Channel Anonymity interfaces — GInterfaces to implement the Anonymity interfaces
Service-side Connection and Channel ServicePoint interfaces — GInterfaces to implement the ServicePoint interfaces
Service-side Connection Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy ConnectionManager objects
Service-side Protocol interface — GInterface for Telepathy Protocol objects
Service-side Account Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy AccountManager objects
Service-side Account interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Account objects
Service-side Channel Dispatcher interface — GInterfaces for Telepathy ChannelDispatcher object
Service-side Channel Dispatch Operation interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelDispatchOperation object
Service-side Channel Request interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelRequest object
Service-side Client interfaces — interfaces used to be an Observer, Approver and Handler
Service-side TLS interfaces — GInterfaces to implement Chan.T.ServerTLSConnection
Service-side Channel Logger interface — GInterface to implement logger API
Annotation Glossary