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class  AbstractAdaptor
 Base class for all the low-level service-side adaptors. More...
class  AbstractCallContentInterface
 Base class for all the CallContent object interface implementations. More...
class  AbstractChannelInterface
 Base class for all the Channel object interface implementations. More...
class  AbstractClient
 The AbstractClient class represents a Telepathy client. More...
class  AbstractClientApprover
 The AbstractClientApprover class represents a Telepathy approver. More...
class  AbstractClientHandler
 The AbstractClientHandler class represents a Telepathy handler. More...
class  AbstractClientObserver
 The AbstractClientObserver class represents a Telepathy observer. More...
class  AbstractConnectionInterface
 Base class for all the Connection object interface implementations. More...
class  AbstractDBusServiceInterface
 Base class for D-Bus service interfaces. More...
struct  AbstractFunctorCaller
class  AbstractInterface
 The AbstractInterface class is the base class for all client side D-Bus interfaces, allowing access to remote methods/properties/signals. More...
class  AbstractProtocolInterface
 Base class for all the Protocol object interface implementations. More...
struct  AccessControl
class  Account
 The Account class represents a Telepathy account. More...
class  AccountCapabilityFilter
 The AccountCapabilityFilter class provides a filter object to be used to filter accounts by capabilities. More...
class  AccountFactory
 The AccountFactory class is responsible for constructing Account objects according to application-defined settings. More...
class  AccountManager
 The AccountManager class represents a Telepathy account manager. More...
class  AccountPropertyFilter
 The AccountPropertyFilter class provides a filter object to be used to filter accounts by properties. More...
class  AccountSet
 The AccountSet class represents a set of Telepathy accounts filtered by a given criteria. More...
struct  AddressingNormalizationMap
struct  AliasMap
struct  AliasPair
class  AndFilter
 The AndFilter class provides a generic filter object to be used in conjunction of other filters. More...
struct  Avatar
class  AvatarData
 The AvatarData class represents a Telepathy avatar. More...
class  AvatarSpec
 The AvatarSpec class represents a Telepathy avatar information supported by a protocol. More...
struct  AvatarTokenMap
class  BaseCallback
 Base class for all the callback classes. More...
class  BaseCallContent
class  BaseCallContentDTMFInterface
 Base class for implementations of Call.Content.Interface.DTMF. More...
class  BaseCallMuteInterface
 Base class for implementations of Call.Interface.Mute. More...
class  BaseChannel
 Base class for channel implementations. More...
class  BaseChannelCallType
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Type.Call. More...
class  BaseChannelCaptchaAuthenticationInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.CaptchaAuthentication. More...
class  BaseChannelChatStateInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Chat.State. More...
class  BaseChannelConferenceInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Conference. More...
class  BaseChannelFileTransferType
 Base class of Channel.Type.FileTransfer channel type. More...
class  BaseChannelGroupInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Group. More...
class  BaseChannelHoldInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Hold. More...
class  BaseChannelMergeableConferenceInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.MergeableConference. More...
class  BaseChannelMessagesInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Messages. More...
class  BaseChannelRoomConfigInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.RoomConfig1. More...
class  BaseChannelRoomInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Room2. More...
class  BaseChannelRoomListType
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Type.RoomList. More...
class  BaseChannelSASLAuthenticationInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.SASLAuthentication. More...
class  BaseChannelSecurableInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Securable. More...
class  BaseChannelServerAuthenticationType
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Type.ServerAuthentifcation. More...
class  BaseChannelSMSInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.SMS. More...
class  BaseChannelSplittableInterface
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Interface.Splittable. More...
class  BaseChannelTextType
 Base class for implementations of Channel.Type.Text. More...
class  BaseConnection
 Base class for Connection implementations. More...
class  BaseConnectionAddressingInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Addressing. More...
class  BaseConnectionAliasingInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Aliasing. More...
class  BaseConnectionAvatarsInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Avatars. More...
class  BaseConnectionClientTypesInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.ClientTypes. More...
class  BaseConnectionContactCapabilitiesInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.ContactCapabilities. More...
class  BaseConnectionContactGroupsInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.ContactGroups. More...
class  BaseConnectionContactInfoInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Contact.Info. More...
class  BaseConnectionContactListInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.ContactList. More...
class  BaseConnectionContactsInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Contacts. More...
class  BaseConnectionManager
 Base class for connection manager implementations. More...
class  BaseConnectionRequestsInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.Requests. More...
class  BaseConnectionSimplePresenceInterface
 Base class for implementations of Connection.Interface.SimplePresence. More...
class  BaseDebug
struct  BaseFunctor
struct  BaseFunctorCaller
class  BaseProtocol
 Base class for protocol implementations. More...
class  BaseProtocolAddressingInterface
 Base class for implementations of Protocol.Interface.Addressing. More...
class  BaseProtocolAvatarsInterface
 Base class for implementations of Protocol.Interface.Avatars. More...
class  BaseProtocolPresenceInterface
 Base class for implementations of Protocol.Interface.Presence. More...
struct  ByteArrayList
class  Callback0
 Callback with 0 arguments. More...
class  Callback1
 Callback with 1 argument. More...
class  Callback2
 Callback with 2 arguments. More...
class  Callback3
 Callback with 3 arguments. More...
class  Callback4
 Callback with 4 arguments. More...
class  Callback5
 Callback with 5 arguments. More...
class  Callback6
 Callback with 6 arguments. More...
class  Callback7
 Callback with 7 arguments. More...
class  CallChannel
 The CallChannel class provides an object representing a Telepathy channel of type Call. More...
class  CallContent
 The CallContent class provides an object representing a Telepathy Call.Content. More...
struct  CallMemberMap
struct  CallStateReason
class  CallStream
 The CallStream class provides an object representing a Telepathy Call.Stream. More...
struct  Candidate
struct  CandidateInfo
struct  CandidatePair
class  CapabilitiesBase
 The CapabilitiesBase class represents the capabilities a Connection or a Contact supports. More...
struct  CapabilityChange
struct  CapabilityPair
class  Captcha
 The Captcha class represents a Captcha ready to be answered. More...
struct  CaptchaAnswers
class  CaptchaAuthentication
 The CaptchaAuthentication class exposes CaptchaAuthentication's features for channels implementing it. More...
struct  CaptchaInfo
class  Channel
 The Channel class represents a Telepathy channel. More...
struct  ChannelCallStateMap
struct  ChannelClass
class  ChannelClassSpec
 The ChannelClassSpec class represents a Telepathy channel class. More...
class  ChannelClassSpecList
 The ChannelClassSpecList class represents a list of ChannelClassSpec. More...
struct  ChannelDetails
class  ChannelDispatchOperation
 The ChannelDispatchOperation class represents a Telepathy channel dispatch operation. More...
class  ChannelFactory
 The ChannelFactory class is responsible for constructing Channel objects according to application-defined settings. More...
struct  ChannelInfo
struct  ChannelOriginatorMap
class  ChannelRequest
 The ChannelRequest class represents a Telepathy channel request. More...
class  ChannelRequestHints
 The ChannelRequestHints class represents a dictionary of metadata provided by the channel requester when requesting a channel. More...
struct  ChatStateMap
class  ClientRegistrar
 The ClientRegistrar class is responsible for registering Telepathy clients (Observer, Approver, Handler). More...
struct  Codec
struct  ComponentStateMap
class  Connection
 The Connection class represents a Telepathy connection. More...
class  ConnectionCapabilities
 The ConnectionCapabilities class represents the capabilities of a Connection. More...
class  ConnectionFactory
 The ConnectionFactory class is responsible for constructing Connection objects according to application-defined settings. More...
class  ConnectionLowlevel
 The ConnectionLowlevel class extends Connection with support to low-level features. More...
class  ConnectionManager
 The ConnectionManager class represents a Telepathy connection manager. More...
class  ConnectionManagerLowlevel
 The ConnectionManagerLowlevel class extends ConnectionManager with support to low-level features. More...
class  Contact
 The Contact class represents a Telepathy contact. More...
struct  ContactAttributesMap
class  ContactCapabilities
 The ContactCapabilities class represents the capabilities of a Contact. More...
struct  ContactCapabilitiesMap
struct  ContactCapability
struct  ContactClientTypes
struct  ContactCodecMap
class  ContactFactory
 The ContactFactory class is responsible for constructing Contact objects according to application-defined settings. More...
struct  ContactInfoField
struct  ContactInfoMap
struct  ContactLocations
class  ContactManager
 The ContactManager class is responsible for managing contacts. More...
struct  ContactMediaDescriptionPropertiesMap
class  ContactMessenger
 The ContactMessenger class provides an easy way to send text messages to a contact and also track sent/receive text messages from the same contact. More...
struct  ContactPresences
class  ContactSearchChannel
 The ContactSearchChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type ContactSearch. More...
struct  ContactSearchMap
struct  ContactSearchResultMap
struct  ContactSendingStateMap
struct  ContactSSRCsMap
struct  ContactSubscriptionMap
struct  ContactSubscriptions
struct  CurrencyAmount
class  DBusError
 Small container class, containing a D-Bus error. More...
class  DBusObject
 A QObject on which low-level D-Bus adaptors are plugged to provide a D-Bus object. More...
class  DBusProxy
 The DBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object available over D-Bus. More...
class  DBusProxyFactory
 The DBusProxyFactory class is a base class for all D-Bus proxy factory classes. Handles proxy caching and making them ready as appropriate. More...
class  DBusService
 Base class for D-Bus services. More...
class  DBusTubeChannel
 The DBusTubeChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type DBusTube. More...
struct  DBusTubeMember
struct  DBusTubeParticipants
struct  DebugMessage
class  DebugReceiver
 The DebugReceiver class provides a D-Bus proxy for a Telepathy Debug object. More...
class  Feature
 The Feature class represents a feature that can be enabled on demand. More...
class  Features
 The Features class represents a list of Feature. More...
struct  FieldSpec
class  FileTransferChannel
 The FileTransferChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type FileTransfer. More...
class  FileTransferChannelCreationProperties
 The FileTransferChannelCreationProperties class represents the properties of a file transfer channel request. More...
class  Filter
 The Filter class provides a base class to be used by specialized filters such as GenericCapabilityFilter, GenericPropertyFilter, etc. More...
class  FixedFeatureFactory
 The FixedFeatureFactory class is a base class for all D-Bus proxy factories which want the same set of features for all constructed proxies. More...
struct  FunctorCaller0
struct  FunctorCaller1
struct  FunctorCaller2
struct  FunctorCaller3
struct  FunctorCaller4
struct  FunctorCaller5
struct  FunctorCaller6
struct  FunctorCaller7
class  GenericCapabilityFilter
 The GenericCapabilityFilter class provides a generic filter object to be used to filter objects by capabilities. More...
class  GenericPropertyFilter
 The GenericPropertyFilter class provides a generic filter object to be used to filter objects by properties. More...
class  HandledChannelNotifier
 The HandledChannelNotifier class can be used to keep track of channel() being re-requested. More...
struct  HandleIdentifierMap
struct  HandleOwnerMap
struct  HandlerCapabilities
struct  HTTPPostData
class  IncomingDBusTubeChannel
 The IncomingStreamTubeChannel class represents an incoming Telepathy channel of type StreamTube. More...
class  IncomingFileTransferChannel
 The IncomingFileTransferChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type FileTransfer for incoming file transfers. More...
class  IncomingStreamTubeChannel
 The IncomingStreamTubeChannel class represents an incoming Telepathy channel of type StreamTube. More...
class  IODevice
 The IODevice class represents a buffer with independent read-write. More...
struct  LastActivityAndStatuses
struct  LocalPendingInfo
struct  Location
class  LocationInfo
 The LocationInfo class represents the location of a Telepathy Contact. More...
struct  Mail
struct  MailAddress
struct  MailURL
struct  MediaDescriptionOffer
struct  MediaDescriptionProperties
struct  MediaSessionHandlerInfo
struct  MediaStreamHandlerCandidate
struct  MediaStreamHandlerCodec
struct  MediaStreamHandlerTransport
struct  MediaStreamInfo
struct  MemberFunctor0
struct  MemberFunctor1
struct  MemberFunctor2
struct  MemberFunctor3
struct  MemberFunctor4
struct  MemberFunctor5
struct  MemberFunctor6
struct  MemberFunctor7
class  Message
 The Message class represents a Telepathy message in a TextChannel. More...
class  MessageContentPart
 The MessageContentPart class represents a Telepathy message part. More...
class  MessageContentPartList
 The MessageContentPartList class represents a list of MessageContentPart. More...
struct  MessagePart
struct  MessagePartContentMap
struct  Metadata
class  MethodInvocationContext
 The MethodInvocationContext class provides a way for the service implementation to respond to method calls. More...
struct  MultipleStatusMap
struct  NotDelegatedError
struct  NotDelegatedMap
class  NotFilter
 The NotFilter class provides a generic filter object to be used in conjunction of other filters. More...
class  Object
 The Object class provides an object with property notification. More...
struct  ObjectImmutablePropertiesMap
struct  ObjectPathList
class  OptionalInterfaceFactory
 The OptionalInterfaceFactory class is a helper class for high-level D-Bus proxy classes willing to offer access to shared instances of interface proxies for optional interfaces. More...
class  OrFilter
 The OrFilter class provides a generic filter object to be used in conjunction of other filters. More...
class  OutgoingDBusTubeChannel
 The OutgoingDBusTubeChannel class represents an outgoing Telepathy channel of type DBusTube. More...
class  OutgoingFileTransferChannel
 The OutgoingFileTransferChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type FileTransfer for outgoing file transfers. More...
class  OutgoingStreamTubeChannel
 The OutgoingStreamTubeChannel class represents an outgoing Telepathy channel of type StreamTube. More...
struct  ParamSpec
class  PendingAccount
 The PendingAccount class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous account request. More...
class  PendingCallContent
class  PendingCaptchas
 The PendingCaptchas class represents an asynchronous operation for retrieving a captcha challenge from a connection manager. More...
class  PendingChannel
 The PendingChannel class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous channel request. More...
class  PendingChannelRequest
 The PendingChannelRequest class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous ChannelRequest request. More...
class  PendingComposite
 The PendingComposite class is a PendingOperation that can be used to track multiple pending operations at once. More...
class  PendingConnection
 The PendingConnection class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous connection request. More...
class  PendingContactAttributes
 The PendingContactAttributes class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous request for raw contact attributes, as used in the ConnectionLowlevel::contactAttributes() low-level convenience method wrapping the Client::ConnectionInterfaceContactsInterface::GetContactAttributes() D-Bus method. More...
class  PendingContactInfo
 The PendingContactInfo class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous contact info request. More...
class  PendingContacts
 The PendingContacts class is used by ContactManager when creating/updating Contact objects. More...
class  PendingDBusTubeConnection
class  PendingDebugMessageList
class  PendingFailure
 The PendingFailure class represents a PendingOperation that always fails with the error passed to the constructor. More...
class  PendingHandles
 The PendingHandles class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous handle request/hold. More...
class  PendingOperation
 The PendingOperation class is a base class for pending asynchronous operations. More...
class  PendingReady
 The PendingReady class represents the features requested and the reply to a request for an object to become ready. More...
class  PendingSendMessage
 The PendingSendMessage class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous message send request. More...
class  PendingStreamedMediaStreams
 Class containing the result of an asynchronous streamed media stream creation request. More...
class  PendingStreamTubeConnection
 The PendingStreamTubeConnection class represents an asynchronous operation for accepting an incoming stream tube. More...
class  PendingString
 The PendingString class is a generic subclass of PendingOperation representing a pending D-Bus method call that returns a string. More...
class  PendingStringList
 The PendingStringList class is a generic subclass of PendingOperation representing a pending D-Bus method call that returns a string list. More...
class  PendingSuccess
 The PendingSuccess class represents PendingOperation that is always successful. More...
struct  PendingTextMessage
class  PendingVariant
 The PendingVariant class is a generic subclass of PendingOperation representing a pending D-Bus method call that returns a variant. More...
class  PendingVariantMap
 The PendingVariantMap class is a generic subclass of PendingOperation representing a pending D-Bus method call that returns a variant map. More...
class  PendingVoid
 The PendingVoid class is a generic subclass of PendingOperation representing a pending D-Bus method call that does not return anything (or returns a result that is not interesting). More...
class  Presence
 The Presence class represents a Telepathy simple presence. More...
class  PresenceSpec
 The PresenceSpec class represents a Telepathy presence information supported by a protocol. More...
class  PresenceSpecList
 The PresenceSpecList class represents a list of PresenceSpec. More...
class  Profile
 The Profile class provides an easy way to read Telepathy profile files according to http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/service-profile-v1. More...
class  ProfileManager
 The ProfileManager class provides helper methods to retrieve Profile objects. More...
struct  PropertyFlagsChange
struct  PropertySpec
struct  PropertyValue
class  ProtocolInfo
 The ProtocolInfo class represents a Telepathy Protocol. More...
class  ProtocolParameter
 The ProtocolParameter class represents a Telepathy protocol parameter. More...
struct  ProtocolPropertiesMap
struct  PtrFunctor0
struct  PtrFunctor1
struct  PtrFunctor2
struct  PtrFunctor3
struct  PtrFunctor4
struct  PtrFunctor5
struct  PtrFunctor6
struct  PtrFunctor7
struct  QualifiedPropertyValueMap
class  ReadinessHelper
 The ReadinessHelper class is a helper class used by the introspection process. More...
class  ReadyObject
class  ReceivedMessage
 The ReceivedMessage class is a subclass of Message, representing a received message only. More...
class  RefCounted
 The RefCounted class is a base class for shared objects used by SharedPtr. More...
class  ReferencedHandles
 Helper container for safe management of handle lifetimes. Every handle in a ReferencedHandles container is guaranteed to be valid (and stay valid, as long it's in at least one ReferencedHandles container). More...
struct  RequestableChannelClass
class  RequestableChannelClassSpec
 The RequestableChannelClassSpec class represents a Telepathy requestable channel class. More...
class  RequestableChannelClassSpecList
 The RequestableChannelClassSpecList class represents a list of RequestableChannelClassSpec. More...
struct  RichPresenceAccessControl
struct  RoomInfo
class  RoomListChannel
 The RoomListChannel class represents a Telepathy Channel of type RoomList. More...
struct  RTCPFeedbackMessage
struct  RTCPFeedbackMessageMap
struct  RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties
struct  RTPHeaderExtension
class  ServerAuthenticationChannel
 The ServerAuthenticationChannel class is a base class for all ServerAuthentication types. More...
struct  ServicePoint
struct  ServicePointInfo
class  SharedPtr
 The SharedPtr class is a pointer to an explicitly shared object. More...
class  SimpleCallObserver
 The SimpleCallObserver class provides an easy way to track calls in an account and can be optionally filtered by a contact and/or call direction. More...
struct  SimpleContactPresences
class  SimpleObserver
 The SimpleObserver class provides an easy way to track channels in an account and can be optionally filtered by a contact. More...
struct  SimplePresence
struct  SimpleStatusSpec
struct  SimpleStatusSpecMap
class  SimpleStreamTubeHandler
class  SimpleTextObserver
 The SimpleTextObserver class provides an easy way to track sent/received text messages in an account and can be optionally filtered by a contact. More...
struct  SingleContactAttributesMap
struct  SocketAddressIP
struct  SocketAddressIPv4
struct  SocketAddressIPv6
struct  SocketNetmaskIPv4
struct  SocketNetmaskIPv6
class  StatefulDBusProxy
 The StatefulDBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object whose API is stateful. More...
class  StatelessDBusProxy
 The StatelessDBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object whose API is basically stateless. More...
struct  StatusSpec
struct  StatusSpecMap
struct  StreamCredentials
class  StreamedMediaChannel
 The StreamedMediaChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type StreamedMedia. More...
class  StreamedMediaStream
 The StreamedMediaStream class represents a Telepathy streamed media stream. More...
class  StreamTubeChannel
 The StreamTubeChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type StreamTube. More...
class  StreamTubeClient
 The StreamTubeClient class is a Handler implementation for incoming Stream Tube channels, allowing an application to easily get notified about services they can connect to offered to them over Telepathy Tubes without worrying about the channel dispatching details. More...
class  StreamTubeServer
 The StreamTubeServer class is a Handler implementation for outgoing Stream Tube channels, allowing an application to easily export a TCP network server over Telepathy Tubes without worrying about the channel dispatching details. More...
struct  StringStringMap
struct  StringVariantMap
struct  SupportedSocketMap
class  TextChannel
 The TextChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type Text. More...
struct  TLSCertificateRejection
class  TubeChannel
 The TubeChannel class is a base class for all tube types. More...
struct  TubeInfo
struct  UIntList
struct  VCardFieldAddressMap
struct  VideoResolution
class  WeakPtr
 The WeakPtr class holds a weak reference to an object managed by SharedPtr. More...


typedef GenericCapabilityFilter< AccountAccountCapabilityFilter
typedef Filter< AccountAccountFilter
typedef QList< CallContentPtr > CallContents
typedef QList< CallStreamPtr > CallStreams
typedef QPair< ChannelClassSpec, FeaturesChannelClassFeatures
typedef void(* DebugCallback) (const QString &libraryName, const QString &libraryVersion, QtMsgType type, const QString &msg)
typedef QList< ProtocolInfoProtocolInfoList
typedef QList< ProtocolParameterProtocolParameterList
typedef QListIterator< uint > ReferencedHandlesIterator
typedef QList< StreamedMediaStreamPtr > StreamedMediaStreams
typedef QFlags< ConnMgrParamFlagConnMgrParamFlags
typedef QFlags< ConnectionAliasFlagConnectionAliasFlags
typedef QFlags< AnonymityModeAnonymityModeFlags
typedef QFlags< ConnectionCapabilityFlagConnectionCapabilityFlags
typedef QFlags< ContactBlockingCapabilityContactBlockingCapabilities
typedef QFlags< ContactInfoFlagContactInfoFlags
typedef QFlags< ContactInfoFieldFlagContactInfoFieldFlags
typedef QFlags< LocationFeatureLocationFeatures
typedef QFlags< MailNotificationFlagMailNotificationFlags
typedef QFlags< CallFlagCallFlags
typedef QFlags< CallMemberFlagCallMemberFlags
typedef QFlags< MediaStreamPendingMediaStreamPendingSend
typedef QFlags< ChannelMediaCapabilityChannelMediaCapabilities
typedef QFlags< ChannelTextMessageFlagChannelTextMessageFlags
typedef QFlags< CaptchaFlagCaptchaFlags
typedef QFlags< ChannelCallStateChannelCallStateFlags
typedef QFlags< ChannelGroupFlagChannelGroupFlags
typedef QFlags< MessagePartSupportFlagMessagePartSupportFlags
typedef QFlags< MessageSendingFlagMessageSendingFlags
typedef QFlags< DeliveryReportingSupportFlagDeliveryReportingSupportFlags
typedef QFlags< ChannelPasswordFlagChannelPasswordFlags
typedef QFlags< PropertyFlagPropertyFlags
typedef QFlags< StorageRestrictionFlagStorageRestrictionFlags
typedef QFlags< RTCPXRStatisticsFlagRTCPXRStatisticsFlags
typedef QList< AliasPairAliasPairList
typedef QList< CallMemberMapCallMemberMapList
typedef QList< CandidateCandidateList
typedef QList< CapabilityChangeCapabilityChangeList
typedef QList< CapabilityPairCapabilityPairList
typedef QList< CaptchaInfoCaptchaInfoList
typedef QList< ChannelClassChannelClassList
typedef QList< ChannelDetailsChannelDetailsList
typedef QList< ChannelInfoChannelInfoList
typedef QList< ContactCapabilityContactCapabilityList
typedef QList< ContactInfoFieldContactInfoFieldList
typedef QList< DBusTubeMemberDBusTubeMemberList
typedef QList< DebugMessageDebugMessageList
typedef QList< FieldSpecFieldSpecs
typedef QList< HTTPPostDataHTTPPostDataList
typedef QList< LocalPendingInfoLocalPendingInfoList
typedef QList< MailMailList
typedef QList< MailAddressMailAddressList
typedef QList< MediaSessionHandlerInfoMediaSessionHandlerInfoList
typedef QList< MediaStreamHandlerTransportMediaStreamHandlerTransportList
typedef QList< MediaStreamInfoMediaStreamInfoList
typedef QList< MessagePartMessagePartList
typedef QList< MessagePartListMessagePartListList
typedef QList< ObjectImmutablePropertiesMapObjectImmutablePropertiesMapList
typedef QList< ParamSpecParamSpecList
typedef QList< PendingTextMessagePendingTextMessageList
typedef QList< PropertyFlagsChangePropertyFlagsChangeList
typedef QList< PropertySpecPropertySpecList
typedef QList< PropertyValuePropertyValueList
typedef QList< QualifiedPropertyValueMapQualifiedPropertyValueMapList
typedef QList< RTCPFeedbackMessageRTCPFeedbackMessageList
typedef QList< RTPHeaderExtensionRTPHeaderExtensionsList
typedef QList< RequestableChannelClassRequestableChannelClassList
typedef QList< RoomInfoRoomInfoList
typedef QList< SocketAddressIPSocketAddressIPList
typedef QList< StringStringMapStringStringMapList
typedef QList< StringVariantMapStringVariantMapList
typedef QList< TLSCertificateRejectionTLSCertificateRejectionList
typedef QList< TubeInfoTubeInfoList
typedef QList< VideoResolutionVideoResolutionStruct
typedef QList< CandidatePairCandidatePairList
typedef QList< CodecCodecList
typedef QList< ContactCapabilitiesMapContactCapabilitiesMapList
typedef QList< HandlerCapabilitiesHandlerCapabilitiesList
typedef QList< MediaStreamHandlerCandidateMediaStreamHandlerCandidateList
typedef QList< MediaStreamHandlerCodecMediaStreamHandlerCodecList
typedef QList< ServicePointInfoServicePointInfoList


enum  ConnMgrParamFlag {
  ConnMgrParamFlagRequired, ConnMgrParamFlagRegister, ConnMgrParamFlagHasDefault, ConnMgrParamFlagSecret,
  ConnMgrParamFlagDBusProperty, _ConnMgrParamFlagPadding
enum  ConnectionAliasFlag { ConnectionAliasFlagUserSet, _ConnectionAliasFlagPadding }
enum  AnonymityMode { AnonymityModeClientInfo, AnonymityModeShowClientInfo, AnonymityModeNetworkInfo, _AnonymityModePadding }
enum  ConnectionCapabilityFlag { ConnectionCapabilityFlagCreate, ConnectionCapabilityFlagInvite, _ConnectionCapabilityFlagPadding }
enum  ContactBlockingCapability { ContactBlockingCapabilityCanReportAbusive, _ContactBlockingCapabilityPadding }
enum  ContactInfoFlag { ContactInfoFlagCanSet, ContactInfoFlagPush, _ContactInfoFlagPadding }
enum  ContactInfoFieldFlag { ContactInfoFieldFlagParametersExact, ContactInfoFieldFlagOverwrittenByNickname, _ContactInfoFieldFlagPadding }
enum  LocationFeature { LocationFeatureCanSet, _LocationFeaturePadding }
enum  MailNotificationFlag {
  MailNotificationFlagSupportsUnreadMailCount, MailNotificationFlagSupportsUnreadMails, MailNotificationFlagEmitsMailsReceived, MailNotificationFlagSupportsRequestInboxURL,
  MailNotificationFlagSupportsRequestMailURL, MailNotificationFlagThreadBased, _MailNotificationFlagPadding
enum  CallFlag {
  CallFlagLocallyHeld, CallFlagLocallyRinging, CallFlagLocallyQueued, CallFlagForwarded,
  CallFlagClearing, _CallFlagPadding
enum  CallMemberFlag { CallMemberFlagRinging, CallMemberFlagHeld, CallMemberFlagConferenceHost, _CallMemberFlagPadding }
enum  MediaStreamPending { MediaStreamPendingLocalSend, MediaStreamPendingRemoteSend, _MediaStreamPendingPadding }
enum  ChannelMediaCapability {
  ChannelMediaCapabilityAudio, ChannelMediaCapabilityVideo, ChannelMediaCapabilityNATTraversalSTUN, ChannelMediaCapabilityNATTraversalGTalkP2P,
  ChannelMediaCapabilityNATTraversalICEUDP, ChannelMediaCapabilityImmutableStreams, _ChannelMediaCapabilityPadding
enum  ChannelTextMessageFlag {
  ChannelTextMessageFlagTruncated, ChannelTextMessageFlagNonTextContent, ChannelTextMessageFlagScrollback, ChannelTextMessageFlagRescued,
enum  CaptchaFlag { CaptchaFlagRequired, _CaptchaFlagPadding }
enum  ChannelCallState {
  ChannelCallStateRinging, ChannelCallStateQueued, ChannelCallStateHeld, ChannelCallStateForwarded,
  ChannelCallStateInProgress, ChannelCallStateConferenceHost, _ChannelCallStatePadding
enum  ChannelGroupFlag {
  ChannelGroupFlagCanAdd, ChannelGroupFlagCanRemove, ChannelGroupFlagCanRescind, ChannelGroupFlagMessageAdd,
  ChannelGroupFlagMessageRemove, ChannelGroupFlagMessageAccept, ChannelGroupFlagMessageReject, ChannelGroupFlagMessageRescind,
  ChannelGroupFlagChannelSpecificHandles, ChannelGroupFlagOnlyOneGroup, ChannelGroupFlagHandleOwnersNotAvailable, ChannelGroupFlagProperties,
  ChannelGroupFlagMembersChangedDetailed, ChannelGroupFlagMessageDepart, _ChannelGroupFlagPadding
enum  MessagePartSupportFlag { MessagePartSupportFlagOneAttachment, MessagePartSupportFlagMultipleAttachments, _MessagePartSupportFlagPadding }
enum  MessageSendingFlag { MessageSendingFlagReportDelivery, MessageSendingFlagReportRead, MessageSendingFlagReportDeleted, _MessageSendingFlagPadding }
enum  DeliveryReportingSupportFlag {
  DeliveryReportingSupportFlagReceiveFailures, DeliveryReportingSupportFlagReceiveSuccesses, DeliveryReportingSupportFlagReceiveRead, DeliveryReportingSupportFlagReceiveDeleted,
enum  ChannelPasswordFlag { ChannelPasswordFlagProvide, ChannelPasswordFlagHint, _ChannelPasswordFlagPadding }
enum  PropertyFlag { PropertyFlagRead, PropertyFlagWrite, _PropertyFlagPadding }
enum  StorageRestrictionFlag {
  StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetParameters, StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetEnabled, StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetPresence, StorageRestrictionFlagCannotSetService,
enum  RTCPXRStatisticsFlag {
  RTCPXRStatisticsFlagLoss, RTCPXRStatisticsFlagDuplicate, RTCPXRStatisticsFlagJitter, RTCPXRStatisticsFlagTTL,
  RTCPXRStatisticsFlagHL, _RTCPXRStatisticsFlagPadding
enum  HandleType {
  HandleTypeNone, HandleTypeContact, HandleTypeRoom, HandleTypeList,
  HandleTypeGroup, _HandleTypePadding
enum  ConnectionStatus { ConnectionStatusConnected, ConnectionStatusConnecting, ConnectionStatusDisconnected, _ConnectionStatusPadding }
enum  ConnectionStatusReason {
  ConnectionStatusReasonNoneSpecified, ConnectionStatusReasonRequested, ConnectionStatusReasonNetworkError, ConnectionStatusReasonAuthenticationFailed,
  ConnectionStatusReasonEncryptionError, ConnectionStatusReasonNameInUse, ConnectionStatusReasonCertNotProvided, ConnectionStatusReasonCertUntrusted,
  ConnectionStatusReasonCertExpired, ConnectionStatusReasonCertNotActivated, ConnectionStatusReasonCertHostnameMismatch, ConnectionStatusReasonCertFingerprintMismatch,
  ConnectionStatusReasonCertSelfSigned, ConnectionStatusReasonCertOtherError, ConnectionStatusReasonCertRevoked, ConnectionStatusReasonCertInsecure,
  ConnectionStatusReasonCertLimitExceeded, _ConnectionStatusReasonPadding
enum  ContactListState {
  ContactListStateNone, ContactListStateWaiting, ContactListStateFailure, ContactListStateSuccess,
enum  SubscriptionState {
  SubscriptionStateUnknown, SubscriptionStateNo, SubscriptionStateRemovedRemotely, SubscriptionStateAsk,
  SubscriptionStateYes, _SubscriptionStatePadding
enum  ContactMetadataStorageType {
  ContactMetadataStorageTypeNone, ContactMetadataStorageTypeSubscribedOrPending, ContactMetadataStorageTypeSubscribed, ContactMetadataStorageTypeAnyone,
enum  HTTPMethod { HTTPMethodGet, HTTPMethodPost, _HTTPMethodPadding }
enum  ServicePointType { ServicePointTypeNone, ServicePointTypeEmergency, ServicePointTypeCounseling, _ServicePointTypePadding }
enum  ConnectionPresenceType {
  ConnectionPresenceTypeUnset, ConnectionPresenceTypeOffline, ConnectionPresenceTypeAvailable, ConnectionPresenceTypeAway,
  ConnectionPresenceTypeExtendedAway, ConnectionPresenceTypeHidden, ConnectionPresenceTypeBusy, ConnectionPresenceTypeUnknown,
  ConnectionPresenceTypeError, _ConnectionPresenceTypePadding
enum  AccessControlType {
  AccessControlTypeWhitelist, AccessControlTypePublishList, AccessControlTypeGroup, AccessControlTypeOpen,
  AccessControlTypeSubscribeOrPublishList, AccessControlTypeClosed, AccessControlTypeNotUnderstood, _AccessControlTypePadding
enum  RichPresenceAccessControlType {
  RichPresenceAccessControlTypeWhitelist, RichPresenceAccessControlTypePublishList, RichPresenceAccessControlTypeGroup, RichPresenceAccessControlTypeOpen,
enum  CallState {
  CallStateUnknown, CallStatePendingInitiator, CallStateInitialising, CallStateInitialised,
  CallStateAccepted, CallStateActive, CallStateEnded, _CallStatePadding
enum  CallStateChangeReason {
  CallStateChangeReasonUnknown, CallStateChangeReasonProgressMade, CallStateChangeReasonUserRequested, CallStateChangeReasonForwarded,
  CallStateChangeReasonRejected, CallStateChangeReasonNoAnswer, CallStateChangeReasonInvalidContact, CallStateChangeReasonPermissionDenied,
  CallStateChangeReasonBusy, CallStateChangeReasonInternalError, CallStateChangeReasonServiceError, CallStateChangeReasonNetworkError,
  CallStateChangeReasonMediaError, CallStateChangeReasonConnectivityError, _CallStateChangeReasonPadding
enum  ChannelContactSearchState {
  ChannelContactSearchStateNotStarted, ChannelContactSearchStateInProgress, ChannelContactSearchStateMoreAvailable, ChannelContactSearchStateCompleted,
  ChannelContactSearchStateFailed, _ChannelContactSearchStatePadding
enum  FileTransferState {
  FileTransferStateNone, FileTransferStatePending, FileTransferStateAccepted, FileTransferStateOpen,
  FileTransferStateCompleted, FileTransferStateCancelled, _FileTransferStatePadding
enum  FileTransferStateChangeReason {
  FileTransferStateChangeReasonNone, FileTransferStateChangeReasonRequested, FileTransferStateChangeReasonLocalStopped, FileTransferStateChangeReasonRemoteStopped,
  FileTransferStateChangeReasonLocalError, FileTransferStateChangeReasonRemoteError, _FileTransferStateChangeReasonPadding
enum  FileHashType {
  FileHashTypeNone, FileHashTypeMD5, FileHashTypeSHA1, FileHashTypeSHA256,
enum  MediaStreamType { MediaStreamTypeAudio, MediaStreamTypeVideo, _MediaStreamTypePadding }
enum  MediaStreamState { MediaStreamStateDisconnected, MediaStreamStateConnecting, MediaStreamStateConnected, _MediaStreamStatePadding }
enum  MediaStreamDirection {
  MediaStreamDirectionNone, MediaStreamDirectionSend, MediaStreamDirectionReceive, MediaStreamDirectionBidirectional,
enum  ChannelTextSendError {
  ChannelTextSendErrorUnknown, ChannelTextSendErrorOffline, ChannelTextSendErrorInvalidContact, ChannelTextSendErrorPermissionDenied,
  ChannelTextSendErrorTooLong, ChannelTextSendErrorNotImplemented, _ChannelTextSendErrorPadding
enum  ChannelTextMessageType {
  ChannelTextMessageTypeNormal, ChannelTextMessageTypeAction, ChannelTextMessageTypeNotice, ChannelTextMessageTypeAutoReply,
  ChannelTextMessageTypeDeliveryReport, _ChannelTextMessageTypePadding
enum  TubeType { TubeTypeDBus, TubeTypeStream, _TubeTypePadding }
enum  TubeState { TubeStateLocalPending, TubeStateRemotePending, TubeStateOpen, _TubeStatePadding }
enum  CaptchaCancelReason { CaptchaCancelReasonUserCancelled, CaptchaCancelReasonNotSupported, CaptchaCancelReasonServiceConfused, _CaptchaCancelReasonPadding }
enum  CaptchaStatus {
  CaptchaStatusLocalPending, CaptchaStatusRemotePending, CaptchaStatusSucceeded, CaptchaStatusTryAgain,
  CaptchaStatusFailed, _CaptchaStatusPadding
enum  ChannelChatState {
  ChannelChatStateGone, ChannelChatStateInactive, ChannelChatStateActive, ChannelChatStatePaused,
  ChannelChatStateComposing, _ChannelChatStatePadding
enum  DTMFEvent {
  DTMFEventDigit0, DTMFEventDigit1, DTMFEventDigit2, DTMFEventDigit3,
  DTMFEventDigit4, DTMFEventDigit5, DTMFEventDigit6, DTMFEventDigit7,
  DTMFEventDigit8, DTMFEventDigit9, DTMFEventAsterisk, DTMFEventHash,
  DTMFEventLetterA, DTMFEventLetterB, DTMFEventLetterC, DTMFEventLetterD,
enum  ChannelGroupChangeReason {
  ChannelGroupChangeReasonNone, ChannelGroupChangeReasonOffline, ChannelGroupChangeReasonKicked, ChannelGroupChangeReasonBusy,
  ChannelGroupChangeReasonInvited, ChannelGroupChangeReasonBanned, ChannelGroupChangeReasonError, ChannelGroupChangeReasonInvalidContact,
  ChannelGroupChangeReasonNoAnswer, ChannelGroupChangeReasonRenamed, ChannelGroupChangeReasonPermissionDenied, ChannelGroupChangeReasonSeparated,
enum  LocalHoldState {
  LocalHoldStateUnheld, LocalHoldStateHeld, LocalHoldStatePendingHold, LocalHoldStatePendingUnhold,
enum  LocalHoldStateReason { LocalHoldStateReasonNone, LocalHoldStateReasonRequested, LocalHoldStateReasonResourceNotAvailable, _LocalHoldStateReasonPadding }
enum  DeliveryStatus {
  DeliveryStatusUnknown, DeliveryStatusDelivered, DeliveryStatusTemporarilyFailed, DeliveryStatusPermanentlyFailed,
  DeliveryStatusAccepted, DeliveryStatusRead, DeliveryStatusDeleted, _DeliveryStatusPadding
enum  SASLAbortReason { SASLAbortReasonInvalidChallenge, SASLAbortReasonUserAbort, _SASLAbortReasonPadding }
enum  SASLStatus {
  SASLStatusNotStarted, SASLStatusInProgress, SASLStatusServerSucceeded, SASLStatusClientAccepted,
  SASLStatusSucceeded, SASLStatusServerFailed, SASLStatusClientFailed, _SASLStatusPadding
enum  TubeChannelState {
  TubeChannelStateLocalPending, TubeChannelStateRemotePending, TubeChannelStateOpen, TubeChannelStateNotOffered,
enum  SocketAddressType {
  SocketAddressTypeUnix, SocketAddressTypeAbstractUnix, SocketAddressTypeIPv4, SocketAddressTypeIPv6,
enum  SocketAccessControl {
  SocketAccessControlLocalhost, SocketAccessControlPort, SocketAccessControlNetmask, SocketAccessControlCredentials,
enum  MediaStreamError {
  MediaStreamErrorUnknown, MediaStreamErrorEOS, MediaStreamErrorCodecNegotiationFailed, MediaStreamErrorConnectionFailed,
  MediaStreamErrorNetworkError, MediaStreamErrorNoCodecs, MediaStreamErrorInvalidCMBehavior, MediaStreamErrorMediaError,
enum  MediaStreamBaseProto { MediaStreamBaseProtoUDP, MediaStreamBaseProtoTCP, _MediaStreamBaseProtoPadding }
enum  MediaStreamTransportType { MediaStreamTransportTypeLocal, MediaStreamTransportTypeDerived, MediaStreamTransportTypeRelay, _MediaStreamTransportTypePadding }
enum  DebugLevel {
  DebugLevelError, DebugLevelCritical, DebugLevelWarning, DebugLevelMessage,
  DebugLevelInfo, DebugLevelDebug, _DebugLevelPadding
enum  TLSCertificateState { TLSCertificateStatePending, TLSCertificateStateAccepted, TLSCertificateStateRejected, _TLSCertificateStatePadding }
enum  TLSCertificateRejectReason {
  TLSCertificateRejectReasonUnknown, TLSCertificateRejectReasonUntrusted, TLSCertificateRejectReasonExpired, TLSCertificateRejectReasonNotActivated,
  TLSCertificateRejectReasonFingerprintMismatch, TLSCertificateRejectReasonHostnameMismatch, TLSCertificateRejectReasonSelfSigned, TLSCertificateRejectReasonRevoked,
  TLSCertificateRejectReasonInsecure, TLSCertificateRejectReasonLimitExceeded, _TLSCertificateRejectReasonPadding
enum  CallContentPacketizationType { CallContentPacketizationTypeRTP, CallContentPacketizationTypeRaw, CallContentPacketizationTypeMSNWebcam, _CallContentPacketizationTypePadding }
enum  CallContentDisposition { CallContentDispositionNone, CallContentDispositionInitial, _CallContentDispositionPadding }
enum  StreamFlowState {
  StreamFlowStateStopped, StreamFlowStatePendingStart, StreamFlowStatePendingStop, StreamFlowStateStarted,
enum  CallStreamCandidateType {
  CallStreamCandidateTypeNone, CallStreamCandidateTypeHost, CallStreamCandidateTypeServerReflexive, CallStreamCandidateTypePeerReflexive,
  CallStreamCandidateTypeRelay, CallStreamCandidateTypeMulticast, _CallStreamCandidateTypePadding
enum  StreamComponent { StreamComponentUnknown, StreamComponentData, StreamComponentControl, _StreamComponentPadding }
enum  StreamTransportType {
  StreamTransportTypeUnknown, StreamTransportTypeRawUDP, StreamTransportTypeICE, StreamTransportTypeGTalkP2P,
  StreamTransportTypeWLM2009, StreamTransportTypeSHM, StreamTransportTypeMulticast, _StreamTransportTypePadding
enum  SendingState {
  SendingStateNone, SendingStatePendingSend, SendingStateSending, SendingStatePendingStopSending,
enum  StreamEndpointState {
  StreamEndpointStateConnecting, StreamEndpointStateProvisionallyConnected, StreamEndpointStateFullyConnected, StreamEndpointStateExhaustedCandidates,
  StreamEndpointStateFailed, _StreamEndpointStatePadding
enum  LocalMuteState {
  LocalMuteStateUnmuted, LocalMuteStateMuted, LocalMuteStatePendingMute, LocalMuteStatePendingUnmute,
  LocalMuteStatePartiallyMuted, _LocalMuteStatePadding


uint qHash (const ChannelClassSpec &spec)
uint qHash (const QSet< ChannelClassSpec > &specSet)
uint qHash (const ChannelClassSpecList &specList)
uint qHash (const QList< ChannelClassSpec > &specList)
void enableDebug (bool enable)
void enableWarnings (bool enable)
void setDebugCallback (DebugCallback cb)
Debug enabledDebug ()
Debug enabledWarning ()
Features operator| (const Feature &feature1, const Feature &feature2)
Features operator| (const Features &features, const Feature &feature)
uint qHash (const Features &features)
template<class R >
PtrFunctor0< R > ptrFun (R(*fn)())
template<class R , class Arg1 >
PtrFunctor1< R, Arg1 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
PtrFunctor2< R, Arg1, Arg2 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
PtrFunctor3< R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
PtrFunctor4< R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
PtrFunctor5< R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
PtrFunctor6< R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6))
template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
PtrFunctor7< R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7 > ptrFun (R(*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7))
template<class R , class T >
MemberFunctor0< R, T > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)())
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 >
MemberFunctor1< R, T, Arg1 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
MemberFunctor2< R, T, Arg1, Arg2 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
MemberFunctor3< R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
MemberFunctor4< R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
MemberFunctor5< R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
MemberFunctor6< R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6))
template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
MemberFunctor7< R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7 > memFun (T *obj, R(T::*fn)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7))
uint qHash (const ProtocolParameter &parameter)
template<typename T >
uint qHash (const SharedPtr< T > &ptr)
template<typename T >
uint qHash (const WeakPtr< T > &ptr)
void registerTypes ()
bool operator== (const SUSocketAddress &v1, const SUSocketAddress &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SUSocketAddress &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SUSocketAddress &val)
QString escapeAsIdentifier (const QString &string)
bool checkValidProtocolName (const QString &protocolName)
QVariant::Type variantTypeFromDBusSignature (const QString &signature)
QVariant parseValueWithDBusSignature (const QString &value, const QString &dbusSignature)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ByteArrayList &list)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ByteArrayList &list)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ObjectPathList &list)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ObjectPathList &list)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const UIntList &list)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, UIntList &list)
bool operator== (const AccessControl &v1, const AccessControl &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const AccessControl &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, AccessControl &val)
bool operator== (const AliasPair &v1, const AliasPair &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const AliasPair &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, AliasPair &val)
bool operator== (const Avatar &v1, const Avatar &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const Avatar &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, Avatar &val)
bool operator== (const CallStateReason &v1, const CallStateReason &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CallStateReason &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CallStateReason &val)
bool operator== (const Candidate &v1, const Candidate &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const Candidate &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, Candidate &val)
bool operator== (const CapabilityChange &v1, const CapabilityChange &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CapabilityChange &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CapabilityChange &val)
bool operator== (const CapabilityPair &v1, const CapabilityPair &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CapabilityPair &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CapabilityPair &val)
bool operator== (const CaptchaInfo &v1, const CaptchaInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CaptchaInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CaptchaInfo &val)
bool operator== (const ChannelDetails &v1, const ChannelDetails &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ChannelDetails &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ChannelDetails &val)
bool operator== (const ChannelInfo &v1, const ChannelInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ChannelInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ChannelInfo &val)
bool operator== (const ContactCapability &v1, const ContactCapability &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ContactCapability &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ContactCapability &val)
bool operator== (const ContactInfoField &v1, const ContactInfoField &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ContactInfoField &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ContactInfoField &val)
bool operator== (const ContactSubscriptions &v1, const ContactSubscriptions &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ContactSubscriptions &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ContactSubscriptions &val)
bool operator== (const CurrencyAmount &v1, const CurrencyAmount &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CurrencyAmount &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CurrencyAmount &val)
bool operator== (const DBusTubeMember &v1, const DBusTubeMember &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const DBusTubeMember &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, DBusTubeMember &val)
bool operator== (const DebugMessage &v1, const DebugMessage &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const DebugMessage &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, DebugMessage &val)
bool operator== (const FieldSpec &v1, const FieldSpec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const FieldSpec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, FieldSpec &val)
bool operator== (const HTTPPostData &v1, const HTTPPostData &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const HTTPPostData &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, HTTPPostData &val)
bool operator== (const LocalPendingInfo &v1, const LocalPendingInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const LocalPendingInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, LocalPendingInfo &val)
bool operator== (const MailAddress &v1, const MailAddress &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MailAddress &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MailAddress &val)
bool operator== (const MediaDescriptionOffer &v1, const MediaDescriptionOffer &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaDescriptionOffer &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaDescriptionOffer &val)
bool operator== (const MediaSessionHandlerInfo &v1, const MediaSessionHandlerInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaSessionHandlerInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaSessionHandlerInfo &val)
bool operator== (const MediaStreamHandlerTransport &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerTransport &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaStreamHandlerTransport &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaStreamHandlerTransport &val)
bool operator== (const MediaStreamInfo &v1, const MediaStreamInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaStreamInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaStreamInfo &val)
bool operator== (const NotDelegatedError &v1, const NotDelegatedError &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const NotDelegatedError &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, NotDelegatedError &val)
bool operator== (const ParamSpec &v1, const ParamSpec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ParamSpec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ParamSpec &val)
bool operator== (const PendingTextMessage &v1, const PendingTextMessage &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const PendingTextMessage &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, PendingTextMessage &val)
bool operator== (const PropertyFlagsChange &v1, const PropertyFlagsChange &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const PropertyFlagsChange &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, PropertyFlagsChange &val)
bool operator== (const PropertySpec &v1, const PropertySpec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const PropertySpec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, PropertySpec &val)
bool operator== (const PropertyValue &v1, const PropertyValue &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const PropertyValue &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, PropertyValue &val)
bool operator== (const RTCPFeedbackMessage &v1, const RTCPFeedbackMessage &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RTCPFeedbackMessage &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RTCPFeedbackMessage &val)
bool operator== (const RTPHeaderExtension &v1, const RTPHeaderExtension &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RTPHeaderExtension &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RTPHeaderExtension &val)
bool operator== (const RequestableChannelClass &v1, const RequestableChannelClass &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RequestableChannelClass &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RequestableChannelClass &val)
bool operator== (const RichPresenceAccessControl &v1, const RichPresenceAccessControl &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RichPresenceAccessControl &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RichPresenceAccessControl &val)
bool operator== (const RoomInfo &v1, const RoomInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RoomInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RoomInfo &val)
bool operator== (const ServicePoint &v1, const ServicePoint &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ServicePoint &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ServicePoint &val)
bool operator== (const SimplePresence &v1, const SimplePresence &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SimplePresence &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SimplePresence &val)
bool operator== (const SimpleStatusSpec &v1, const SimpleStatusSpec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SimpleStatusSpec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SimpleStatusSpec &val)
bool operator== (const SocketAddressIP &v1, const SocketAddressIP &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SocketAddressIP &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SocketAddressIP &val)
bool operator== (const SocketAddressIPv4 &v1, const SocketAddressIPv4 &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SocketAddressIPv4 &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SocketAddressIPv4 &val)
bool operator== (const SocketAddressIPv6 &v1, const SocketAddressIPv6 &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SocketAddressIPv6 &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SocketAddressIPv6 &val)
bool operator== (const SocketNetmaskIPv4 &v1, const SocketNetmaskIPv4 &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SocketNetmaskIPv4 &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SocketNetmaskIPv4 &val)
bool operator== (const SocketNetmaskIPv6 &v1, const SocketNetmaskIPv6 &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const SocketNetmaskIPv6 &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, SocketNetmaskIPv6 &val)
bool operator== (const StreamCredentials &v1, const StreamCredentials &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const StreamCredentials &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, StreamCredentials &val)
bool operator== (const TLSCertificateRejection &v1, const TLSCertificateRejection &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const TLSCertificateRejection &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, TLSCertificateRejection &val)
bool operator== (const TubeInfo &v1, const TubeInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const TubeInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, TubeInfo &val)
bool operator== (const VideoResolution &v1, const VideoResolution &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const VideoResolution &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, VideoResolution &val)
bool operator== (const CandidatePair &v1, const CandidatePair &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const CandidatePair &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, CandidatePair &val)
bool operator== (const Codec &v1, const Codec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const Codec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, Codec &val)
bool operator== (const HandlerCapabilities &v1, const HandlerCapabilities &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const HandlerCapabilities &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, HandlerCapabilities &val)
bool operator== (const LastActivityAndStatuses &v1, const LastActivityAndStatuses &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const LastActivityAndStatuses &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, LastActivityAndStatuses &val)
bool operator== (const MailURL &v1, const MailURL &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MailURL &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MailURL &val)
bool operator== (const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &val)
bool operator== (const MediaStreamHandlerCodec &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerCodec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const MediaStreamHandlerCodec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, MediaStreamHandlerCodec &val)
bool operator== (const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &v1, const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &val)
bool operator== (const ServicePointInfo &v1, const ServicePointInfo &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const ServicePointInfo &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, ServicePointInfo &val)
bool operator== (const StatusSpec &v1, const StatusSpec &v2)
QDBusArgument & operator<< (QDBusArgument &arg, const StatusSpec &val)
const QDBusArgument & operator>> (const QDBusArgument &arg, StatusSpec &val)
void _registerTypes ()
bool operator!= (const AccessControl &v1, const AccessControl &v2)
bool operator!= (const AliasPair &v1, const AliasPair &v2)
bool operator!= (const Avatar &v1, const Avatar &v2)
bool operator!= (const CallStateReason &v1, const CallStateReason &v2)
bool operator!= (const Candidate &v1, const Candidate &v2)
bool operator!= (const CapabilityChange &v1, const CapabilityChange &v2)
bool operator!= (const CapabilityPair &v1, const CapabilityPair &v2)
bool operator!= (const CaptchaInfo &v1, const CaptchaInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const ChannelDetails &v1, const ChannelDetails &v2)
bool operator!= (const ChannelInfo &v1, const ChannelInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const ContactCapability &v1, const ContactCapability &v2)
bool operator!= (const ContactInfoField &v1, const ContactInfoField &v2)
bool operator!= (const ContactSubscriptions &v1, const ContactSubscriptions &v2)
bool operator!= (const CurrencyAmount &v1, const CurrencyAmount &v2)
bool operator!= (const DBusTubeMember &v1, const DBusTubeMember &v2)
bool operator!= (const DebugMessage &v1, const DebugMessage &v2)
bool operator!= (const FieldSpec &v1, const FieldSpec &v2)
bool operator!= (const HTTPPostData &v1, const HTTPPostData &v2)
bool operator!= (const LocalPendingInfo &v1, const LocalPendingInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const MailAddress &v1, const MailAddress &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaDescriptionOffer &v1, const MediaDescriptionOffer &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaSessionHandlerInfo &v1, const MediaSessionHandlerInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaStreamHandlerTransport &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerTransport &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaStreamInfo &v1, const MediaStreamInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const NotDelegatedError &v1, const NotDelegatedError &v2)
bool operator!= (const ParamSpec &v1, const ParamSpec &v2)
bool operator!= (const PendingTextMessage &v1, const PendingTextMessage &v2)
bool operator!= (const PropertyFlagsChange &v1, const PropertyFlagsChange &v2)
bool operator!= (const PropertySpec &v1, const PropertySpec &v2)
bool operator!= (const PropertyValue &v1, const PropertyValue &v2)
bool operator!= (const RTCPFeedbackMessage &v1, const RTCPFeedbackMessage &v2)
bool operator!= (const RTPHeaderExtension &v1, const RTPHeaderExtension &v2)
bool operator!= (const RequestableChannelClass &v1, const RequestableChannelClass &v2)
bool operator!= (const RichPresenceAccessControl &v1, const RichPresenceAccessControl &v2)
bool operator!= (const RoomInfo &v1, const RoomInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const ServicePoint &v1, const ServicePoint &v2)
bool operator!= (const SimplePresence &v1, const SimplePresence &v2)
bool operator!= (const SimpleStatusSpec &v1, const SimpleStatusSpec &v2)
bool operator!= (const SocketAddressIP &v1, const SocketAddressIP &v2)
bool operator!= (const SocketAddressIPv4 &v1, const SocketAddressIPv4 &v2)
bool operator!= (const SocketAddressIPv6 &v1, const SocketAddressIPv6 &v2)
bool operator!= (const SocketNetmaskIPv4 &v1, const SocketNetmaskIPv4 &v2)
bool operator!= (const SocketNetmaskIPv6 &v1, const SocketNetmaskIPv6 &v2)
bool operator!= (const StreamCredentials &v1, const StreamCredentials &v2)
bool operator!= (const TLSCertificateRejection &v1, const TLSCertificateRejection &v2)
bool operator!= (const TubeInfo &v1, const TubeInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const VideoResolution &v1, const VideoResolution &v2)
bool operator!= (const CandidatePair &v1, const CandidatePair &v2)
bool operator!= (const Codec &v1, const Codec &v2)
bool operator!= (const HandlerCapabilities &v1, const HandlerCapabilities &v2)
bool operator!= (const LastActivityAndStatuses &v1, const LastActivityAndStatuses &v2)
bool operator!= (const MailURL &v1, const MailURL &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate &v2)
bool operator!= (const MediaStreamHandlerCodec &v1, const MediaStreamHandlerCodec &v2)
bool operator!= (const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &v1, const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties &v2)
bool operator!= (const ServicePointInfo &v1, const ServicePointInfo &v2)
bool operator!= (const StatusSpec &v1, const StatusSpec &v2)


const int NUM_TUBE_TYPES

Detailed Description

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

Copyright © 2009-2012 Collabora Ltd. http://www.collabora.co.uk/ Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This file is part of TelepathyQt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Typedef Documentation

◆ AccountCapabilityFilter

◆ AccountFilter

◆ CallContents

typedef QList<CallContentPtr> Tp::CallContents

◆ CallStreams

typedef QList<CallStreamPtr> Tp::CallStreams

◆ ChannelClassFeatures

◆ ProtocolInfoList

◆ ProtocolParameterList

◆ ReferencedHandlesIterator

typedef QListIterator<uint> Tp::ReferencedHandlesIterator

◆ StreamedMediaStreams

typedef QList<StreamedMediaStreamPtr> Tp::StreamedMediaStreams

Function Documentation

◆ qHash() [1/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const ChannelClassSpec spec)

◆ qHash() [2/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const QSet< ChannelClassSpec > &  specSet)

◆ qHash() [3/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const ChannelClassSpecList specList)

◆ qHash() [4/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const QList< ChannelClassSpec > &  specList)

◆ enabledDebug()

Debug Tp::enabledDebug ( )

◆ enabledWarning()

Debug Tp::enabledWarning ( )

◆ operator|() [1/2]

Features Tp::operator| ( const Feature feature1,
const Feature feature2 

◆ operator|() [2/2]

Features Tp::operator| ( const Features features,
const Feature feature 

◆ qHash() [5/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const Features features)

◆ ptrFun() [1/8]

template<class R >
PtrFunctor0<R> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)()  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [2/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 >
PtrFunctor1<R, Arg1> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [3/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
PtrFunctor2<R, Arg1, Arg2> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [4/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
PtrFunctor3<R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [5/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
PtrFunctor4<R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [6/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
PtrFunctor5<R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [7/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
PtrFunctor6<R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6)  fn)

◆ ptrFun() [8/8]

template<class R , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
PtrFunctor7<R, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7> Tp::ptrFun ( R(*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7)  fn)

◆ memFun() [1/8]

template<class R , class T >
MemberFunctor0<R, T> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)()  fn 

◆ memFun() [2/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 >
MemberFunctor1<R, T, Arg1> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1)  fn 

◆ memFun() [3/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
MemberFunctor2<R, T, Arg1, Arg2> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2)  fn 

◆ memFun() [4/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
MemberFunctor3<R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)  fn 

◆ memFun() [5/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
MemberFunctor4<R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)  fn 

◆ memFun() [6/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
MemberFunctor5<R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)  fn 

◆ memFun() [7/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 >
MemberFunctor6<R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6)  fn 

◆ memFun() [8/8]

template<class R , class T , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 , class Arg6 , class Arg7 >
MemberFunctor7<R, T, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7> Tp::memFun ( T *  obj,
R(T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7)  fn 

◆ qHash() [6/8]

uint Tp::qHash ( const ProtocolParameter parameter)

◆ qHash() [7/8]

template<typename T >
uint Tp::qHash ( const SharedPtr< T > &  ptr)

◆ qHash() [8/8]

template<typename T >
uint Tp::qHash ( const WeakPtr< T > &  ptr)

◆ registerTypes()

void Tp::registerTypes ( )

\ingroup types

Register the types used by the library with the QtDBus type system.

Call this function to register the types used before using anything else in the library.

◆ operator==() [1/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SUSocketAddress &  v1,
const SUSocketAddress &  v2 

◆ operator<<() [1/61]

QDBusArgument& Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SUSocketAddress &  val 

◆ operator>>() [1/61]

const QDBusArgument& Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SUSocketAddress &  val 

◆ operator<<() [2/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ByteArrayList list 

◆ operator>>() [2/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ByteArrayList list 

◆ operator<<() [3/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ObjectPathList list 

◆ operator>>() [3/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ObjectPathList list 

◆ operator<<() [4/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const UIntList list 

◆ operator>>() [4/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
UIntList list 

◆ operator==() [2/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const AccessControl v1,
const AccessControl v2 

◆ operator<<() [5/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const AccessControl val 

◆ operator>>() [5/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
AccessControl val 

◆ operator==() [3/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const AliasPair v1,
const AliasPair v2 

◆ operator<<() [6/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const AliasPair val 

◆ operator>>() [6/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
AliasPair val 

◆ operator==() [4/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const Avatar v1,
const Avatar v2 

◆ operator<<() [7/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const Avatar val 

◆ operator>>() [7/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
Avatar val 

◆ operator==() [5/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CallStateReason v1,
const CallStateReason v2 

◆ operator<<() [8/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CallStateReason val 

◆ operator>>() [8/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CallStateReason val 

◆ operator==() [6/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const Candidate v1,
const Candidate v2 

◆ operator<<() [9/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const Candidate val 

◆ operator>>() [9/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
Candidate val 

◆ operator==() [7/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CapabilityChange v1,
const CapabilityChange v2 

◆ operator<<() [10/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CapabilityChange val 

◆ operator>>() [10/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CapabilityChange val 

◆ operator==() [8/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CapabilityPair v1,
const CapabilityPair v2 

◆ operator<<() [11/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CapabilityPair val 

◆ operator>>() [11/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CapabilityPair val 

◆ operator==() [9/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CaptchaInfo v1,
const CaptchaInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [12/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CaptchaInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [12/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CaptchaInfo val 

◆ operator==() [10/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ChannelDetails v1,
const ChannelDetails v2 

◆ operator<<() [13/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ChannelDetails val 

◆ operator>>() [13/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ChannelDetails val 

◆ operator==() [11/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ChannelInfo v1,
const ChannelInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [14/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ChannelInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [14/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ChannelInfo val 

◆ operator==() [12/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ContactCapability v1,
const ContactCapability v2 

◆ operator<<() [15/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ContactCapability val 

◆ operator>>() [15/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ContactCapability val 

◆ operator==() [13/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ContactInfoField v1,
const ContactInfoField v2 

◆ operator<<() [16/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ContactInfoField val 

◆ operator>>() [16/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ContactInfoField val 

◆ operator==() [14/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ContactSubscriptions v1,
const ContactSubscriptions v2 

◆ operator<<() [17/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ContactSubscriptions val 

◆ operator>>() [17/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ContactSubscriptions val 

◆ operator==() [15/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CurrencyAmount v1,
const CurrencyAmount v2 

◆ operator<<() [18/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CurrencyAmount val 

◆ operator>>() [18/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CurrencyAmount val 

◆ operator==() [16/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const DBusTubeMember v1,
const DBusTubeMember v2 

◆ operator<<() [19/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const DBusTubeMember val 

◆ operator>>() [19/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
DBusTubeMember val 

◆ operator==() [17/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const DebugMessage v1,
const DebugMessage v2 

◆ operator<<() [20/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const DebugMessage val 

◆ operator>>() [20/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
DebugMessage val 

◆ operator==() [18/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const FieldSpec v1,
const FieldSpec v2 

◆ operator<<() [21/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const FieldSpec val 

◆ operator>>() [21/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
FieldSpec val 

◆ operator==() [19/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const HTTPPostData v1,
const HTTPPostData v2 

◆ operator<<() [22/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const HTTPPostData val 

◆ operator>>() [22/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
HTTPPostData val 

◆ operator==() [20/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const LocalPendingInfo v1,
const LocalPendingInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [23/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const LocalPendingInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [23/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
LocalPendingInfo val 

◆ operator==() [21/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MailAddress v1,
const MailAddress v2 

◆ operator<<() [24/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MailAddress val 

◆ operator>>() [24/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MailAddress val 

◆ operator==() [22/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaDescriptionOffer v1,
const MediaDescriptionOffer v2 

◆ operator<<() [25/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaDescriptionOffer val 

◆ operator>>() [25/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaDescriptionOffer val 

◆ operator==() [23/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaSessionHandlerInfo v1,
const MediaSessionHandlerInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [26/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaSessionHandlerInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [26/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaSessionHandlerInfo val 

◆ operator==() [24/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaStreamHandlerTransport v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerTransport v2 

◆ operator<<() [27/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaStreamHandlerTransport val 

◆ operator>>() [27/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaStreamHandlerTransport val 

◆ operator==() [25/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaStreamInfo v1,
const MediaStreamInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [28/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaStreamInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [28/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaStreamInfo val 

◆ operator==() [26/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const NotDelegatedError v1,
const NotDelegatedError v2 

◆ operator<<() [29/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const NotDelegatedError val 

◆ operator>>() [29/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
NotDelegatedError val 

◆ operator==() [27/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ParamSpec v1,
const ParamSpec v2 

◆ operator<<() [30/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ParamSpec val 

◆ operator>>() [30/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ParamSpec val 

◆ operator==() [28/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const PendingTextMessage v1,
const PendingTextMessage v2 

◆ operator<<() [31/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const PendingTextMessage val 

◆ operator>>() [31/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
PendingTextMessage val 

◆ operator==() [29/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const PropertyFlagsChange v1,
const PropertyFlagsChange v2 

◆ operator<<() [32/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const PropertyFlagsChange val 

◆ operator>>() [32/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
PropertyFlagsChange val 

◆ operator==() [30/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const PropertySpec v1,
const PropertySpec v2 

◆ operator<<() [33/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const PropertySpec val 

◆ operator>>() [33/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
PropertySpec val 

◆ operator==() [31/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const PropertyValue v1,
const PropertyValue v2 

◆ operator<<() [34/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const PropertyValue val 

◆ operator>>() [34/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
PropertyValue val 

◆ operator==() [32/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RTCPFeedbackMessage v1,
const RTCPFeedbackMessage v2 

◆ operator<<() [35/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RTCPFeedbackMessage val 

◆ operator>>() [35/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RTCPFeedbackMessage val 

◆ operator==() [33/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RTPHeaderExtension v1,
const RTPHeaderExtension v2 

◆ operator<<() [36/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RTPHeaderExtension val 

◆ operator>>() [36/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RTPHeaderExtension val 

◆ operator==() [34/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RequestableChannelClass v1,
const RequestableChannelClass v2 

◆ operator<<() [37/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RequestableChannelClass val 

◆ operator>>() [37/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RequestableChannelClass val 

◆ operator==() [35/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RichPresenceAccessControl v1,
const RichPresenceAccessControl v2 

◆ operator<<() [38/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RichPresenceAccessControl val 

◆ operator>>() [38/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RichPresenceAccessControl val 

◆ operator==() [36/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RoomInfo v1,
const RoomInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [39/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RoomInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [39/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RoomInfo val 

◆ operator==() [37/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ServicePoint v1,
const ServicePoint v2 

◆ operator<<() [40/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ServicePoint val 

◆ operator>>() [40/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ServicePoint val 

◆ operator==() [38/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SimplePresence v1,
const SimplePresence v2 

◆ operator<<() [41/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SimplePresence val 

◆ operator>>() [41/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SimplePresence val 

◆ operator==() [39/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SimpleStatusSpec v1,
const SimpleStatusSpec v2 

◆ operator<<() [42/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SimpleStatusSpec val 

◆ operator>>() [42/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SimpleStatusSpec val 

◆ operator==() [40/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SocketAddressIP v1,
const SocketAddressIP v2 

◆ operator<<() [43/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SocketAddressIP val 

◆ operator>>() [43/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SocketAddressIP val 

◆ operator==() [41/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SocketAddressIPv4 v1,
const SocketAddressIPv4 v2 

◆ operator<<() [44/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SocketAddressIPv4 val 

◆ operator>>() [44/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SocketAddressIPv4 val 

◆ operator==() [42/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SocketAddressIPv6 v1,
const SocketAddressIPv6 v2 

◆ operator<<() [45/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SocketAddressIPv6 val 

◆ operator>>() [45/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SocketAddressIPv6 val 

◆ operator==() [43/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SocketNetmaskIPv4 v1,
const SocketNetmaskIPv4 v2 

◆ operator<<() [46/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SocketNetmaskIPv4 val 

◆ operator>>() [46/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SocketNetmaskIPv4 val 

◆ operator==() [44/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const SocketNetmaskIPv6 v1,
const SocketNetmaskIPv6 v2 

◆ operator<<() [47/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const SocketNetmaskIPv6 val 

◆ operator>>() [47/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
SocketNetmaskIPv6 val 

◆ operator==() [45/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const StreamCredentials v1,
const StreamCredentials v2 

◆ operator<<() [48/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const StreamCredentials val 

◆ operator>>() [48/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
StreamCredentials val 

◆ operator==() [46/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const TLSCertificateRejection v1,
const TLSCertificateRejection v2 

◆ operator<<() [49/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const TLSCertificateRejection val 

◆ operator>>() [49/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
TLSCertificateRejection val 

◆ operator==() [47/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const TubeInfo v1,
const TubeInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [50/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const TubeInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [50/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
TubeInfo val 

◆ operator==() [48/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const VideoResolution v1,
const VideoResolution v2 

◆ operator<<() [51/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const VideoResolution val 

◆ operator>>() [51/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
VideoResolution val 

◆ operator==() [49/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const CandidatePair v1,
const CandidatePair v2 

◆ operator<<() [52/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const CandidatePair val 

◆ operator>>() [52/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
CandidatePair val 

◆ operator==() [50/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const Codec v1,
const Codec v2 

◆ operator<<() [53/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const Codec val 

◆ operator>>() [53/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
Codec val 

◆ operator==() [51/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const HandlerCapabilities v1,
const HandlerCapabilities v2 

◆ operator<<() [54/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const HandlerCapabilities val 

◆ operator>>() [54/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
HandlerCapabilities val 

◆ operator==() [52/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const LastActivityAndStatuses v1,
const LastActivityAndStatuses v2 

◆ operator<<() [55/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const LastActivityAndStatuses val 

◆ operator>>() [55/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
LastActivityAndStatuses val 

◆ operator==() [53/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MailURL v1,
const MailURL v2 

◆ operator<<() [56/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MailURL val 

◆ operator>>() [56/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MailURL val 

◆ operator==() [54/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate v2 

◆ operator<<() [57/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate val 

◆ operator>>() [57/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaStreamHandlerCandidate val 

◆ operator==() [55/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const MediaStreamHandlerCodec v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerCodec v2 

◆ operator<<() [58/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const MediaStreamHandlerCodec val 

◆ operator>>() [58/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
MediaStreamHandlerCodec val 

◆ operator==() [56/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties v1,
const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties v2 

◆ operator<<() [59/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties val 

◆ operator>>() [59/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties val 

◆ operator==() [57/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const ServicePointInfo v1,
const ServicePointInfo v2 

◆ operator<<() [60/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const ServicePointInfo val 

◆ operator>>() [60/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
ServicePointInfo val 

◆ operator==() [58/58]

bool Tp::operator== ( const StatusSpec v1,
const StatusSpec v2 

◆ operator<<() [61/61]

QDBusArgument & Tp::operator<< ( QDBusArgument &  arg,
const StatusSpec val 

◆ operator>>() [61/61]

const QDBusArgument & Tp::operator>> ( const QDBusArgument &  arg,
StatusSpec val 

◆ _registerTypes()

void Tp::_registerTypes ( )

◆ operator!=() [1/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const AccessControl v1,
const AccessControl v2 

◆ operator!=() [2/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const AliasPair v1,
const AliasPair v2 

◆ operator!=() [3/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const Avatar v1,
const Avatar v2 

◆ operator!=() [4/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CallStateReason v1,
const CallStateReason v2 

◆ operator!=() [5/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const Candidate v1,
const Candidate v2 

◆ operator!=() [6/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CapabilityChange v1,
const CapabilityChange v2 

◆ operator!=() [7/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CapabilityPair v1,
const CapabilityPair v2 

◆ operator!=() [8/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CaptchaInfo v1,
const CaptchaInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [9/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ChannelDetails v1,
const ChannelDetails v2 

◆ operator!=() [10/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ChannelInfo v1,
const ChannelInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [11/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ContactCapability v1,
const ContactCapability v2 

◆ operator!=() [12/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ContactInfoField v1,
const ContactInfoField v2 

◆ operator!=() [13/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ContactSubscriptions v1,
const ContactSubscriptions v2 

◆ operator!=() [14/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CurrencyAmount v1,
const CurrencyAmount v2 

◆ operator!=() [15/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const DBusTubeMember v1,
const DBusTubeMember v2 

◆ operator!=() [16/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const DebugMessage v1,
const DebugMessage v2 

◆ operator!=() [17/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const FieldSpec v1,
const FieldSpec v2 

◆ operator!=() [18/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const HTTPPostData v1,
const HTTPPostData v2 

◆ operator!=() [19/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const LocalPendingInfo v1,
const LocalPendingInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [20/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MailAddress v1,
const MailAddress v2 

◆ operator!=() [21/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaDescriptionOffer v1,
const MediaDescriptionOffer v2 

◆ operator!=() [22/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaSessionHandlerInfo v1,
const MediaSessionHandlerInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [23/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaStreamHandlerTransport v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerTransport v2 

◆ operator!=() [24/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaStreamInfo v1,
const MediaStreamInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [25/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const NotDelegatedError v1,
const NotDelegatedError v2 

◆ operator!=() [26/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ParamSpec v1,
const ParamSpec v2 

◆ operator!=() [27/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const PendingTextMessage v1,
const PendingTextMessage v2 

◆ operator!=() [28/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const PropertyFlagsChange v1,
const PropertyFlagsChange v2 

◆ operator!=() [29/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const PropertySpec v1,
const PropertySpec v2 

◆ operator!=() [30/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const PropertyValue v1,
const PropertyValue v2 

◆ operator!=() [31/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RTCPFeedbackMessage v1,
const RTCPFeedbackMessage v2 

◆ operator!=() [32/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RTPHeaderExtension v1,
const RTPHeaderExtension v2 

◆ operator!=() [33/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RequestableChannelClass v1,
const RequestableChannelClass v2 

◆ operator!=() [34/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RichPresenceAccessControl v1,
const RichPresenceAccessControl v2 

◆ operator!=() [35/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RoomInfo v1,
const RoomInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [36/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ServicePoint v1,
const ServicePoint v2 

◆ operator!=() [37/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SimplePresence v1,
const SimplePresence v2 

◆ operator!=() [38/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SimpleStatusSpec v1,
const SimpleStatusSpec v2 

◆ operator!=() [39/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SocketAddressIP v1,
const SocketAddressIP v2 

◆ operator!=() [40/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SocketAddressIPv4 v1,
const SocketAddressIPv4 v2 

◆ operator!=() [41/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SocketAddressIPv6 v1,
const SocketAddressIPv6 v2 

◆ operator!=() [42/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SocketNetmaskIPv4 v1,
const SocketNetmaskIPv4 v2 

◆ operator!=() [43/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const SocketNetmaskIPv6 v1,
const SocketNetmaskIPv6 v2 

◆ operator!=() [44/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const StreamCredentials v1,
const StreamCredentials v2 

◆ operator!=() [45/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const TLSCertificateRejection v1,
const TLSCertificateRejection v2 

◆ operator!=() [46/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const TubeInfo v1,
const TubeInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [47/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const VideoResolution v1,
const VideoResolution v2 

◆ operator!=() [48/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const CandidatePair v1,
const CandidatePair v2 

◆ operator!=() [49/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const Codec v1,
const Codec v2 

◆ operator!=() [50/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const HandlerCapabilities v1,
const HandlerCapabilities v2 

◆ operator!=() [51/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const LastActivityAndStatuses v1,
const LastActivityAndStatuses v2 

◆ operator!=() [52/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MailURL v1,
const MailURL v2 

◆ operator!=() [53/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerCandidate v2 

◆ operator!=() [54/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const MediaStreamHandlerCodec v1,
const MediaStreamHandlerCodec v2 

◆ operator!=() [55/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties v1,
const RTCPFeedbackMessageProperties v2 

◆ operator!=() [56/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const ServicePointInfo v1,
const ServicePointInfo v2 

◆ operator!=() [57/57]

bool Tp::operator!= ( const StatusSpec v1,
const StatusSpec v2 